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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Reid and is cronies are committing racketeering and all you woosies think it's it's about me.




Well-known member
Mar 1, 2010
XBAR - you stated that "we live in a representative democracy.  Majority rules.  The minority interest has no choice."

We live in a Representative Constitutional Republic.  There is a slight but very important distinction.  Majority rules.  However, the Majority can not infringe or remove the rights of the minority.

"James Madison cautioned that under a democratic government, “There is nothing to check the inducement to sacrifice the weaker party or the obnoxious individual.” John Adams argued that democracies merely grant revocable rights to citizens depending on the whims of the masses, while a republic exists to secure and protect pre-existing rights. Yet how many Americans know that the word “democracy” is found neither in the Constitution nor the Declaration of Independence, our very founding documents?"

I just starting reading about this story today.  But it seems to essentially boil down to an issue of states' rights versus an overreaching federal government. 

Apparently Bundy feels that Nevada is the owner of the land and thus is not willing to pay the US Government for the grazing rights.  His family has been grazing the land since the 1870's - and he states that he doesn't have a contract with the federal government (implying that his grazing contracts are with the state?)  As I understand it, he has attempted to pay the grazing rights to the state or the county but they would not accept the payment. 

Seems like another round of the “Sagebrush Rebellion” - "a collection of unsuccessful state and local efforts, beginning in 1978, to assert title to federal lands or force their divestiture".

-XBAR- said:
knabe said:
“There is a vast amount of discretion that a president has — and more specifically that an attorney general has,” Holder responded. “But that discretion has to be used in an appropriate way so that your acting consistent with the aims of the statute but at the same time making sure that you are acting in a way that is consistent with our values, consistent with the Constitution and protecting the American people."

translation, the progressive left's values

You're right.  The values of the majority.  We live in a representative democracy.  Majority rules.  The minority interest has no choice.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
You should be above sources like that- you're resorting to trickery.

Eggbert - what right is being infringed upon or removed?


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2010
I am not necessarily saying that Bundy's rights are being infringe upon or removed, but just want people to know that we live in a Representative Constitutional Republic NOT a Representative Democracy.  If we lived in a Representative Democracy...the majority could infringe upon or remove the rights of the minority - which should be considered dangerous whether you are progressive or conservative.

I will admit that is hard to determine who is right in this case - is the land owned by the federal government, the state of Nevada, or even Clark County?  Bundy obviously believes that the federal government has no constitutional authority over the lands in question.  As a result, he refuses to pay the grazing fees.  I tend to agree with him as I am a proponent of state's rights and believe that states to express more independence.

"Bundy has in fact paid fees to Clark County, Nevada in an arrangement pre-dating the BLM. The BLM arrived much later, changed the details of the setup without consulting with Bundy — or any other rancher — and then began systematically driving out cattle and ranchers. Bundy refused to pay BLM, especially after they demanded he reduce his herd’s head count down to a level that would not sustain his ranch. Bundy OWNS the water and forage rights to this land. He paid for these rights. He built fences, established water ways, and constructed roads with his own money, with the approval of Nevada and BLM"  - http://danaloeschradio.com/the-real-story-of-the-bundy-ranch/

-XBAR- said:
You should be above sources like that- you're resorting to trickery.

Eggbert - what right is being infringed upon or removed?


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
knabe said:
here's the government helping.  seems to me the person who owes this debt is the person who made the mistake and their family members.  the television mainstream media is the most irresponsible check on government in the entire history of mankind.  they serve absolutely no purpose any more.  they are simply the communication arm of the democrat party.


The Treasury Department has intercepted $1.9 billion in tax refunds already this year — $75 million of that on debts delinquent for more than 10 years, said Jeffrey Schramek, assistant commissioner of the department’s debt management service. The aggressive effort to collect old debts started three years ago — the result of a single sentence tucked into the farm bill lifting the 10-year statute of limitations on old debts to Uncle Sam.
funny how that works.  just change the rules.  why anyone should respect this government is beyond me.

i have nothing but contempt for my government.

they are the devil in almost every way.

yet we keep electing them and let non-elected people write the law and then the elected people vote on it without EVERY READING THE BILL OR LETTING THE PUBLIC READ THE BILL.

it's past time for a revolution. anyone who has the gall to reflexively stand up for our government is completely insane.

