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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
Jace said:
You guys do whatever you please, I don't care anymore. I pay attention in class and get no less than a "C" in ANY class, so I pay attention. You guys keep arguing if you please but I vote YES. I just don't get why a live chat is so horrible?????

See you must have been texting while reading this post. No one ever said it was horrible. Just stating personal opinion as to yes or no. No less than a "c". Good job.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
Ya I've never talked or texted in class, I have my phone on silent, but when my mom tryed to call the school to remind the nurse to give me nausea pills before lunch she couldnt get through, so she called me during class, no ring, but the display flashes when i miss a call, so when i got out of class, I knew that I had to go down to the nurses to get pills after I called her.

This was my first day on them, so everyday after that was routine, and I knew to go down and get the pills automatically, but if she didnt call me it wouldnt have happened that day.

This is just my experience. I think Live chat would be neat. But I like the archived results to threads, so can we have both? The live chat would be nice for people who need answers quickly, whatever they may be i.e: What to breed to? Cow in heat tonight!!!, thats just an example. I think we should all get off the whole cell phone in school deal, because that was not the purpose of this thread and it was not started with the intention of people going back and forth over phones in schools.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2008
Jace said:
You guys do whatever you please, I don't care anymore. I pay attention in class and get no less than a "C" in ANY class, so I pay attention. You guys keep arguing if you please but I vote YES. I just don't get why a live chat is so horrible?????
   Jace--you may have "shot yourself in the foot" with the "no less than a C" comment...     Farwest, I can see your point...


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
Teachers deserve respect. Period.  End of story.  They enforce the rules that the school board dictates.  Don't like the rules run for school board.  I may not always agree with my childrens teachers but I REQUIRE THAT MY KIDS GIVE THAT TEACHER RESPECT.  

Those of you who disagree with respecting others had better have a means of supporting yourself that does not require answering to a supervisor or boss.  Because in the real world it is their  way or the highway of unemployment.


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2009
I respect my teachers to no end, because I know they put up with so much.

I did not shoot myself in the foot for saying that I don't get less than a C. I have a 3.0 GPA. I could be a failure and get straight F's... Why is a C so bad? It is at grade level, I mainly get A's and B's in school, but I am saying I never let myself go udner a C.

I don't know, but I tihnk some people thoguht thatw e were saying to get rid of the forums. THis was not what we meant, I agree with Hereforefootball. It would jsut be nice to chat with people or if an emergency arises. Sorry if I ever stirred the pot.. :)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
herefordfootball said:
This was my first day on them, so everyday after that was routine, and I knew to go down and get the pills automatically, but if she didnt call me it wouldnt have happened that day.

they used to have these things called pagers that were a lot cheaper and less intrusive to others for things like this.

oops. sorry for the negative comment.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Jace said:
I don't know you personally so I don't have anything against you, but I see you on forums and it seems like you go and put negative to everything. JMHO

you might want to leave out the H in JMHO with your generalizations.

not everything i say is negative, though i agree it might seem that way since i am against the level of government we have.

and when i post government issues, i usually include solutions that encourage commerce without coercion, subsidies, tax breaks etc.

on other issues like breaking calves, i'd have to rate my comments there above 90% positive. many others, but i guess evidence isn't really what you are after.

you seem to just have it in for people.  two i can think of off hand.  for one of them, i can read through the words of the intention rather than the delivery, and for me, even though controversial, i support them in general.

your grades are great, keep up the good work.  challenge your preconceived notions.  if you have enough time, consider graduate school.  otherwise, it's a lot tougher to start later on.

here's a couple of areas of study at jerry taylor's lab at u. of missouri


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
sometimes its easy to forget that probally half of the "active" members on sp are of high school age...they have grown up with cphones/iphones/texts and twitters....any chat forum is definately a plus for that generation....they would surely use it "obsevesivelly" doubt.. :D..but this is an information "sharing" site....and its just another tool as far as im concerned....i say let  the kids have it, if its no big deal to set up....however ..."moderating" a chat board may be a bit more complicated  than having extra hard drive space....jbarl


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2009

I am sorry if I ever said anything offensive, when I get frustrated, words come out that I don't mean, and after I post them I think, man, I shouldn't have said that. I have to live with my mistakes though. I have gained a lot of respect for you. I appreciate you saying the truth and letting me know that I am not always right. Thanks.

I guess JbarL hit it on the head. I have never really known life without TV's, computers, etc. I just think that a chat would be fun way to talk to people and have an actual conversation without having to call or e-mail. If you don't like that idea, it is fine. It was jsut a suggestion. Have a nice day!


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
As far as the live chat goes, I don't really care as long as it doesn't take away from the regular forum. I won't be using it , for one reason I don't type fast enough & the other is , if I need to "chat" with someone then I pick up the phone & call them. I also agree that I think it would cause a bigger load on the mods trying to watch it & the forum.

As far as phones in school goes , I agree that if it's a rule them you go by it. I've told my kids that if they get theirs taken up then, they not only lose their phone & owe me for it, but they will be punished at home for not following the rules at school.


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2009
I guess I forgot about the mods. That would be pretty hard...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Jace said:

I am sorry if I ever said anything offensive, when I get frustrated, words come out that I don't mean, and after I post them I think, man, I shouldn't have said that. I have to live with my mistakes though. I have gained a lot of respect for you. I appreciate you saying the truth and letting me know that I am not always right. Thanks.

