Where have all the readers/posters gone?

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mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
I would like to see more of other breeds too-Im not stuck on one breed so much so much as Ive been around them so long-and hate to see them dissappear: and in some cases its a pretty sad state of affairs- But people with Canadian and Aussie Angus, some maines, simms etc get on with pictures of cattle and I learn alot from them-especially the phenoypes-Which I think in some cases are better than the show cattle fads here-at least from my perspective.Another example- I always liked Herefords-and just saw some really nice ones yesterday at the VCCP-but you seldom see any on here O0.


Well-known member
May 15, 2016
I've been reading posts on here for 3 or 4 years. I don't post much, but read about every thread that gets started. I am a Shorthorn enthusiast. I grew up with them, and still have some today. A large amount of the posts on here seem to revolve around shorthorns- good for me, but it does limit the audience. Some is the ebb and flow of the internet. A site can be heavily visited for a few years, then drops off, with some luck and advertising some sites come back, others dwindle away.

I don't have any suggestions for bringing other people/breeds to the site.

But I do enjoy it, and I don't care if a couple people like to bicker back and forth. Have you seen Facebook? It's either some neat pictures of your family and friends, or a fighting match behind a keyboard- maybe that is our society. 



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2008
aj said:
I'd have to agree with E6. It's Trumps fault!

AJ;  Here is another example of people going “Off Topic”.  Why?  Is it meant to be funny?  Cattlemen come to this site to read about cattle, feeding, care, show tips, showing, judges, etc.  But, some people DO NOT LIKE the continual political “bashing” from either side. 

If I want to here political views are will go to a different site.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2008
Jason said:
For me personally, life got in the way.  I always thought I was "busy", but learned that I actually wasn't until we started having kids.  It is amazing the energy that was once focused on other tasks outside my job, seemingly disappear when your running around chasing kids.

I do think messageboards have seen a decline, they are competing for your attention against other social media outlets.  They still do have their place and are a great wealth of knowledge in specific topics.

I was just looking at the visitor stat reports, and even though people are not engaged in posting, the #s are still pretty strong for people viewing the site.  We still average around 50k unique visitors a month.

Jason,  I did not know that we are not to discuss genetic defects on this board?  Is this true, as AJ writes in a previous post above?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2008
knabe said:
i got nothing except it grates on me to say how evil and bad people are that used carriers and then takes one to denver. don't like the continual bad characterizations.

i don't really like the characterization of drug store cowboy.
it's a glass half empty mentality.

many people make a successful living catering to them.
it's a glass half full mentality.

complaining about how much shorthorns suck and never producing ones that don't is a glass half empty.

creating and selling shorthorns that people think don't suck and make their children happy is a glass half full mentality.

i apologize for having a hard time giving an inch on this issue. i understand what talcool1 is saying. maybe the 5 year drugstore cowboys don't really need to know about the hypocrisy that bothers me. they can find it out on their own.

Posters have called you and AJ out on this Steer Planet Board, as part of the reason that they have quit posting and commenting.  So, after reading AJ’s statement on another thread, that he is “no longer going to post on SP”, and your last several posts on this thread, I decided to speak up.

First Off, I CALL BULLSHIT!  Quit crying and lying to yourself...

1). Why do you constantly STEAL or change the topic of a post?  If you want to discuss something else or a different topic, start a new thread. 

2). This post was not about genetic defects.  Many of us DO NOT CARE that you are BUTT HURT because a poster made negative remarks about PHA and then took a positive animal to Denver YEARS AGO!  Give it a rest!  Move On!  Try to have a little forgiveness and understanding of the person and there situation at the time.  If you do not seem to be able to do this, as you have once again shown, PLEASE JUST “READ OVER THE THREAD” AND KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!

3). This thread has nothing to do with “Dime Store Cowboys”, “Five Year Cowboys”, “Changing Breeds Every 5 Years”, “How a Breeder Treats His Customers”. (Not that it is your business), or “A Glass of Water, half full or half empty”.  It is about why is has there been a decrease in posts and comments on those posts.  I believe that the only point AJ was trying to make was that, perhaps some people that previously posted on SP are NO LONGER IN THE CATTLE BUSINESS.

4). SERIOUOSLY?!  How often and how much you are on thes board?  You write about as many or more posts and comments on threads as anyone on this site. This is even evidenced by your “National Poster” standing.  Both you and AJ.

5). The seems to “take exception” to, quite often to things other people write and are negative in your demeanor in your comments.  People do not like to be “talked down to”, “belittled” nor “told they are flat out wrong”.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Seems to me SP still gets plenty of traffic. Cattle Today appears to get the most interaction. But it’s not all civil there either. I don’t comment there. Just lurk mostly to get info on angus cattle. I come here for the shorthorn banter. It’s no secret shorthorns are the smallest in numbers of any breed represented on here. It’s the only place I know of that shorthorn breeders have come to as a whole to chat. I enjoy the back and forth. The breed has some real strengths and some real issues. If you don’t like shorthorns I can see how all the threads and bickering can get annoying.

I don’t comment on the club calf threads but I enjoy looking at them.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2016
I agree with you E6, I come here mainly for the Shorthorn history, stories, bulls from the past that are relatable and interesting new *functional* cattle. I rarely post but have certainly found like-minded people on here. The turn off’s are every 10th post someone having “ the best most awesome *insert breed* ever produced, breed changer etc” . Even still I probably check steer planet a couple times a day.



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Shorthorn-Fed said:
I agree with you E6, I come here mainly for the Shorthorn history, stories, bulls from the past that are relatable and interesting new *functional* cattle. I rarely post but have certainly found like-minded people on here. The turn off’s are every 10th post someone having “ the best most awesome *insert breed* ever produced, breed changer etc” . Even still I probably check steer planet a couple times a day.


