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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Subject: Fw: Best description of Obama to date.
seems to fit pretty well...

By Ali Sina
I must confess I was not impressed by Sen. Barack Obama from the first time I saw him. At first I was excited to see a black candidate. He looked youthful, spoke well, appeared to be confident - a wholesome presidential package. I was put off soon, not just becaus e of his shallowness but also because there was an air of haughtiness in his demeanor that was unsettling. His posture and his body language were louder than his empty words.
Obama's speeches are unlike any political speech we have heard in American history. Never a politician in this land had such a quasi "religious" impact on so many people. The fact that Obama is a total incognito with zero accomplishment, makes this inexplicable infatuation alarming.
Obama is not an ordinary man. He is not a genius. In fact he is quite ignorant on most important subjects. Barack Obama is a narcissist. Dr. Sam Vaknin, the author of the Malignant Self Love, also believes, "Barack Obama appears to be a narcissist."

Vaknin is a world authority on narcissism. He understands narcissism and describes the inner mind of a narcissist like no other person. When he talks about narcissism everyone listens. Vaknin says that Obama's language, posture and demeanor, and the testimonies of his closest, dearest and nearest suggest that the Senator is either a narcissist or he may have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

Narcissists project a grandiose but false image of themselves. Jim Jones, the charismatic leader of People's Temple, the man who led over 900 of his followers to cheerfully commit mass suicide and even murder their own children was also a narcissist. David Koresh, Charles Manson, Joseph Koni, Shoko Asahara, Stalin, Saddam, Mao, Kim Jong Ill and Adolph Hitler are a few examples of narcissists of our time. All these men had a tremendous influence over their fanciers. They created a personality cult around themselves and with their blazing speeches elevated their admirers' souls, filled their hearts with enthusiasm and instilled in their minds a new zest for life. They gave them hope! They promised them the moon, but alas, invariably they brought them to their doom. When you are a victim of a cult of personality, you don't know it until it is too late.

One determining factor in the development of NPD is childhood abuse. "Obama's early life was decidedly chaotic and replete with traumatic and mentally bruising dislocations," says Vaknin. "Mixed-race marriages were even less common then. His parents went through a divorce when he was an infant (two years old). Obama saw his father only once again, before he died in a car accident. Then, his mother re-married and Obama had to relocate to Indonesia : a foreign land with a radically foreign culture, to be raised by a step-father. At the age of ten, he was whisked off to live with his maternal (white) grandparents. He saw his mother only intermittently in the following few years and then she vanished from his life in 1979. She died of cancer in 1995."

One must never underestimate the ma nipulative genius of pathological narcissists. They project such an imposi ng personality that it overwhelms those around them. Charmed by the charisma of the narcissist, people become like clay in his hands. They cheerfully do his bidding and delight to be at his service. The narcissist shapes the world around himself and reduces others in his own inverted image. He creates a cult of personality. His admirers become his co-dependents.

Narcissists have no interest in things that do not help them to reach their personal objective. They are focused on one thing alone and that is power. All other issues are meaningless to them and they do not want to waste their precious time on trivialities. Anything that does not help them is beneath them and do not deserve their attention. If an issue raised in the Senate does not help Obama in one way or another, he has no interest in it. The "present" vote is a safe vote. No one can criticize him if things go wrong. Why should he implicate himself in issues that may become contro versial when they don't help him personally? Those issues are unworthy by their very nature because they are not about him.

Obama's election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a contract and advance to write a book about race relations. The University of Chicago Law School provided him with a fellowship and an office to work on his book. The book took him a lot longer than expected and at the end it devolved into., guess what? His own autobiography! Instead of writing a scholarly paper focusing on race relations, for which, he had been paid, Obama could not resist writing about his most sublime self. He entitled the book Dreams from My Father 

Not surprisingly, Adolph Hitler also wrote his own autobiograph y when he was still nobody. So did Stalin. For a narcissist no subject is as important as his own self. Why would he waste his precious time and genius writing about insignificant things when he can write about such an august being as himself?
Narcissists are often callous and even ruthless. As the norm, they lack con science. This is evident from Obama's lack of interest in his own brother who lives on only one dollar per month. A man who lives in luxury, who takes a private jet to vacation in Hawaii, and who has raised nearly half a billion dollars for his campaign (something unprecedented in history) has no interest in the plight of his own brother. Why? Because, his brother cannot be used for his ascent to power. A narcissist cares for no one but himself.

This election is like no other in the history of America . The issues are insignificant compared to what is at stake. What can be more dangerous than having a man bereft of conscience, a serial liar, and one who cannot distinguish his fantasies from reality as the leader of the free world?