I guess JbarL hit it on the head. I have never really known life without TV's, computers, etc. I just think that a chat would be fun way to talk to people and have an actual conversation without having to call or e-mail. If you don't like that idea, it is fine. It was jsut a suggestion. Have a nice day!

accepted.  it's pretty much impossible to offend me, just so you know.

i have a rule.  those who want to be offended will be offended.  i have to admit, sometimes it's fun complying.

as for texting, i'm for the freemarket to decide that, not me, i just don't have the dna for it.  i''m too old.

lots of platforms out there to chat, tweat, "get sales results" etc.

adapt, migrate or die.



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
how did this thread go froma dding a live chat to texting in school? put the live chat up and close this thread.

btw jace, knabe impresses me.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
To those that stood up for a teacher: THANK YOU, it is very much appreciated.

To those that disagree with me: I am the teacher of room 210. It is MY classroom. I teach an ELECTIVE class. If you do not like it, I will open the door for your exit.
When I took over this ag program, I inheritied  SENIORS who had played video games in class. Talked on cell phones. Texted others the answers to the text in History. And basically did nothing. But it made the kids happy, and it made the parents happy that their kid was happy. These seniors were madder than hell when I expected them to read their text book, write reports, and (the horror) balance feed rations. They complained and whined, and their parents called the principle and school board. They talked to their neighbors about what an awful teacher I was. Turns out the "college materials" I was teaching them was how to balance a ration for protein (just one requirement), write a report on a beef breed, and research a topic that was currently important to animal agriculture. Yep, that was too hard. Why? Because these were the kids that got to do anything they wanted in class (including using cell phones) and didn't know the difference between a cow and a bull. A boar and a sow. And a buck/ram and a ewe. Seniors in high school. That had attended ag classes previously.  

If an emergency comes up, the parent can call the office, which will then track the student down within seconds and call them in. No need for cell phones. And trust me folks, if you haven't looked at a teens cell phone lately, I would encourage you to do so. Look past the simple "make a call, receive a call" device and notice that many answers are stored on these phones, many nasty jokes are stored there, and lets not mention all the "photos" that would be considered child porn if police ever saw them. How would you feel if your son/daughter was photographed in the locker room and it was made public? How about those wonderful shots in the restroom?  Kids do not use their phone for simply "a telephone".  It is their way of feeling bigger than they are, more intelligent than they are, more popular than they are and richer than they are.

farwest, I do not doubt that your kids and I wouldn't get along. I have found in my short career so far as a teacher that the apple does not fall far from the tree.  


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Show Heifer said:
To those that stood up for a teacher: THANK YOU, it is very much appreciated.

To those that disagree with me: I am the teacher of room 210. It is MY classroom. I teach an ELECTIVE class. If you do not like it, I will open the door for your exit.
When I took over this ag program, I inheritied  SENIORS who had played video games in class. Talked on cell phones. Texted others the answers to the text in History. And basically did nothing. But it made the kids happy, and it made the parents happy that their kid was happy. These seniors were madder than hell when I expected them to read their text book, write reports, and (the horror) balance feed rations. They complained and whined, and their parents called the principle and school board. They talked to their neighbors about what an awful teacher I was. Turns out the "college materials" I was teaching them was how to balance a ration for protein (just one requirement), write a report on a beef breed, and research a topic that was currently important to animal agriculture. Yep, that was too hard. Why? Because these were the kids that got to do anything they wanted in class (including using cell phones) and didn't know the difference between a cow and a bull. A boar and a sow. And a buck/ram and a ewe. Seniors in high school. That had attended ag classes previously.  

If an emergency comes up, the parent can call the office, which will then track the student down within seconds and call them in. No need for cell phones. And trust me folks, if you haven't looked at a teens cell phone lately, I would encourage you to do so. Look past the simple "make a call, receive a call" device and notice that many answers are stored on these phones, many nasty jokes are stored there, and lets not mention all the "photos" that would be considered child porn if police ever saw them. How would you feel if your son/daughter was photographed in the locker room and it was made public? How about those wonderful shots in the restroom?  Kids do not use their phone for simply "a telephone".  It is their way of feeling bigger than they are, more intelligent than they are, more popular than they are and richer than they are.

farwest, I do not doubt that your kids and I wouldn't get along. I have found in my short career so far as a teacher that the apple does not fall far from the tree.  
And for that reason showheifer, I am thankful you never bore children.  Besides,why would you be involved in an industry that you find so much negativety,  I just don't get it.


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2009
I tihnk that that is how teachers should be. And I can assure you that if you would like to look through my phone, the only pictures you would find would be of my pig, cat, and the dog.... I know that MANY kids that I go to school with have some pretty nasty stuff on their phone, that is their own deal, and there parents let them get away with it. Not my deal though. I guess I enver really read through KNabe's stuff becasue it is usually the political stuff and I don't look at that stuff on here, so I guess I shouldn't have said that, I said that already though


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Show Heifer said:
and didn't know the difference between a cow and a bull. A boar and a sow. And a buck/ram and a ewe.

i place this class of breeding barrows 4123


Well-known member
May 20, 2009
dori36 said:
knabe said:
by the way, wouldn't this thread be so much better with live chat? (lol)

Oh, yeah!  Exactly what I was referring to with my "fur flying" comment at the beginning of the thread!   (dog) (dog)
Imagine that.  A simple question caused all this.  I just wanted to know what everyone thought about live chat.  (like the idea or not)
Sorry it got some of you stirred up.  ??? (argue)