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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2009
Kingfisher, Oklahoma
I have a Dottie 12H X Salute due in September that I am pretty excited about. We have only had 1 other Salute calf, we used him on a big framed cow a few years ago (wish this thread existed prior to breeding her that way!) and it was a bull calf, plenty of muscle, just got kinda tall. Same cow had a Fringe heifer that turned out great right up to a year of age when she went lame (way to straight.) We still have several straws of Fringe that will stay in the tank for now. Calves have looked good for the most part, we just can't risk the BW.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
Doc said:

could be doc.. did you figure that out on your own-- or was it b/c I told everyone who the bull was?  Maybe I got such a great deal on the sticks- I couldn't pass it up...  Bull made like that deserves to be used- I think he's been mated to the wrong kind of cows to produce those birthweights.  He's being promoted for use on BIG cows-- and with BIG cows, comes BIG birthweights.  i think breed him moderate- and don't worry about it.  I was told be prepared to pull all of his calves--- but then again-- it will pay off when you sell them every single day..  Don't worry, i saw plenty of horid long legged, shallow gutless wonders this weekend- almost all sired by brothers to the bull in question on this page.  Bloodstone, Asset, his brothers, and whatever else- i really honestly didn't pay attention- just way broken records.

Didn't ever see where you had said who the bull was. Just saw some childish names under the pics. Man , you sure are a contradiction on so many things. You talk like you are anti show ring & need to "feed grass" only , but yet you are going to use a bull that they say be prepared to pull all the calves. By the way , I hate to break the news to you . He's not a brother to any of those bulls , only a paternal 1/2 brother.

You saw "plenty of horrid, long legged, shallow gutless wonders" out of Asset? I'd guess you're not telling the truth. Nothing unusual there.


Doc said:

could be doc.. did you figure that out on your own-- or was it b/c I told everyone who the bull was?  Maybe I got such a great deal on the sticks- I couldn't pass it up...  Bull made like that deserves to be used- I think he's been mated to the wrong kind of cows to produce those birthweights.  He's being promoted for use on BIG cows-- and with BIG cows, comes BIG birthweights.  i think breed him moderate- and don't worry about it.  I was told be prepared to pull all of his calves--- but then again-- it will pay off when you sell them every single day..  Don't worry, i saw plenty of horid long legged, shallow gutless wonders this weekend- almost all sired by brothers to the bull in question on this page.  Bloodstone, Asset, his brothers, and whatever else- i really honestly didn't pay attention- just way broken records.

Didn't ever see where you had said who the bull was. Just saw some childish names under the pics. Man , you sure are a contradiction on so many things. You talk like you are anti show ring & need to "feed grass" only , but yet you are going to use a bull that they say be prepared to pull all the calves. By the way , I hate to break the news to you . He's not a brother to any of those bulls , only a paternal 1/2 brother.

You saw "plenty of horrid, long legged, shallow gutless wonders" out of Asset? I'd guess you're not telling the truth. Nothing unusual there.

yup asset and about 2 other mona liss deals- salute's, bloodstone's, and about three other four letter prefix bulls...

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
feed grass said:
Doc said:

could be doc.. did you figure that out on your own-- or was it b/c I told everyone who the bull was?  Maybe I got such a great deal on the sticks- I couldn't pass it up...  Bull made like that deserves to be used- I think he's been mated to the wrong kind of cows to produce those birthweights.  He's being promoted for use on BIG cows-- and with BIG cows, comes BIG birthweights.  i think breed him moderate- and don't worry about it.  I was told be prepared to pull all of his calves--- but then again-- it will pay off when you sell them every single day..  Don't worry, i saw plenty of horid long legged, shallow gutless wonders this weekend- almost all sired by brothers to the bull in question on this page.  Bloodstone, Asset, his brothers, and whatever else- i really honestly didn't pay attention- just way broken records.

Didn't ever see where you had said who the bull was. Just saw some childish names under the pics. Man , you sure are a contradiction on so many things. You talk like you are anti show ring & need to "feed grass" only , but yet you are going to use a bull that they say be prepared to pull all the calves. By the way , I hate to break the news to you . He's not a brother to any of those bulls , only a paternal 1/2 brother.

You saw "plenty of horrid, long legged, shallow gutless wonders" out of Asset? I'd guess you're not telling the truth. Nothing unusual there.

yup asset and about 2 other mona liss deals- salute's, bloodstone's, and about three other four letter prefix bulls...

