JTM Ill give you a few points on the angus such as some bloodlines are getting to be a tad hyper but that is all you have. The angus cattle have some of the most sought after udders and maternal traits of all the breeds, same with carcass traits and feed conversion, I will post a list of bulls on test and we can compare the other breeds to the angus. I will bet you the angus convert better than all the breeds at least purebreds, which brings me to the fact that these comercial cattle are mostly angus descendants. Let's take simmentals for example they are no longer the throaty heavy milking animals they used to be,now they are clean fronted tighter udderd and mostly black with the odd dash of white here and there.now the shorthorns for example have a whole bunch of interesting stuff in them such as Maine, Lincoln red, red angus and who knows what else as you can breed them up to become so called shorthorns.