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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
4 dictionary results for: racism
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
rac·ism      /ˈreɪsɪzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[rey-siz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
[Origin: 1865–70; < F racisme. See race2, -ism]

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This
rac·ism      (rā'sĭz'əm)  Pronunciation Key

  1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
  2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

rac'ist adj. & n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

1. the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races
2. discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race

American Heritage New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition - Cite This Source - Share This

The belief that some races are inherently superior (physically, intellectually, or culturally) to others and therefore have a right to dominate them. In the United States, racism, particularly by whites against blacks, has created profound racial tension and conflict in virtually all aspects of American society. Until the breakthroughs achieved by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, white domination over blacks was institutionalized and supported in all branches and levels of government, by denying blacks their civil rights and opportunities to participate in political, economic, and social communities.

The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2008
" By and large this is the most narrow minded, provincial, bigoted, intolerant bunch I have had the displeasure to interact with in a very long time."[/quote]

and yet......



Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Was just watching O'Reilly on fox, there is a porn movie out with a sarah palin lookalike in it.  As O'Reilly said, if this was done by the right as it has been done by the left and done to the Obama's there would be an uprising, the person that did it would be stoned.  Now why would us normal folks sometime seem as bigots.  Let me really shoot my karma to crap, obama will win, the hollywood nuts and the jobless standing around a burning trash barrel at night will see to it.  Since when does someone running for president have their owne channel on dishnetwork, this is scary.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
OH!!!! WOW--I was just thinking the same thing...I sat down to watch t.v. and hadn't noticed before tonight.  If Obama gets to have channel 73 (here anyway), what channel does McCain get, and Romney, or Nader....or if you check out votesmart.org  you will see santa claus has a website and can be an actual write in, what channel does he get? 


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
OMG - rational though! It appears that some on this board live in a parallel universe where lies repeated often enough become "truth" and then life revolves around these lies. I gather people don't think on their own but rather accept anything that is spewed their way that fits their predesigned paradigm. People spew garbage as if it were fact - and others just suck it up like sponges - Obama is a Muslim an Arab a terrorist his wife hates whites - it is never referenced - just rumors and innuendos and the claim "that I am not a racist"

Obama is not a Muslim. Obama is not an Arab. Do any of you know any Muslims? Talked to them about their religion? Discussed their culture? Do you know any Arabs - ever gone out to dinner with an Arab? Understand the differences between different Arab cultures? Have a Black friend? Invited him or her to yur wedding? By and large this is the most narrow minded, provincial, bigoted, intolerant bunch I have had the displeasure to interact with in a very long time.

Talk about drinking the Kool-aid. It's almost like Obama put a nose ring in your nose and is leading you around. A man having complete control over you. Have you ever had an original thought? Always sounds like the ole party line to me. BTW I have a friend from Afghanistan (he does run a convenient store). Also, we have a black lady that watches our kids, she is like family. Her Grandaughter is working  for the Obama campaign. Do you know any of these same people? I wonder what your background is? Sounds like your in education.(Really scary) My uncle sent his two kids to UT in Austin and he said "They came back communists! One is a professor at UT the other an Engineer.To me, you it sounds like a teacher, always answering a question with a question. Do you have kids? This might have something to do with you not being able to have an original thought. Also, this is a cattle site, most people on here our the backbone of this country, most are going to have a right leaning view. Maybe 95% or higher. So you need to go to www.ScreamingLiberalsforCattle.com

Are you Racist towards people who use TH/PHA genetics? You don't have to answer. I already know.

