Votes for sale in Congress/Senate N/C (Way to go Nebraska!!)

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
OH Breeder said:
I can give you 5 markers that are not commonly drawn on cardiac patients that have documented proof in predicted coronary plaque rupture. But because of "reimbursement' and the way physicians are trained they won't touch them. We have brought quiet a few markers to light that could PREVENT alot of cardiac issues, BNP, MPO, IMA, CD-Ligan, MM9, NGAL, and many more.

uh, lets just say people are listening.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
OH Breeder, My "extensive hospital stay" was from a farm accident. Been cleared for years now and have no "pre-exsisting condition". My point was, why do I, a healthy person, want to be in a pool with higher risk people just so I can pay their way? I realize my example was an extreme over simplification, but, my point is I will pay my share for my risk, you (generic you) should have to pay for your risk as well.

As far as the markers go: I am both excited and scared to death of all the new technology coming up. You have markers for coronary plaque rupture. There are genetic test. There are test to see if your more likely to have breast cancer. If all these test are available, why wouldn't the health insurance companies require a full DNA work up to pin point your exact risk? 

I say your "most correctly" in your statement about genetics and your health because I feel many people use "genetics" as a cop out when dealing with their health. Are you (again generic you) fat because your Grandma was fat? Or are you fat because you eat Twinkies all day and do nothing but sit at a desk?  Do you have a heart attack because your father did, or did you have a heart attack because you have no physical activity? Did you get lung cancer because your Mom has cancer, or was it that you smoked 3 packs a day?  Genetics play a role, I agree, but so does your lifestyle. Change what you can, live with what you can't.

By the way, my plan does cover preventitive care, and it is not due to my employer, as I have personal insurance!! Yeah for me!!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Dusty said:
What would happen if everyone had health insurance on their cow-herd?  Everyone would take every animal to the vet even when not needed "just to be on the safe side."  It would be a trainwreck.  Prices would go up because someone else would paying for it.  Quality would go to hell and you would have something that looks like our current healthcare system.  Healthcare is supposed to be there when you need it.  Not just a catch all for anytime you have a cold.  

about the same as if eveyone had to have insurance on there vehicle "herd".??.....some folks change there brakes regularly...some wait till they fail....either way automobile insurance costs are based on the later....wether you take care of your car or not....banks wont loan you moneyfor a car  if your not insured, but they dont seem to care if you may have cancer or not when you buy a home.......the state will fine you for not haveing a card stating your covered with automobile insurance,  but the health insures wont touch you for less than 10 k/yr.........we all seem to get   comfortable with the yolk of communism, some may say....i say its just a byproduct of our society that most have excepted slowly over our times....when the shingle on your from door says...."give me your tired/poor/ and huddled masses" can expect some kind of social equalities to prevail in its sense in getting all nervous it or leave it ( as they say ) ;)........jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
about the same as if eveyone had to have insurance on there vehicle "herd".??.......jbarl

costs would be even lower if you went after the illegals, but law enforcement is always just a means to an end so the law doesn't get enforced and laws are only created to get people elected, and not enforced to get the same people elected.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
knabe said:
JbarL said:
about the same as if eveyone had to have insurance on there vehicle "herd".??.......jbarl

costs would be even lower if you went after the illegals, but law enforcement is always just a means to an end so the law doesn't get enforced and laws are only created to get people elected, and not enforced to get the same people elected.

when your kids friends stop getting killed by illegal alien drunk drivers and quit getting stabbed by illegal aliens out for atzlan, maybe you could have some credibility.  


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said: it or leave it ( as they say ) ;)........jbarl

divide it into 50 states so tyrants can't impose their BS.  oh, i forgot, shred the constitution.

it says provide for, not provide.  since you want my money, you'll support king george III forever.  there is nothing you will resist.  probably won't even resist housing soldiers in someone else's house.