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  1. E

    Rumor Mill on heifers

    Thanks, my son has two maine show heifers we need to breed. One is an Ali and the other is a sooner.  Will let you know how it goes.  Thanks again
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    Rumor Mill on heifers

    Anybody use the maine bull on heifers?
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    Ag Teachers Better today or back in the day?

    From someone who has been teaching ag for 30 some years,  I walk into the room with the young ag teachers and wonder how they got a job.  I also have a teaching partner who for the last six years has never been to a meeting and will not do anything on the weekend, spring break or summer.  The...
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    Need show heifer

    Thank you everyone and I think we have found a heifer.
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    Need show heifer

    Looking for a really good fall born Chi or Maine heifer
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    Shorthorn heifer

    I have a shorthorn heifer by Ace of Diamonds out of a first calf heifer by Little Cedar Churchill.  She was born on July 28, 2010, halter broke and gentle enough for a first year showman.  Located one hour north of Houston. Picture was taken about a month ago since then she has been turned out. 
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    Anybody been by Green Valley

    Anybody been by and looked at the heifers? Need to know about lots 7, 21, 25.  Thanks
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    Shorthorn bull Double Trouble

    Just had a Double Trouble born on the 12th.  Came in at 93 lbs but with no problems out of a nice size cow.  Super nice calf, lots of hair, large top and lots of bone.  Very pleased just was hoping for a heifer.
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    Half blood brahman steer

    Half blood brahman steer born November 7, halter broke asking $1500[img]
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    OK Planeteers.....Time 2 USE Your Brain AGAIN.........

    San Angelo has a heifer futurity for the kids.  They are scored on showmanship, judge two classes of heifers, talk one set of reasons on the class and give a sales talk on their heifer to a panel of judges.  It is broken down into juniors and seniors.  All scores added up for a buckle and money.
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    Shorthorn Heifer for Sale

    Could you PM me a price please? Thanks Earl
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    Slick shows??

    I think the first thing you need to do is look at the facilities and see if you can handle haired cattle.  If you go back twenty years the slick show came in not because of leveling the playing field but because of the fire marshall at the houston livestock show.  Lots of people said it would...
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    shorthorn bull get serious

    Our first calf out of him is due today out of a shorthorn cow.  Have a few more breed to him also.  Thanks
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    shorthorn bull get serious

    Anybody have any calves out of him.  What do they look like?
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    Am I Getting Old...Love No Fit Shows

    First I would like to say that I love fit shows and my kids love to clip and fit, but if the products we are using are going to cause problems to my kids health then we need to look at it.  I hope nobody would want health problems.  Next the slick show in Texas did not come about because of...
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    American Show Cattle

    The first picture is a Buckcherry heifer at 5 days old out of a beefmaster cow back in August. She is now in the barn and looks great. The second is a Buckcherry bull at 7 days out of a beefmaster cow last week The third is a Below Zero out of a cross cow First time posting pictures I hope it works
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    rear pastern

    We had a calf last year with the rear pastern turned out.  Looking a calves yesterday and seen two with the same problem.  All three were out of different bulls.  Anybody else seeing this?
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    American Show Cattle

    We are having good luck with Buckcherry on beefmaster cows.
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    Magnolia Texas heifer show

    Between b and c shows.
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    Magnolia Texas heifer show

    Thanks, it is our show facility for our school.  This year the buckles will all be hand made and tshirts for class winners.