One word, move ..... BTW I offered a while back to donate to your campaign fund to get you and your ideas put forth for all to see ,not just those of us who are blessed to get daily installments of your idea of "perfect government" . And if you are wondering there is no such thing.. You sure were hard on Old man sir loincloth for talking crazy and beating us over the head with his opinions and yet.... So try practicing what you preach and do something to make it better Mr chicken hawk, or Not.. you are probably too busy dispising indians , hispanics,the lil old lady at the fsa office , maybe its aj and his th bull, or educating us on all our shortcomings or just might be you are stewing over having to replace yet another caulvert. Any way I am sure you just can't find the "time".


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Cry me a river when they come after you. Fairness seems to be a crime. Harry Reid is a crook and you are worried about me. I have to laugh. You are not understanding the consequences of his actions. Personally, Harry Reid has less factual credibility than Alex jones.  I apologize for forcing you to open threads and forcing you to read them.

Of course there is no perfect government but one that keeps getting bigger and bigger each election cycle has a logical conclusion. Paid your health care deductible yet and your higher premium and switched doctors yet and wanted a specialist out of network?  Own it.

I agree Alex jones is not even remotely a good source, but go ahead and kill the messenger.

Once again, it appears people just can not stand choice.

As for sir loin cloth, I asked many relevant questions about the scientific method, faulty extrapolation and actually stood up for him. Sorry if that's inappropriate. When asked, I said he wasn't hurting anyone. Again sorry if that's inappropriate.

As for aj, he continually bashes show genetics yet takes show genetics defects to Denver and tries to sell a defect bull. Sorry if its inapprpropriate to point out the irony. I would venture the number of comments of aj bashing show genetics far out numbers mine calling him on his hypocrisy. Again I apologize if that ratio should be smaller.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Eggbert said:
I am not necessarily saying that Bundy's rights are being infringe upon or removed, but just want people to know that we live in a Representative Constitutional Republic NOT a Representative Democracy.  If we lived in a Representative Democracy...the majority could infringe upon or remove the rights of the minority - which should be considered dangerous whether you are progressive or conservative.

I will admit that is hard to determine who is right in this case - is the land owned by the federal government, the state of Nevada, or even Clark County?  Bundy obviously believes that the federal government has no constitutional authority over the lands in question.  As a result, he refuses to pay the grazing fees.  I tend to agree with him as I am a proponent of state's rights and believe that states to express more independence.

"Bundy has in fact paid fees to Clark County, Nevada in an arrangement pre-dating the BLM. The BLM arrived much later, changed the details of the setup without consulting with Bundy — or any other rancher — and then began systematically driving out cattle and ranchers. Bundy refused to pay BLM, especially after they demanded he reduce his herd’s head count down to a level that would not sustain his ranch. Bundy OWNS the water and forage rights to this land. He paid for these rights. He built fences, established water ways, and constructed roads with his own money, with the approval of Nevada and BLM"  - http://danaloeschradio.com/the-real-story-of-the-bundy-ranch/

-XBAR- said:
You should be above sources like that- you're resorting to trickery.

Eggbert - what right is being infringed upon or removed?

How do you feel about this definition?  I was always under the impression that a representative democracy was a kind of republic?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Labels don't matter. It was set up to have high thresholds for decision making to balance interests instead of simple majorities as they understood that simple majorities led to tyranny.

They of course understood the life cycle of power and that all forms of government are subject to a sort of monarchy, ie clinton/bush as well and felt their system would delay that cycle slow enough for the public to be aware of it. Alas, we are not.

Here's another opinion.



Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
knabe said:
Cry me a river when they come after you. Fairness seems to be a crime. Harry Reid is a crook and you are worried about me. I have to laugh. You are not understanding the consequences of his actions.keep laughing as my intelligence or lack thereof will probably never allow me to understand or be as enlightened as you. Personally, Harry Reid has less factual credibility than Alex jones.  I apologize for forcing you to open threads and forcing you to read them.