What about Curly Calf Syndrome? Where's the ditch and bulldozers?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I think Obama will move the counrty to the left. I think we nedd to set up a scale 1-10. 1 pure socialism and 10 pure capitalism. Where is our country now and where do you want it to be. Some people would like it at 3 and some people would like it at 7. I do think that if you vote for obama he will push the number down with appointments and policy. Just how far is my concern especially with a Democrat controlled congress. He doesn't have much of a record so who knows. He does scare me when he talks about the goverment providing jobs and the goverment wanting to help you. Maybe the country will be so broke a whole lot of new bureacracies won't be formed anyway.jmho


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Obama's quote that he will increase taxes on the wealthy(those making 250,000$ and more) or 5% is a untruth. People making 250,000 is about 20%. And most of these people are successful small business owners. We need to be very careful about going out and punishing entrepeneurs for making to much money. They take the risks and provide jobs. They kinda make this country work. Also how is he going to lower taxes on the other"95%" when 1 out of 3 tax filings end up paying no tax anyway. Under this plan the 1\3 of people who don't pay taxes will get a check basically for nothing. So lets call a spade a spade. His tax policy is a hard core redistribution of wealth,class warfare,soak the acheivers, and this to me is a huge step towards a purer system of socialism.Maybe that is alright. It depends on your view of the world. But again lets call a spade a spade.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17&#039; 11.73 N 81deg 35&#039;59.94&q
BIGTEX said:
OMG - rational though! It appears that some on this board live in a parallel universe where lies repeated often enough become "truth" and then life revolves around these lies. I gather people don't think on their own but rather accept anything that is spewed their way that fits their predesigned paradigm. People spew garbage as if it were fact - and others just suck it up like sponges - Obama is a Muslim an Arab a terrorist his wife hates whites - it is never referenced - just rumors and innuendos and the claim "that I am not a racist"

Obama is not a Muslim. Obama is not an Arab. Do any of you know any Muslims? Talked to them about their religion? Discussed their culture? Do you know any Arabs - ever gone out to dinner with an Arab? Understand the differences between different Arab cultures? Have a Black friend? Invited him or her to yur wedding? By and large this is the most narrow minded, provincial, bigoted, intolerant bunch I have had the displeasure to interact with in a very long time.

Also, this is a cattle site, most people on here our the backbone of this country, most are going to have a right leaning view. Maybe 95% or higher. So you need to go to www.ScreamingLiberalsforCattle.com


how does the backbone of this country explain to the rest of us, that social programs in iraq ...ie ...our tax monies over the last 6 yrs, used to sponsor and fund elections in the middle east...rebuild and frame up its "democracy"....build schools, hospitals...set up employment programs, supply its "new citizens" with war tools...pay for there jeeps, bullets,uniforms, and dental care for the  muslim "soldiers" and citizens of the middle east?....just cant understand how the 95% here can justify "socializing" dollars for "muslims" in the middle east,  and try to justify that socializing dollars spent here is totally going ruin this country and will stifle our ability to be a "free" society?  what has the republicans plan for supporting and bolstering muslim society  over the last 6 yrs done to help advance us today ...or our kids tomorrow ??  is this simply "strong arm" money to keep them from attacking us??...seems we havent been attacked since our dollars started rolling in....is it simply extortion?...what is the reason the 95% here can justify our socializing tax dollars to the middle east now as acceptable, and using it here is ......"the kiss of death"....?  kinda like some one "peein' on your head and callin' it rain" to me.....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
DL said:
4 dictionary results for: racism
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
rac·ism      /ˈreɪsɪzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[rey-siz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.  yet, in California, our textbooks are teaching my child that christianity and jewdaism had not cultural or individual achievemnt for 1000 years and that islam is superior and has the right to rule.  there is clearly differences between races that are clearly observable as single nucleotide polymorphism.  differences, mean that everyone CAN NOT be the same, achieve the same etc.  it seems many of the worst leaders in history have been from the left or progressive bent, lenin, stalin, mao, pot, chavez, castro, hitler (a mix of both left and right), wilson, fdr.  there is no right to rule, that's why we have elections, where we have the right to advocate for our postitions and let the people decide.    this business of being upset that something is superior is the foundation of the country.  a person has an idea they think is superior, and they develope it and attempt to "rule" that market.  goavernment is not exempt from this concept.             
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.  we have a policy that is completely discriminatory in this country today.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races, particularly when it comes to illegals.

