trevorgreycattleco said:
Sorry to take the bait and go to his level. Im done. Thanks everybody for your kind words. Especially OH Breeder. I will keep my mongrels. It is kinds catchy isn't it Josh.
well its simply like this......
When people like AJ, ... and now IrishShorthorns seems to be stepping right into his shoes... take the post to personal attacks that is usually a sign of insecurity. I deal with a lot of big money folks on a daily basis and they don't have to come on the internet and post how much they spend to make people think they are someone. They are smart business people and gracious in life. This is a cattle board and if people like IrishShorthorns has to insult you when they obviously know
nothing about Americana (Waylon and Willie) take it for what its worth. We live in a great country and lots of great people. We can breed whatever we like because we live in a democracy. I may not agree with other folks selections and it really doesn't matter its THEIR choice. I know what I like and it works for me. That is really what matters. TG you wake up every morning and chore and feed your animals. Are you really shooting of "Grand Champion"(whew who)....You pay the bills. An til IrishShorthorns is paying my bills with his massive wealth :
I will probably continue to run my operation the way I LIKE IT. Purebreds, Mongrels, Shorthorn Plus, Appendix, Crossbred what does it matter. Opinions are like well you know and we all have them.......Take him and his insults for what they are. TG your operation is headed in a totally opposite direction. Irishshorthorns obviously by his statements puts allot of faith in showing. YOU DON"T. That's not your goal. You really are worlds apart.
A great man once said
...Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. The belittling post attacking you personal removed my doubt immediately.