I hate to sound alarmist, but one must be a fool if one is not alarmed. Many politicians are narcissists. They pose no threat to others.. They are simply self serving and selfish. Obama evinces symptoms of pathological narcissism, which is different from the run-of-the-mill narcissism of a Richard Nixon or a Bill Clinton, for example. To him reality and fantasy are intertwined. This is a mental health issue, not just a character flaw. Pathological narcissists are dangerous because they look normal and even intelligent. It is this disguise that makes them treacherous.

Today the Democrats have placed all their hopes in Obama. But this man could put an end to their party. The great majority of blacks have also decided to vote for Obama. Only a fool does not know that their support for him is racially driven.

Let us call a spade a spade. This is racism, pure and simple. The truth is that while everyone carries a misconceived collective guilt towards the blacks for wrongs done centuries ago by a bygone people to a bygone people, the blacks carry a collective rancor, enmity or vendetta towards non-blacks and to this day want to "stand up" to the white man.. They seem to be stuck in 19th century.

The downside of this is that if Obama turns out to be the disaster I predict, he will cause widespread resentment among the whites. The blacks are unlikely to give up their support of their man. Cultic mentality is pernicious and unrelenting. They will dig their heads deeper in the sand and blame Obama's detractors of racism. This will cause a backlash among the whites. The white supremacists will take advantage of the discontent and they will receive widespread support. I predict that in less than four years, racial tensions will increase to levels never seen since the turbulent 1960s. Obama will set the clock back decades.
America is the bastion of freedom. The peace of the world depends on the strength of America , and its weakness translates into the triumph of terrorism and victory of rogue nations. It is no wonder that Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, the Castrists, the Hezbollah, the Hamas, the lawyers of the Guantanamo terrorists and virtually all sworn enemies of America are so thrilled by the prospect of their man in the White House. America is on the verge of destruction. There is no insanity greater than electing a pathological narcissist as president.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Doc said:
There is no insanity greater than electing a pathological narcissist as president.

Ain't that the truth Doc - look at what a great job W did for our counry


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
DL said:
Doc said:
There is no insanity greater than electing a pathological narcissist as president.

Ain't that the truth Doc - look at what a great job W did for our country

agree, although he had some help from congress, with blackmail from both parties.  it would be great if they would go too, or at least reduce their work schedule back to colonial days and spend more time with their constituents, uh taxpayers.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
DL said:
Doc said:
There is no insanity greater than electing a pathological narcissist as president.

Ain't that the truth Doc - look at what a great job W did for our counry

DL- my grip w/ W is probably different from yours. mine is that he Representative himself as a right wing conservative when his was just another moderate.
I want someone that stands up for his/hers beliefs & does as they promise.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
red said:
I want someone that stands up for his/hers beliefs & does as they promise.

this is why people like obama.  he says what he believes and acts on it.

i'm not sure mccain can do this.


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
After someone gets elected they always seem to lean towards the middle. If Barack Hussein Obama is elected I hope he follows this trend.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
oakbar said:
The only question I have is---what other country will protect us when we don't fund our military branch or when the spending of the liberals who will now control Congress and the White House have bankrupted us

so far weve never needed anyone to "protect us"....have we??....gettin kinda back to the fight em there or fight em here issue, big difference when it come to "allies"...it was quite obvious that all of our "allies"  said "no thanks"  long before gwb preempted the congress and the amercian people  with fear and lies.....france,germany,belgium, japan, norway, sweden,italy and other nations refused to strap there citizens with "any"  fininacial obligation  to "rebuild" the muslim nation......that was it...simple...they arent afraid to fight...they just wouldnt commit to the financial obligations it takes to enter a country, kill a bunch of folks, secure the safety of "there??" citizens and be responsible to rebuild it in a "democratic??" way....i'm sure if the united Nations would have supported the united states efforts, then it would have been a different story.....but a preempted war without the support of the world is what we wanted ( had to have it , remember )....and that  is what we got....gwb said we dont need any help...we would do it ourselves....well now were doin' it....and gwb is leaving in 3 months....the rest of the world left us 6 yrs ago.........the control of the congress and the whitehose that have bankrupted us....... ......were conservatives ( 2002).......both the white house and the congress....i'm not sure what liberal in the "whitehouse" your referring to?? ...its ironic  that a president can leave office, after a double term...leave us in a war, that he "personally" promoted to the extent of preempting the rest of the world and there support, and misleading our government, and citizens.....and as his term runs out ....offers no direction other than " what the generals have to say on the ground"...no plan for economic costs of rebuilding iraq's social and infrastructures...no "estimates" on what it will cost to arm and maintain our new military there.....it seems the economic stress that this created was either unforeseen.....or forgotten in all the fear and anger......either way were stuck with it folks......and we'll still end up fightin' em here....problem is ...what will "em"  look like???.....cant blame anyone in the congress that supported this "war  in the middle east....republican or democrate......with all the "facts" that were presented at the time...and all the fear in the us citizens .....it surely would have been political suicide not to support  this war at that time.....wouldn't it??.....jbarl
ps...the prez is speaking this morning on the economy.....maybe he'll give us some ideas on what he had in mind for us payin' for it after he leaves.....or maybe a little advice to get us goin'' after he leaves??...shame we have to save our economy so we can save the "new" muslim society he started...maybe we can pay for a library for him there in his name.....