[Origin: 1865–70; < F racisme. See race2, -ism]

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This
rac·ism      (rā'sĭz'əm)  Pronunciation Key

  1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. if this wasn't true, everyone, by default would be the same, and we're not.
  2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.  our school and hiring policies are completely discriminatory against whites, and white men.  by extension, if all postions are not a perfect representation of the breakdown of the population based on race, then we are discrminatory.  who is to decide which races can have babies. what is the "ideal" breakdown of races on the earth.

rac'ist adj. & n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

1. the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races.  again, why should some races get access to anything above their representation in the population.  now, we are removing tests in hiring for police officers in CA because it's discriminatory against people who study.  they are discrminatory for people who don't study.  this is RACIST.
2. discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race  for me, the ratios speak for themsleves.  if we were all equal, there wouldn't be a difference in violent crime perpetrated by one race against another.  it's pretty clear that on a per capita basis, whites don't commit violent at near the rates per capita that latino's and blacks do against whites.  of course one could argue that bubba's economic policies drive this and of course this is exploited.  if all races were equal, there would be an exact breakdown by race and demographics in pro sports.  what is so wrong with being superior at anything?  if we didn't like superiority, we wouldn't have sports.  running backs, wide receivers, cornerbacks can't be white.  this goes all the way down to pre high school sports.

American Heritage New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition - Cite This Source - Share This

The belief that some races are inherently superior (physically, intellectually, or culturally) to others and therefore have a right to dominate them. In the United States, racism, particularly by whites against blacks, has created profound racial tension and conflict in virtually all aspects of American society. Until the breakthroughs achieved by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, white domination over blacks was institutionalized and supported in all branches and levels of government, by denying blacks their civil rights and opportunities to participate in political, economic, and social communities.  and there wasn't a white male anywhere trying to undo this.    why is it that whites have to be diverse, but when any race based community sets up networks of racebased contact systems to do business, that this isn't racist.  you'd be amazed at the business listings that list race as a "benefit".  for example, you can find craiq lists for contractors listed by race, say filipino.  this is soft racism, just like the soft tyranny of reverse discrimination.  so we can fire jimmy (bubba) the greek for saying black atheletes are better, but they can make a movie that whites can't jump , when it's pretty clear they can as eveidenced one year when a kid from stanford had the highest vertical leap of anyone in the draft by about 4", that white's don't have rhythm, whites can only make jokes about themselves, but they are free game blacks, latinos etc.  i feel there is equal opportunity for racism by everyone, but that racism is going on by the constant narrative that for whatever reason, it's just more damaging by whites.

The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

as far as racist associations go, to me, obama has more of them.  wright, farrakan, ayers (a white guilter), some of his own quotes in his books, his wife's thesis, the black liberation theology, racial pressure group board members on the woods foundation, acorn, the list is endless.  if he's so great on racism, why the constant focus on race?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
.just cant understand how the 95% here can justify "socializing" dollars for "muslims" in the middle east,  and try to justify that socializing dollars spent here is totally going ruin this country and will stifle our ability to be a "free" society? 

agree.  though in some respect, obama has said we need to interject ourselves when there is genocide.  how he would have done this to protect the kurds in the north and the shia in the south might prove vexing.

personally, i would have retained our pre-war status, except for boming hussein's icons every time he fired on a jet, any incursion into the parallel's etc.  i guess this means i advocate partitioning iraq, just like biden, as i would have provided oil development infrastructure in the north and south, essentially starving the center suni baghdad area, as there is no oil there, which is why hussein discriminated against people who were not suni's.

here's howard stern with a skit switching mccain's and obama's policy perspective with a couple of obama voters and clearly demonstrating, obviously with a ridiculously low sample size that people are for the person, and not the policy.