If your going to run someone else's cattle down, could you at least get the genetics right. The guy who post 6 generations of cattle can't look up one bull. NEITHER bull is out of Mona LIsa that you mentioned.  Salute=Solution x Evergreen Sable and Bloodstone= Trump xDesert Rose. You are close with Asset= Solution x Mona LIsa 35L.

Now could you show us one of your AI sires's that has been successful? Or one of your cows that's been successful? Notice COWS not sheep.

The great thing about this country is freedom of choice. Unless your writing a check to pay my cattle bills I would say I can use what ever sires I like in my herd. Those genetics may not be my first choice but WHO CARES they work for some. Is it that your jealous that you haven't achieved what you want with in your own cattle herd that you have to CONTINUALLY run other breeders down?


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
aj said:
Has Sullivan's ever raised a bull that has panned out....been a breeding bull?
On the same note have you ever raised an AI bull that panned out? Seriously here AJ. Nobody really cares that you don't like SULL. I'd dang sure go spend 10 grand at SULL on the same bull that you had priced at 2 grand just because it's SULL. They're proven, you aren't. If you don't like that don't worry, most people could care less.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
If I punched in the right names.....Asset has 284 progency and Salute 1379 progency. What are some of the newer names out there?


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
aj said:
If I punched in the right names.....Asset has 284 progency and Salute 1379 progency. What are some of the newer names out there?
Red Reward, Right Direction, how about their plus program....... Also who's here to say every calf out of these bulls is registered. One more thing, those 2 bulls have registered right at 1500 calves in the past say 10 years. Has your whole program registered that many AJ?  I doubt it.


OH Breeder said:
feed grass said:
Doc said:

could be doc.. did you figure that out on your own-- or was it b/c I told everyone who the bull was?  Maybe I got such a great deal on the sticks- I couldn't pass it up...  Bull made like that deserves to be used- I think he's been mated to the wrong kind of cows to produce those birthweights.  He's being promoted for use on BIG cows-- and with BIG cows, comes BIG birthweights.  i think breed him moderate- and don't worry about it.  I was told be prepared to pull all of his calves--- but then again-- it will pay off when you sell them every single day..  Don't worry, i saw plenty of horid long legged, shallow gutless wonders this weekend- almost all sired by brothers to the bull in question on this page.  Bloodstone, Asset, his brothers, and whatever else- i really honestly didn't pay attention- just way broken records.

Didn't ever see where you had said who the bull was. Just saw some childish names under the pics. Man , you sure are a contradiction on so many things. You talk like you are anti show ring & need to "feed grass" only , but yet you are going to use a bull that they say be prepared to pull all the calves. By the way , I hate to break the news to you . He's not a brother to any of those bulls , only a paternal 1/2 brother.

You saw "plenty of horrid, long legged, shallow gutless wonders" out of Asset? I'd guess you're not telling the truth. Nothing unusual there.

yup asset and about 2 other mona liss deals- salute's, bloodstone's, and about three other four letter prefix bulls...

If your going to run someone else's cattle down, could you at least get the genetics right. The guy who post 6 generations of cattle can't look up one bull. NEITHER bull is out of Mona LIsa that you mentioned.  Salute=Solution x Evergreen Sable and Bloodstone= Trump xDesert Rose. You are close with Asset= Solution x Mona LIsa 35L.

Now could you show us one of your AI sires's that has been successful? Or one of your cows that's been successful? Notice COWS not sheep.

The great thing about this country is freedom of choice. Unless your writing a check to pay my cattle bills I would say I can use what ever sires I like in my herd. Those genetics may not be my first choice but WHO CARES they work for some. Is it that your jealous that you haven't achieved what you want with in your own cattle herd that you have to CONTINUALLY run other breeders down?
Reread what I wrote:
yup asset and about 2 other mona liss deals- salute's, bloodstone's, and about three other four letter prefix bulls...
yup asset and about 2 other mona liss deals
—Meaning I saw calves from Asset- and two or three other Mona Lisa deals.
,- meaning he’s not a mona lisa deal- but I saw calves by him
- again meaning he’s not an asset deal—but I still saw calves from him—and they were just like the above mentioned—skinny and long legged.
about three other four letter prefix bulls- meaning I had never heard of the bull- didn’t know a pedigree on him—and quite honestly didn’t care to.

Last time I checked there are the following bulls who could be considered Mona Lisa deals:
Coppertop, Red Beast, Roan Blast, and Traveler, -= all Asset sons—the Mona Lisa deal

And then we have Stockman, Primetime, Grey Goose, Eldorado, and Basic Needs, who are direct Mona Lisa deals.