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
JbarL said:
so far weve never needed anyone to "protect us"....have we??....

That's right , because thru funding & great people willing to serve we've never had the need. But, God help us if we take that funding away.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Doc said:
JbarL said:
so far weve never needed anyone to "protect us"....have we??....

That's right , because thru funding & great people willing to serve we've never had the need. But, God help us if we take that funding away.
im afraid "we'' dont have to worry about funding.....its gone....we have no more money...plenty of great pople.....but our money is gone......our nation is broke....we dont even have the money to pay for the folks that are due to start drawing social security in 2009 in the bank..........we even have to go on margin for that.....this "situation" "will" have  biblical  ramifications .....both figurlativly and spiritually....but i'm not sure how far up the list, funding this war is on gods list of priorities.....ie...this sunday is a scheduled picnic for our church in ohio...some are praying for a nice sunny day for a picnic....some are praying for rain for the land they earn they livelyhood on........god dont  "give" anyone "anyting" they may"want...but will "always" gives us what we "need"...jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
we should pull out of other nations in this order

europe  they've been living off our dollar and protection longer than anyone.  they are the most ungrateful bunch of losers in the entire world.
south america    no reason to fight the drug wars if our own stupid young people can't figure out they are financing this stupidity with their drug use which is what they want anyway.
korea  china probably do anything there, they want taiwan

after this is done, i'll discuss iraq.

i'm sorry, but hoping obama moves toward the middle is not the type of hope he has in mind.  he's a divider, hence the 95% tax break.  why divide?  why not reduce EVERYONE's taxes.  if 10% pay 50% of the taxes, why make this worse by raising the number of people who PAY NO TAXES.  THIS MAN IS A COMMUNIST AND SO ARE HIS PALS AND SO IS THE DEMOCRAT PARTY UNDER OBAMA, REID AND PELOSI.  REMEMBER, PELOSI GAVE HERSELF A TAX BREAK BY GIVING A TAX BREAK TO STARKIST BECAUSE THEY RAISED THE MINIMUM WAGE FOR AMERICAN SAMOA.  THE DEMOCRAT PARTY ARE COMMUNISTS, THE REPUBLICAN PARTY ARE CORPORATE FACISTS.



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
we should pull out of other nations in this order

europe   they've been living off our dollar and protection longer than anyone.   they are the most ungrateful bunch of losers in the entire world.
south america    no reason to fight the drug wars if our own stupid young people can't figure out they are financing this stupidity with their drug use which is what they want anyway.
korea  china probably do anything there, they want taiwan

but we'd be naked, and helpless......who would make our clothes and our tools.....we'd be fat with food,milk and grain, but naked and helpless... :D..jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i think a couple of schools in north carolina still have textile programs and would love a funding, enrollment increase.

nothing the market couldn't handle, unless enough of the entire population of america is unweaned.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i wonder if this qualifies as racism


By daybreak, pandemonium had broken loose all across heavily Democratic Prince George's County. Many local supporters of Democrat Barack Obama, jolted by the message as they headed down Branch Avenue on their Monday morning commutes, grabbed cellphones and BlackBerrys to notify friends. Operators of neighborhood e-mail group lists cried foul to their memberships. The NAACP logged calls. Community leaders demanded boycotts of the hotel, a common venue for Democratic events.

a boycott mind you for expressing one's opinion.  what a complete and total joke this is.  nobody other than a white male is even capable of racism. 

more speech codes coming.  just for wearing a mccain palin shirt, a girl in school was called a racist, by uh, clearly racists.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
racism actually taught in college


actual course description. 

“Using an African-centered philosophical worldview and a racial socialization framework, this class will use participatory education to equip undergraduate and/or graduate students, to “better” understand and effectively work alongside and with young adult African-American men. The core tenets underlying this class are racial oppression exists, matters, is ubiquitous and pernicious and that those most affected are often ignorant of this reality.”

