Well-known member
Hey Everyone.....Brad Hook here,
An earlier conversation that had to be pulled discussed an issue I'd like to reflect on. I'm directing this specifically at the consumer and have ABSOLUTELY NO INTENT aimed at anyone promoting a bull or bulls.
One of the main topics addressed was whether or not to keep as tight a hold on the reigns of the bull you're promoting, or open up the flood gates as far as they'll go in regards to what pictures and video the public has access to. Please do not mention any specific bulls or owners when posting your opinions......some are a little more sensitive than others.
The point I'd like to make in favor of control is....WE DID IT TO OURSELVES! What? How many times have you looked at a bull in person, in a video or in a photo, and instantly started trying to pick out everything wrong with him and then running your mouth or fingers on the keyboard?.......I have and so have you! Is this called an opinion, or is it called bashing? I guess it depends on the tone and wordage, but it sure made Adobe Photoshop a lot of money!
About Photoshop......the first time I was introduced to photoshop was when I had a professional non-cattle ad agent build Heat Seekers ad for us. He ONLY used it to clean dust particles off his body, as was a common practice back then. He wouldn't have known a good bull if it kicked him in the head......so don't think it was messed with anymore than that, and I didn't even own a computer until 1998! While there, I looked at my partner in dismay, and on the way home we discussed how this could eventually become a BIG problem if just anyone bought and learned how to use it. CALLED that one didn't we! Now, an out of hand, anything goes mentality has taken us to the point where you can't believe a thing you see without questioning what you're seeing.....ALL in the pursuit of the perfect animal that Joe Promoter wants Joe Public to fall in love with and make thousands of dollars in the process. This is all fine and dandy, BUT, we all fail to realize that it's up to the bulls ability to sire good cattle, and not our ability to judge pictures and etc.
Now, the point I'd like to make for opening up the flood gates is.....PEOPLE, we've got to realize there are NO PERFECT animals! Every new year I keep thinking that the consumer is going to quit buying semen off of a perfect picture....but we don't. WE DO IT TO OURSELVES!..... it's human nature and we need to wise up, or can we? Is it impossible to break old habits? Go to Denver and analyse the bulls with an objective mind. Look at their problems and look at their strengths. Make notes and ASK QUESTIONS....it's the only way we learn. Study pedigrees two or three generations on the top and bottom, then think about how this bull may or may not fit into your program, and most of all, put yourself in that bull owners shoes before you start anything, good or bad.
I've tried to always be of a more positive mentality and not let the negative get to me, BUT, it's hard for some people to do that....especially after they've invested thousands and thousands of dollars into a bull or bulls and need some return. There were six, eight, or maybe even ten empty display spots in Denver this year, and that's unheard of.....and it all basically boils down to not wanting to put themselves at the mercy of the public. (Me, I was just too old and lazy! haha) So whether you like the bull owners or not, give them credit for at least giving you a chance to swipe their legs out from underneath them. Denver really is fun and a main stay of our industry and I hope everyone can have the chance once in their lifetime to attend this event.
I'm in favor of video's (especially FREE, like Jeff is doing) because I personally think people are smart enough to realize most of what I said earlier and they use it as a tool because they were unable to be there. I know I certainly didn't mind, even when it was -6 below, on My Turn. I tend to think more like P.T. Barnum...."there's no such thing as bad publicity!" As long as they're talking about you, at least you're in their head. That's better than the alternative. I studied the bulls for two days in person, and still will go to Jeff's video's to jog my memory. One of my favorite non-cattle websites is tmz.com. It's a bunch of punks with video camera's chasing celebs when they step foot into public, hoping to catch them doing or saying something stupid or entertaining. (You may have seen the TV show, but the website is much better.) This could be the case in our industry.....but thank God we still have some good people out there trying to do their dead level best and be a nice guy!
Please take this post as something to stimulate conversation, and not me thinking I'm all high and mighty (which really I do , and lets see what we can figure out. Thanks!