also, both idiot candidates are against the horse slaughter, and are co sponsors on a bill to stop the export of horses for consumption by humans.  it's amazing, both care more about horses than they do 1.5 million dead humans.  to me, on this issue and most others including immigration, they are both essentially socialists.  i am going to discriminate against both of them.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17&#039; 11.73 N 81deg 35&#039;59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
.just cant understand how the 95% here can justify "socializing" dollars for "muslims" in the middle east,  and try to justify that socializing dollars spent here is totally going ruin this country and will stifle our ability to be a "free" society? 

personally, i would have retained our pre-war status, except for boming hussein's icons every time he fired on a jet, any incursion into the parallel's etc.  i guess this means i advocate partitioning iraq, just like biden, as i would have provided oil development infrastructure in the north and south, essentially starving the center suni baghdad area, as there is no oil there, which is why hussein discriminated against people who were not suni's.
again i must ask...how does our tax dollars we have/ and expect to spend on socialization of muslims in Iraq benefit us in the future,  and what makes it a " good investment" for american democracy to apply our tax dollars for socializing muslims now, compared to social programs in the united states...what makes it so  obviously a waste of money and a  "bad investment"  in our future here?    the 95% here seem to put up with building hospitals and staffing it / and education programs  to support the people that are killing amercian soldiers there,....but cant stand to see a american  on unemployment/or food stamp program smoking a cig or drinkin' a beer....can anyone please explain this ambiguous rhetoric from the 95%'s?            jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
again i must ask...how does our tax dollars we have/ and expect to spend on socialization of muslims in Iraq benefit us in the future,  and what makes it a " good investment" for american democracy to apply our tax dollars for socializing muslims now, compared to social programs in the united states...what makes it so  obviously a waste of money and a  "bad investment"  in our future here?    the 95% here seem to put up with building hospitals and staffing it / and education programs  to support the people that are killing amercian soldiers there,....but cant stand to see a american  on unemployment/or food stamp program smoking a cig or drinkin' a beer....can anyone please explain this ambiguous rhetoric from the 95%'s?             jbarl

it doesn't.  they have the ability to pay, and should.  we don't have oil, they do,  the world doesn't have equal distribution of assets, and is therefore discriminatory.  it is in our interest that there is at least some system that allows movement of resources.

reenact the horse slaughter act and many other restrictions on commerce and regulation compliance costs like the recent one for excessive reporting by business to the SEC which is basically a subsidy to the accounting sector, both private and public.  compliance cost containment should be treated like minimum wage, taxing on the rich or any other cost containment measure deemed by the government as needing control including tort reform.  this notion of infinite damages on one hand and limitations on the other is a little weighty on the fulcrum and discriminatory.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
I am so sick of black people playing the racism card it makes me want to puke....  People are different from one race to the next, if they weren't we wouldn't races of people...  People are like cattle, each race in general terms has it's good and bad attributes.  Recognizing those attributes does not mean that one hates a certain race...

What I find amusing is that it doesn't matter if they're in Africa or an American City, black people seem to be hell bent on killing each other.  I get a kick out of everytime some black kid gets shot in Omaha, the next day they always interview the mom and she's wearing an "I LOVE JESUS" t shirt and says how her son was such a good boy and he was turning his life around.  Never you mind he was in a back alley at 3 am.  I've been around long enough to know that good kids aren't doing good things in alley's at 3 am.  So he probably had it coming.....

If I was a police officer I just wouldn't even patrol certains parts of cities.  Everytime a gang banger or drug dealer gets shot that just one less to worry about...

No, I don't hate blacks or hispanic or any race...  There are plenty of black, hispanic, people that get up and go to work and are good productive citizens and have figured out that they are responsible for their destiny just like the everyone else.  I have no problem with these people.  I'd buy them a beer at happy hour just like i would anyone else

I'm prejiduced against all people who are menaces to society.. Regardless of color.

