sjcattleco said:
Want to fix Shorthorn CE problems?????
1.STOP BREEDING TO BULLS OVER FRAME 6. its a proven fact that no one had ever sold cattle by the inch! Breed to a bull that will cut 3 inches of air out from underneath a calf and not loose 1 lb of performance and you will be AMAZED at the benefits.
2. STOP BREEDING TO BULLS THAT PROMOTE BONE AND HAIR.... BONE is a negative trait period! Coarse boned animals have poor carcass quality and bulls that are big heavy boned sire calves that are not easily born! TH / PHA??? nuf said
3. QUIT FEEDING THE COWS!...... If your wonderful show cow needs to be fed grain at anytime during her productive life SEND her worthless A$$ to town! Esp now when they are worth over $1000 at the local market. Grain promotes problems! period
4.EDUCATE YOURSELF ABOUT BALANCE...These "Big" fish in the shorthorn breed put these sale catalogs together and they feature these little heifers that look freaky and they advertise them as " LONG GOOSEY FRONTED" like its a good trait... Guess what??? its not! that promotes high maintainence which leads to hard calving. learning what a beef cow and a beef bull is really supposed to look like will solve alot of problems.
5.MASCULINITY... Masculine bulls produce fertile and efficient daughters and masculine sons. 90% of the Shorthorn bulls seriously lack masculinity! Feminine bulls or bulls that would have made a fancy show steer produce poor quality daughters and poorer quality sons.
6. LEARN ABOUT LINEBREEDING..... Linebreeding is a lost art that should not be attempted by everyone... Linebreeding to "SHOW" genetics is a joke. Linebreeding to a crossbred is a complete waste of time. want to move calving ease in your herd in a positive direction? Buy semen or better yet buy a bull from a breeder that is at least 3 generations linebred, the herd is managed like a bunch of commercial cows, the cows are adapted to YOUR enviroment, his cows are at least 3 inches shorter than yours and you trust him to sell you a bull calf under 85lbs BW regardless of cow age. That bull will make a positive difference in your program.
Now all you guys can tear this apart all you want but I know these are points that are pretty dang hard to argue against!
There are a lot of useful comments and insights on this thread but these comments from SJ Cattle Co. are pretty right on for me, especially 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Point 1. is very valid re. selling pounds not inches and the actual size in some areas will vary depending on the market. The type of deep bodied easy fleshing and functional should not vary.
Point 6. Linebreeding is not for everyone but evry breeder should study their bloodlines. If they don't use linebreeding themselves they may want to consider a linebred bull that exhibits the qualities they like or need to enhance as a better way to introduce them consistently.
Again I agree with 2,3,4,5.
Also, I can appreciate a pretty heifer calf but when I get a sale catalogue I am way more interested in the bulls or mature females.Any new breeder should be looking for production not show ring flash. Is it me or are a lot of these really fancy fronted heifers also short in the hip giving the illussion of depth and capacity?