So even though I listed 9 bulls here, plus Asset—makes 10 Mona Lisa deals… but you question my stating I saw calves from three of them plus a couple other four letter bulls…

I’ve had 2 walking bulls that could sell semen—but who cares?  I don’t give a tinker’s damn about selling semen or flushing cows. I don’t have the time to run a bull up to a stud to sit there for a week to get collected—not when he’s needed at home to breed cows.  I guess if I was a hobby tax-right- off shorthorn person- who had midget, crippled, or hard doing bulls that couldn’t cover cows naturally for fear of their corn fed, alfalfa, show feed life being in jeopardy, and then I’d reconsider it. 

What about you OHB?  I don’t recall you selling much semen on your new savior bull—Hell, don’t ever even remember seeing a picture of his midget self…



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I think the sull red demand 9329 shows a lot of potential. His dam a KL cow had a 66 pound bwt. The bull with unlimited in the pedigree.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2008
Cant really say exactly what her weight is, but when she stepped on me when i was shearing her i would say it felt like 1250lbs.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
My experience with Salute has been limited, as I have only had 6 calves born here by him. All 6 were born unassisted and all turned out to be pretty decent animals. I have sold several embryos by Salute and I have not heard back from anyone who purchased them about having major calving issues. The six calves born here were between 85 and 105 lbs. The 105 lb BW bull was syndicated and now has 3 complete calf crops on the ground. I used him here last summer and his calves were 100% unassisted this spring. I would prefer if this bull had a different pedigree just because of the bad knocks Salute has taken ( and continues to take) but I will say that regardless of his pedigree, Timeline has given us the best calf crop I have ever had. They have been born easily and are very vigorous at birth and grow like weeds. It is early yet , but right now, I am thinking he may have produced the best bull calf and best heifer calf ever produced here. I have only had 1 calf over 100 lbs ( at 105 lbs) and he was from a huge cow. All the others have been very moderate with BWs of 82 to 95 lbs. I have used several so called calving ease sires that didn't calve half as good as Timeline does.

I have also purchased a few Salute daughters in the past few years, and I like their production. I have two Salute females purchased from SULL and they have both turned into very productive females. One is not a real pretty cow, but she has now had 3 calves here and all have been in the very top of our calf crop. Several visitors have picked her Touchdown heifer as the best heifer in the replacement heifer pen. She is one of my favorites as well. The second SULL female by Salute has one of our best Bar Code bulls. You could not draw a better udder than this female has. In fact, every Salute daughter I have owned has had an excellent udder and milks well.

Salute is not the answer for everyone's breeding program, but then, there is not any other bull that is suited for use in every herd either.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Old world....ouch......JIT.......just for a intellectual exercise........what does best mean? Most people talk about sire groups. Is assume "best" ever is strictly an eye appeal deal.....or is it a carcass trait measurement.......spread from bwt to yearling weight epds.....stayability.....low energy cow maintenance deal? I assume its the old "the eye of the master fattens the calf" deal. How can you look at a calf and say he's the best I've ever raised? There are years when corn is 2$ and years when corn is 6$. Really aren't certain types of cattle are better during certain economic conditions and not others. How do you determine...."the best calf I've ever raised?


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2009
Kingfisher, Oklahoma
I'm not JIT, but i'll answer your question aj.

Definition of "best": adjective (which means that it is a describing word) having the most positive qualites.

You know how sometimes people who raise cattle go out in their pens or pastures and look at their calves? Well some people, when then go out and look at them, they find things that they really like about one animal or maybe dislike about another. Some people call this evaluating. When these people evaluate their cattle they sometimes will pick out one or two animals that are superior to the other ones. They deem that animal the best, as in its better than the other ones. Sometimes people even will think back to past calf crops as a whole, determining as a group which one was better, in turn being the best. It's truly remarkable the things people can determine by going out and looking at their cattle. Some even have the skill to evaluate which animal is better than the next one, we call them cattlemen. That is a person who knows cattle, and they have the ability to figure out by themselves which of their calves is the best.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
JIT has been around enough cattle to know a good one when he sees one.  It might be impossible to explan it, but there are certain calves that excite some of us when we first see them.  As for Timeline, evidently even though he's nothing but a "Salute son" to some of you, his calves must be pretty good to have JIT that worked up about them.  If they're anything like the lot 1 bull in his sale, I'd probably agree with JIT's assessment.  I'm just sad I didn't send quite enough money to the sale to buy the white bull.  You never know how far somebody else will bid and you have to stop somewhere.  With that bull's physical appearance and genetic heritage, the odds are he'll be a great breeding bull.  Unless, of course, you hate Salute so much that you can't see the forest for the trees.