Of course there is no perfect government but one that keeps getting bigger and bigger each election cycle has a logical conclusion. Paid your health care deductible yet and your higher premium and switched doctors yet and wanted a specialist out of network?  Own it.
Havent had to change doctors,I have pretty good insurance through my employer that hasn't cost me an extra red cent thanks to a collective bargaining agreement, You are a numbers guy how much has the sky is falling obamcare cost you? And your thoughts and prayers as to my well being are appreciated.

I agree Alex jones is not even remotely a good source, but go ahead and kill the messenger.
Alex Jones..... is this the same guy who has preached bomehiemian grove,birther theorist,black helicopters, death camps /prisons being built for the U.N. all over the country? Penalty flag,10 yard loss. You are smarter than that knave.There should be a five dollar fine for repeating his stories, I thought he was sorta like the national enquirer for conspiracy theories.But unlike some his hypocrisy only goes so far,as he will make up news on both parties in order to try to stay relevant.

Once again, it appears people just can not stand choice.

As for sir loin cloth, I asked many relevant questions about the scientific method, faulty extrapolation and actually stood up for him. Sorry if that's inappropriate. When asked, I said he wasn't hurting anyone. Again sorry if that's inappropriate.

As for aj, he continually bashes show genetics yet takes show genetics defects to Denver and tries to sell a defect bull. Sorry if its inapprpropriate to point out the irony. I would venture the number of comments of aj bashing show genetics far out numbers mine calling him on his hypocrisy. Again I apologize if that ratio should be smaller.admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Anyone reporting news today has a agenda. Of course Alex jones wants the shock factor. It pays the bills. Just like every other damn media outlet going. Twc77 could you show me where I should go to get my info? If you think for a second there isn't some big changes going on then that's sad. Petrol dollar going down? Russia/china getting cosy. The largest debt in the history of the world. Half of our country doesn't even work ! I truly believe some major corrections are coming one or another. There will be winners and losers.

I guess I'll just listen to Diane Sawyer all the time. Surely she never twists the news. Exploits it for viewers. Flocks to a black guy getting shot by a half white half Hispanic guy. Flock to a school shooting and name it a massacre and play dramatic music. Yea the mainstream media is much more reliable then Alex jones. They are all the same. Anybody who is ACTUALLY ON THE GROUND AND INTERVIEWING CLIVEN BUNDY is getting news out. It's up to us to take it for what it's worth.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
trevorgreycattleco said:
Anyone reporting news today has a agenda. Of course Alex jones wants the shock factor. It pays the bills. Just like every other damn media outlet going. Twc77 could you show me where I should go to get my info? If you think for a second there isn't some big changes going on then that's sad. Petrol dollar going down? Russia/china getting cosy did I miss something? (Poor dumb ole me thought that happened in the 50's shows how out of touch with the times I am). The largest debt in the history of the worldagain did something change? (Pretty sure this has been a consistent path for a while now too..)Reagan maybe Carter? heck we were on our way before that.. Half of our country doesn't even work ! where ya getting your numbers on that?major corrections are coming one or another. There will be winners and losers. agreed..

I guess I'll just listen to Diane Sawyer all the time. Surely she never twists the news. Exploits it for viewers. Flocks to a black guy getting shot by a half white half Hispanic guy. Flock to a school shooting and name it a massacre and play dramatic music. Yea the mainstream media is much more reliable then Alex jones. They are all the same. Anybody who is ACTUALLY ON THE GROUND AND INTERVIEWING CLIVEN BUNDY is getting news out. It's up to us to take it for what it's worth.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
knabe said:
$1500mo plus deductible of $6500.
[ is that per year your family policy? If so that's a mere drop in the bucket for a man of your means, it only costs a lil bit more to go first class ;). Organize, you will want to bargain for maintenance of benefits. /color]


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
trevorgreycattleco said:
Sean Hannity is all over this too. He must be like Alex jones too.
Hannity,  yes I remember. Fair and Balanced ..