An earlier conversation that had to be pulled discussed an issue I'd like to reflect on. I'm directing this specifically at the consumer and have ABSOLUTELY NO INTENT aimed at anyone promoting a bull or bulls.
One of the main topics addressed was whether or not to keep as tight a hold on the reigns of the bull you're promoting, or open up the flood gates as far as they'll go in regards to what pictures and video the public has access to. Please do not mention any specific bulls or owners when posting your opinions......some are a little more sensitive than others.
The point I'd like to make in favor of control is....WE DID IT TO OURSELVES! What? How many times have you looked at a bull in person, in a video or in a photo, and instantly started trying to pick out everything wrong with him and then running your mouth or fingers on the keyboard?.......I have and so have you! Is this called an opinion, or is it called bashing? I guess it depends on the tone and wordage, but it sure made Adobe Photoshop a lot of money!
About Photoshop......the first time I was introduced to photoshop was when I had a professional non-cattle ad agent build Heat Seekers ad for us. He ONLY used it to clean dust particles off his body, as was a common practice back then. He wouldn't have known a good bull if it kicked him in the head......so don't think it was messed with anymore than that, and I didn't even own a computer until 1998! While there, I looked at my partner in dismay, and on the way home we discussed how this could eventually become a BIG problem if just anyone bought and learned how to use it. CALLED that one didn't we! Now, an out of hand, anything goes mentality has taken us to the point where you can't believe a thing you see without questioning what you're seeing.....ALL in the pursuit of the perfect animal that Joe Promoter wants Joe Public to fall in love with and make thousands of dollars in the process. This is all fine and dandy, BUT, we all fail to realize that it's up to the bulls ability to sire good cattle, and not our ability to judge pictures and etc.
Now, the point I'd like to make for opening up the flood gates is.....PEOPLE, we've got to realize there are NO PERFECT animals! Every new year I keep thinking that the consumer is going to quit buying semen off of a perfect picture....but we don't. WE DO IT TO OURSELVES!..... it's human nature and we need to wise up, or can we? Is it impossible to break old habits? Go to Denver and analyse the bulls with an objective mind. Look at their problems and look at their strengths. Make notes and ASK QUESTIONS....it's the only way we learn. Study pedigrees two or three generations on the top and bottom, then think about how this bull may or may not fit into your program, and most of all, put yourself in that bull owners shoes before you start anything, good or bad.
I've tried to always be of a more positive mentality and not let the negative get to me, BUT, it's hard for some people to do that....especially after they've invested thousands and thousands of dollars into a bull or bulls and need some return. There were six, eight, or maybe even ten empty display spots in Denver this year, and that's unheard of.....and it all basically boils down to not wanting to put themselves at the mercy of the public. (Me, I was just too old and lazy! haha) So whether you like the bull owners or not, give them credit for at least giving you a chance to swipe their legs out from underneath them. Denver really is fun and a main stay of our industry and I hope everyone can have the chance once in their lifetime to attend this event.
I'm in favor of video's (especially FREE, like Jeff is doing) because I personally think people are smart enough to realize most of what I said earlier and they use it as a tool because they were unable to be there. I know I certainly didn't mind, even when it was -6 below, on My Turn. I tend to think more like P.T. Barnum...."there's no such thing as bad publicity!" As long as they're talking about you, at least you're in their head. That's better than the alternative. I studied the bulls for two days in person, and still will go to Jeff's video's to jog my memory. One of my favorite non-cattle websites is tmz.com. It's a bunch of punks with video camera's chasing celebs when they step foot into public, hoping to catch them doing or saying something stupid or entertaining. (You may have seen the TV show, but the website is much better.) This could be the case in our industry.....but thank God we still have some good people out there trying to do their dead level best and be a nice guy!
Please take this post as something to stimulate conversation, and not me thinking I'm all high and mighty (which really I do , and lets see what we can figure out. Thanks!