I’m right there w/ you guys.  There’s a tremendous amount of extremely valuable information on this site.  The only turn off I have experienced here is having to wade through the outlandish just flat out unsubstantiable marketing lies that seem to be the norm by those still wearing cowboy hats in 2019.  Nothing casts a shadow on this site quite as much as lying salesmen do.   
Nov 14, 2015
I check the site off and on quite a bit throughout the year but have only ever posted once or twice. Once was under a different user name I think. My primary reason for coming to this site was to look into the Shorthorn breed. I found it by looking up Shorthorn bull's calves in google. A long time ago my grandfather started crossing Angus cows with Maine bulls. My uncle started using angus/maine composites and then we have since gone more and more Angus as some problems crept into the herd. However Angus has plenty of problems themselves. We are a commercial operation and I wanted to get back to xbred cows. I decided to cross angus with shorthorns. The information I got from here led me to Redbulls. I have one Angus x Shorthorn heifer now and she is a dandy. Hopefully she breeds up this spring and everything works great.

-XBAR- said:
Shorthorn-Fed said:
The only turn off I have experienced here is having to wade through the outlandish just flat out unsubstantiable marketing lies that seem to be the norm by those still wearing cowboy hats in 2019.  Nothing casts a shadow on this site quite as much as lying salesmen do.   

I feel this is a problem in the Angus breed as well. Money was too good for so long that subpar bulls would make it into bull sales. 200+ bull sale and only the first 50 are probably worthy of being sold. Too many AI studs who can barely walk but have good EPDs have been collected and promoted. How can you trust any breeder fully in the cow business. You just have to trial and error until you find a breeder that actually practices what they preach.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2008
Perhaps SP readers leave and/or quit commenting on “The Big Show” is due to the PISSING MATCH and NEGATIVE COMMENTS made by Mark Tennebaum, XBAR and E6 Durhams in the two threads...

”Top Five Thickest Shorthorn Bulls Available” and
“Thick Bull?  You Ain’t Gonna Use One Anyway!” 


People DO NOT like all the NEGATIVITY.  We can watch and read and hear that everywhere, on the radio, on TV, on the internet.  Plus, some readers may be hesitant to post or comment for fear of being “Chastized” for their remarks when reading what is said to other posters.



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Sad that you and those you reference are so fragile.  Unless you’re  a small child, ‘fear’ of criticism from speaking your mind should be a thing of the past.

I’ll take objectivity over positivity or negativity every day of the week.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2013
Manitoba, Canada
SEA said:
Perhaps SP readers leave and/or quit commenting on “The Big Show” is due to the PISSING MATCH and NEGATIVE COMMENTS made by Mark Tennebaum, XBAR and E6 Durhams in the two threads...

”Top Five Thickest Shorthorn Bulls Available” and
“Thick Bull?  You Ain’t Gonna Use One Anyway!” 


People DO NOT like all the NEGATIVITY.  We can watch and read and hear that everywhere, on the radio, on TV, on the internet.  Plus, some readers may be hesitant to post or comment for fear of being “Chastized” for their remarks when reading what is said to other posters.


The negativity is a bit overwhelming but on a slow day at the office those threads are entertaining haha. But I rarely wade into their conversations so I see what you mean about people being reluctant to engage.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
I agree-thats pretty much what the 2 did to me-I posted based upon what the thread said and got nothing but negative barbs about everything I tried to say then outright beligerance calling me a drunk and racist-Im just going to consider the source like the rediculous cry baby antics leveled against JIT and they continue at every other post it seems-including this one-But I dont just sit still when i get attacked like that -I basically like alot of cattle and will let the cattle do the talkng as far as Shorthorns go I agree that the posts should be taken down


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
mark tenenbaum said:
I agree-thats pretty much what the 2 did to me-I posted based upon what the thread said and got nothing but negative barbs about everything I tried to say then outright beligerance calling me a drunk and racist-Im just going to consider the source like the rediculous cry baby antics leveled against JIT and they continue at every other post it seems-including this one-But I dont just sit still when i get attacked like that -I basically like alot of cattle and will let the cattle do the talkng as far as Shorthorns go I agree that the posts should be taken down

What a big crock of crap.  You got butt hurt/triggered because your suggestions weren’t praised.  Nothing more. No one attacked you.  You are a racist.  That’s evident to anyone who’s ever followed your post. Doesn’t bother me really but own that shitt if you’re gonna role that way.  And there  is a component- whether it’s substance induced or not I’m not sure- that causes you to go on incoherent nearly illegible rants with hundred word run on sentences that take a good bit of time to dissect and try to figure out what you’re ‘trying’ to say.  Then you’ll come back with a post like above that possesses reasonable syntax which further highlights there  being a variable at play causes you to communicate erraticly at other times.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Erratically. Good eye.  You’re no dummy. We all know that. Which further supports/reinforces the fact that there’s a ‘variable’ responsible for your other writing style.

A misspelled word here or there is reasonable and common.  Making up a country as JIT did and then backtracking to act like it was just a misspelling of a legitimate place is an entirely different story.

“The Sheik...” hahaha I’m still getting a kick out of that one.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it hardly behooves any of us
To talk about the rest of us.

Edward Wallis Hoch, Marion (Kansas) Record

Some say another is responsible for this quote, but it is worthwhile wisdom regardless of its source.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2012
Guys, grow up, you are bickering about primary school stuff here!
Not you Dale!

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Plus-I am sober-I keep getting accused of using Booze or drugs EZ COP and elementary-middle school mentality-The fact is I am just a lousy typist  Dales quote was way cool-obviously doesn't sink in with everyone-I consider him a friend and go see him when Im out travelling O0