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What are the top 5,mainly red polled, bulls to sell this year. I spose jungels pen might have a couple. These bulls would have a bwt of 102# or less. Shorthorn.Thanks in advance.
AJ- The red fathead may just be your cup of tea!aj said:I was thinking Jungels was going to bring like 20 jpj sons. I need a outcross Shorthorn so bad. Maybe I could buy fathead? Sounds like M bar is going with a pen of 3. Jungles bull won Kansas State fair and a deal in Canada. Hopefully I'll bring enough money this time to get a jpj. Sue and GM. We're taking 7 composite bulls out. Pen of five. All but one is th and pha tested free. The one bull th bull is 3-4 short 1-4 Red Angus. Dark red and very club calfy. Sodhouse goverment mule is going but not really for sale. We're keeping him. Full bro to 606 with 88# bwt.Two heifer bull prospects. Pm me and I can send phamplet and a disk or something.
trevorgreycattleco said:sue's Private Treaty sale is shaping up to be really cool from what I can gather. For those of you that dont want to drive all the way out west, she would be a great option for some out of the box genetics. She justs keeps doin her own thing (clapping)
Thanks Bob.uluru said:sue, bulls and videos look good
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thats funny said:I saw those Fall bulls of Jungels, and they were all peas in a pod. Could have all been a little bit thicker and maybe have a little more mass to be a bull that I really like. But over all, a pretty solid pen.