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  1. E

    What color do you think the TM Gus calf is??

    I think I know where your go'in with this! You're surprised 'cause he came out all red?
  2. E

    Gizmo calf

    So! Your go'na STEER ole' Lee! :o
  3. E

    Grain for pregnant cows?

    My experience has been; a sharp drop in temperature, or\and an increase in energy supplementation at, or around the 6th month can and will greatly affect birth weight. I don't believe high energy supplementation in the first trimester will be a factor. As far as late gestation goes, I don't...
  4. E

    Clone update

    For an example: We have a pair of Dorothys that were split from the same embryo, then put in the same recip, born as twins. They are similar, but obviously not identical, color or type. On this Heat Wave deal, my question is. How many of these club calves over the years have actually been sired...
  5. E

    TH is now a commercial problem

    "In herd", we test key individuals, and when all the gaps in pedigree have been filled, I am personally confident that TH is not present. But, by no means am I offended if a customer wants an individual tested. In fact, it's quite satisfying to get the results.
  6. E

    TH is now a commercial problem

    Don't feel stupid that's what it means to me too, and should mean to everyone. What we can't assume is the integrity of our fellow man.
  7. E

    selling butcher beef

    I believe with the genetics available today, you can hoover just under 50% live to freezer ratio without hurting fertility. The immediate problem, I see is getting showring judges to agree to this type. And more importantly, getting packer buyers to "pay up". 
  8. E

    selling butcher beef

    2.13  REA\100 lbs. carcass wt.. Some may have categorized this animal as double muscled. What ever that means???? Then, of course, there is the issue of fertility in propagating these type!
  9. E

    selling butcher beef

    Just received data on a Shorthorn carcass that made 50% live to freezer. Point of interest is Loineye of 19.4 on an animal under 1300#. Was not from my herd, but from a well known breeder who's lines go back to W O Dividend 3J. What'd your Iowa State guy say about Loineye? Guess we'll have to...
  10. E

    TH is now a commercial problem

    The Quane's Deerpark herd had only used bulls from their own herd since the 1940s when they disagreed with where the Shorthorn breed was going with their belt buckle cattle of that era. They simply kept their own bulls and eventually quit registering them as  well. They only sold breeding stock...
  11. E

    Feels soooo good

    Oh girl, what a year we've had!                   (angel)              
  12. E

    selling butcher beef

    CAB, I humbly thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying more in one paragraph to promote my program than I could say in a hundred speeches. Yes, I am very aware of the stats out of MARC, and believe me there is allot more.                                                             "Some...
  13. E

    selling butcher beef

    I'm glad that you questioned the percentages! The answer is, yes, all carcasses are weighed. Now for a pitch for our gentics. I have never had a "baby beef" (12-18 months) yield that low, and most are close to 50% live to freezer ratio. Most yield close to 70% live to rail ratio. But remember I...
  14. E

    selling butcher beef

    We've done this for years here's the formula used. this also helps us avoid a retailers license. Customer estimate: Live weight x (live) market price x 63% = hanging weight x 70% = freezer meat + processing and kill charge. Today's example;                                                  ...
  15. E

    How will tough times affect beef

    Your "blurp" is about two weeks old. Today we're at 1953 inventory numbers and falling at about three years per week. I don't think even a dairy buyout will put this thing off long! Once the feed lots cycle current inventory contracts through, there aren't many cattle to put back in. What does...
  16. E

    How will tough times affect beef

    My prediction; $2000 cow\calf pairs Spring 2010, and $1.75 #500-#600 calves off cows Fall 2010. If we can hang on 12-18 months, "Nellie bar the door".
  17. E

    Horse slaughter information needed

    Abandonment is the single most, legal, inhumane, selfish act known to man. And after abortion is legalized it will be the second most, inhumane, selfish act known to man.
  18. E

    What has this world come to? (non cattle)

    His dog should be registered as a sexual predator, for craving female buttocks!                                                         (dog)
  19. E

    Updated Photos

  20. E

    Shorthorn % question

    - calving ease = + birth weight EPD. Calving ease is relevant to assistance, and birth weight is just that, birth weight. The only way you'll be able to determine how much Maine is in these bulls, is to pull up their papers on the web site and go back till you recognize the ancestry.