Everytime a black man tries to step up and lead the black people the right direction the blacks throw them under the bus....Eg. Bill Cosby.  People like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Rev. Wright are ten times more rascist than anyone on this board.  But thats ok cuz they're black???  These people thrive getting blacks to believe that their problems are caused by the white man.  They are not helping their people by doing this.... They would be amazed how much better their life would be if they would just shut up and go to work.  The best social program is called a job.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Lets just face it.  Any criticism of anything to do with Obama is going to be called racist by his supporters - there's nothing right about that, yet here we are...  In my opinion, his experience is too limited and his dismal voting record (he usually passed - something approaching 70% of the time, I believe - voting neither for nor against anything that appeared to be even slightly controversial) during his short tenure as a senator are enough to convince me that this person is not ready to lead this country, without ever knowing his name or the color of his skin.  Yet I'm a narrow minded racist for choosing not to vote for him...

I was never a huge fan, but I'm sure missing Hillary these days - at least I can agree with some of what she has to say.  If I thought there was any chance it could work, I'd write her in.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
DLD said:
I was never a huge fan, but I'm sure missing Hillary these days - at least I can agree with some of what she has to say.  If I thought there was any chance it could work, I'd write her in.

  THANK YOU!!!    DLD, you have said what I have thought all along.... I miss Hillary!!  (thumbsup)


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2008
harley said:
" By and large this is the most narrow minded, provincial, bigoted, intolerant bunch I have had the displeasure to interact with in a very long time."

I believe my earlier post may have been misinterpreted by some, due to my lack of posting skills.  The "By and large... comment was made by DL and I was trying to quote her,  NOT agree with her!! 

my "and yet"..  comment was to point out that she was still here reading this thread.  I  wasn't really feeling the love.... 

Personally, I think you're ALL a great bunch!  It's America and we all get to have our opinions and our lively discussions.

Carry on...


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17&#039; 11.73 N 81deg 35&#039;59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
again i must ask...how does our tax dollars we have/ and expect to spend on socialization of muslims in Iraq benefit us in the future,  and what makes it a " good investment" for american democracy to apply our tax dollars for socializing muslims now, compared to social programs in the united states...what makes it so  obviously a waste of money and a  "bad investment"  in our future here?    the 95% here seem to put up with building hospitals and staffing it / and education programs  to support the people that are killing amercian soldiers there,....but cant stand to see a american  on unemployment/or food stamp program smoking a cig or drinkin' a beer....can anyone please explain this ambiguous rhetoric from the 95%'s?             jbarl

it doesn't.  they have the ability to pay, and should.  we don't have oil, they do,  the world doesn't have equal distribution of assets, and is therefore discriminatory.  it is in our interest that there is at least some system that allows movement of resources.

reenact the horse slaughter act and many other restrictions on commerce and regulation compliance costs like the recent one for excessive reporting by business to the SEC which is basically a subsidy to the accounting sector, both private and public.  compliance cost containment should be treated like minimum wage, taxing on the rich or any other cost containment measure deemed by the government as needing control including tort reform.  this notion of infinite damages on one hand and limitations on the other is a little weighty on the fulcrum and discriminatory.
until it does make sense and we quit spending our tax dollars on muslim socialist programs in iraq....i'm afraid the 95% here are going to lose the " do you want to spend it over there....or do you want to spend it here?"  debate .  i supported nixion in 74 ( that was a personal choice to end the Vietnam war, and my bus ticket  there).....he got thrown out in discrace.... i supported 1/2 of Regan/bush  terms....until he got caught giving weapons to iran ( that we  are so scared of now).....i was ready a year ago to support a republican ( huckabee, caught my ear)..., just on the lack of addressing immigration and labor issues from the democrats..........but mccains immigration stance is by far the "left of center as you can get" for even the most coy of republicans....so between that and seeing my vote as a continuance of supporting the  muslim  social projects the bush admistraion has strapped us to, .....id vote for a chinaman........seems even the west virginian's are even gettin' a look at the real picture here.....could it be that a black man wins west virginia for the president of the united states??...one thing for sure...if that happens  ....racism has finally lost its political power it once relied on....if this realization gives you a "bad/angry" feeling...you "might" be a racist....if it doesn't.....your probally not.....if john mccain walks into the debate tonight with all the indictments and lists of charges, hes ready to give to all involved in this ad mistration  ( maverick style).....he will win this election....and racism will carry on at its present pace as well...if not...them times' ...they is a changin'.......jbarl


