DL said:
Obama is not a Muslim. Obama is not an Arab. Do any of you know any Muslims? Talked to them about their religion? Discussed their culture? Do you know any Arabs - ever gone out to dinner with an Arab? Understand the differences between different Arab cultures? Have a Black friend? Invited him or her to yur wedding? By and large this is the most narrow minded, provincial, bigoted, intolerant bunch I have had the displeasure to interact with in a very long time.
sorry, but he was a muslim by some people's standards, mostly muslims. he is considered an apostate by those same muslims.
north africans are considered arab in some circles, and france is even considered african in some circles as the mountain pass to the north essentially blocked off france from europe.
even kenyan's have a variety of arab blood as the were frequently invaded by or traded with arab countries.
there is nothing wrong with being arab.
yes, i have talked with muslims. i had an indonesian office mate in grad school who is muslim who prayed 5 times a day and i read about 2/3's of the koran and discussed it many times, focusing particularly on it's circular logic, tax system, existence of non-muslims under muslim rule from a non-muslim perspective, the list is endless. many rituals within the muslim religion can be traced to "pagan" societies which mohammed incorporated into islam to roll societies into islam while "respecting" their traditions including the haj. this rock had it's circlular ritual around it many centuries before islam. there is NOTHING sacred about islam that a non-muslim can not come to their own conclusions, similar to what liberals do regarding the movement to atheism from the many forms of chrisitianity.
most people are afraid of people who are different from them including liberals being afraid of conservatives. on a rating scale, i dare say liberals in general rate right up there in their fear of conservatives and vice versa, and throw in the mix of any other culture.
there may be one or two posts that obama hates white people, but in general, when one has a belief system that promotes a race, which La Raza, MECHA, LULAC, NAACP, black liberation theology, etc, these are the organizations which are racist, no matter how you spin it.
once again, here's the definition from the anti-defamation league.
Racism has existed throughout human history. It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another -- or the belief that another person is less than human -- because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person.
expressing apprehension of those who are different than one is is NOT racism. one must have a track record. obama's track record to me, is one of division and border on racism, no matter how you spin it.
all the claims and counterclaims of racism i've seen so far have nothing to do with the ADL's definition of racism.
i have an aquaintance who is unabashedly, a black liberationist. we talk all the time about this.
disliking is not the same as hate, which is a requirement for racism.
jive turkey, being afraid of someone has nothing to do with racism, no matter how you spin it. racism is about hatred.
again, accusations of racism without proof or rebuttal IS essentially an infringement on the first amendment. it sounds something like stalin, lenin, mao, etc would do.