“Students will critically examine the social and emotional effects of racism on academic, occupational, cultural and relational well-being of African-American males. Students will discuss relevant readings, media analysis, community-based research, and self-reflection. Students will also examine and develop strategies to restore a healthy definition of African-American manhood and its significance for self, family, and community relationships; culminating in a community restoration initiative proposal.”

Will the “relevant readings” in this course include articles by Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and John McWhorter?

walt williams website.

http://www.gmu.edu/departments/economics/wew/                    click on "gift" in upper right hand of page.

Proclamation of Amnesty and Pardon Granted to
All Persons of European Descent

Whereas, Europeans kept my forebears in bondage some three centuries toiling without pay,

Whereas, Europeans ignored the human rights pledges of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution,

Whereas, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments meant little more than empty words,

Therefore, Americans of European ancestry are guilty of great crimes against my ancestors and their progeny.

But, in the recognition Europeans themselves have been victims of various and sundry human rights violations to wit: the Norman Conquest, the Irish Potato Famine, Decline of the Hapsburg Dynasty, Napoleonic and Czarist adventurism, and gratuitous insults and speculations about the intelligence of Europeans of Polish descent,

I, Walter E. Williams, do declare full and general amnesty and pardon to all persons of European ancestry, for both their own grievances, and those of their forebears, against my people.

Therefore, from this day forward Americans of European ancestry can stand straight and proud knowing they are without guilt and thus obliged not to act like damn fools in their relationships with Americans of African ancestry.

Walter E. Williams, Gracious and Generous Grantor



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
here's more on the almost 4000 drug related deaths/year in mexico we are so desparately trying to import through amnesty.


Human heads sent to Mexico police

The severed heads of four men have been delivered by a courier service to a police station in northern Mexico, according to the local authorities.

The heads, all of men believed aged between 25-35, arrived last week in an icebox marked as containing vaccines.

Police thought the package was meant for a local hospital - they only opened it on Monday, revealing the four heads.

Police are investigating if the heads belong to any of the 10 local people who were kidnapped last week by gunmen.

The gruesome delivery was made in the town of Ascension, not far from Ciudad Juarez, close to the US border.

Ciudad Juarez has a reputation as one of Mexico's most violent cities, with more than a quarter of the country's 3,800 drugs-related murders reported to have taken place there since the start of the year.

The authorities have discounted reports that one of the heads may have been of a police commander who was kidnapped on 18 May this year.

and more.  amazing how the left is sssssssssssssoooooooooooo concerned about no offending muslims but will go out of their way to offend conservatives.


"We decided to do a global recall to ensure that there was no possible way anyone may be offended by the music in the game," said a Sony spokesman.

"A new version of the game without the music has been produced and will be released shortly so that anyone anywhere in the world can enjoy LittleBigPlanet," he added.

In June 2007, Sony apologised to the Church of England after setting scenes in a violent video game inside Manchester Cathedral. On that occasion the game was not withdrawn.

there is one set of rules for islam, one for christianity.  typical divisive politics from the left.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
The "socialist" label that Sen. John McCain and his GOP presidential running mate Sarah Palin are trying to attach to Sen. Barack Obama actually has long and very ugly historical roots.

J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI from 1924 to 1972, used the term liberally to describe African Americans who spent their lives fighting for equality.

Those freedom fighters included the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who led the Civil Rights Movement; W.E.B. Du Bois, who in 1909 helped found the NAACP which is still the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization; Paul Robeson, a famous singer, actor and political activist who in the 1930s became involved in national and international movements for better labor relations, peace and racial justice; and A. Philip Randolph, who founded and was the longtime head of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and a leading advocate for civil rights for African Americans.

McCain and Palin have simply reached back in history to use an old code word for black. It set whites apart from those deemed unAmerican and those who could not be trusted during the communism scare.

Shame on McCain and Palin.

funny, i thought it was about lenin, stalin, mao, mussolini, wilson, fdr, pot, anyone who was for stateism.  didn't know blacks owned that word too.  seems like blacks are more worried about owning words than even people who are anti christian and want to own marriage too.  where's the tolerance for diversity?  where should people intolerant of each other live?  if one, say didn't want to ascribe to values that were forced upon them, what is one to do?  oh, change.  so much for the benefit of diversity.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Obama will win, hands down i believe,  an electoral landslide, i don't know why i'm so disappointed, i told myself two years ago the democrats could have a goat run for pres. and win because of how things have gone or portrayed to have gone to the public in this country. times are a changin.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
farwest said:
Obama will win, hands down i believe,  an electoral landslide, i don't know why i'm so disappointed,

Hopefully not!!!! I sure did my part today to try to keep that from happening. "Vote early, Vote often" oh wait a minute that's what Hussein wants his people to do. My bad.