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
WE've moved from "outcome based education" or the more popular "no child left behind" in our education system.  It looks like we're now headed for "No Person Left Behind" in our economy!!  Whether or not that person is a taxpayer or wage earner has suddenly become a moot point.

I feel the Obama candidacy is a well thought out, almost "Hollywood" designed, package that is being sold to the US citizenry much like a movie would be promoted.  The only problem is that we can't just watch it for a night or two and then go on with our normal lives.    We will become this movie!!  Did anyone see "Wag the Dog"?  This presidential race could be titled " Wag the Taxpayer".    The liberals have a handsome, leading man who is a great orator with a smooth delivery.  He talks about the evils of a country that has given him every opportunity while his cohorts are working behind the scenes to bilk every taxpayer of their money and put it in control of a central government.  And all the while doing it so convincingly that most of the public is enthralled with his "sensitivity", how sexy he is( The View anyone?), and how he wants to "change" everything while giving every "average" person a tax break even if they've never paid income taxes.  Until now, only in a movie, would we see most of the people follow the lead of someone who is obviously "too good to be true"!  Well punch your ticket, America, if you want to live in a European type of country where the military has no power, the green movement is the supreme political power, and you need another country to protect you if the communists or radical Muslims come to call.

The only question I have is---what other country will protect us when we don't fund our military branch or when the spending of the liberals who will now control Congress and the White House have bankrupted us(oh yes, they don't want to admit it but they were involved in the current mess, too).    Buy your ticket to this movie with your paycheck(all of it--they'll "spread the wealth around and give back what they don't need))!!  Or you can purchase your ticket with your conscience (oh, I forgot, they'll tell you what to believe) and be ready for the longest running movie you've ever experienced.  I just hope you'll have enought left over to buy the ticket for the next movie "Liberal Legalese".  Its a cute, little story about the take over of the Supreme Court by the Liberal Left.  Oh, I forgot again!!  You won't need to buy a ticket--your attendance will be mandatory!!



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
racism will not be cured by just having someone other than a white male as POTUS.

almost every administration in history, including washington, had major scandals.  obama will not be exempt. 

just calling someone a racist will lose it's power as well, just as racism itself has.  you will have to back it up, with explicit reason, or be ignored.  the anger supposedly in those who are labeled racist just really isn't there in spite of looking for it, it just isn't there.  calling someone racist is like screaming wolf.

i don't like mccain, and i don't like obama more.  i can't stand either.  both will take us in the same direction, one just faster than the other.  one has principles, obama, which i disagree with, the other mccain, doesn't have any principles.  that's why mccain has lost and willl lose the debates and the election.

as far as i'm concerned, the choice is left and lefter. 

i really don't see the need to keep calling people racist.  they are not racist.  no one is doing anything even remotely racist.  for goodness sakes, disagreeing with or not voting for a black man is not racist.  not being able to articulate exactly why you don't like his positions is not racist.  heck, even obama has trouble articulating anything other than feelings.  why else would he use imagery such as a light coming down from heaven inspiring you to vote for him.  to me, that's terrible.  has NOT a thing to do with racism.

nobody left behind economy means no profit.  only subsidies will be lawful. look at professors, it's difficult for them to accept any money other than from the government, otherwise they are biased.  the opposite is true as well.
