jbh said:
DL says - "There are multiple grass roots efforts emerging from various segments of agriculture - it appears that we ans a group have generically woken up to the threat that is HSUS and PETA
Show Heifer says - "Still not sure what this whole thread is about. Except that someone has finally caught on or accepted the fact that animal rights activist are doing a much better job at "educating the public" than we are about our own industry.
As I said in an EARLIER POST.....I have been asked to help with an ad campaign and I'm simply trying to get a feel on these issues......I can't say anymore than that right now. BUT, could either of you give me an example of ANYTHING being done in this arena, right now, by OUR PEOPLE ( INCLUDE the WHOLE AG COMMUNITIY) that would be RECOGNIZED by the general masses of people across the nation who aren't familiar with us, (an example similar to what the PETA and HSUS campaigns are doing now???)
I think maybe you need to get out more or expand your search to get a feel for these issues - these are not new issues - in fact the medical research groups were involved in the same fight in the 80s - to get a flavor of the issues and put them in historical context you need to do a little more in depth research - to create an effective strategy you need to understand the origins, goals and tactics of the groups whose stated goal is to eliminate domestic animals
perhaps you need to read Animal Machines by Ruth Harrison - a 1964 book that "exposed factory farming and it's dangers to the public". Also Farm Animals - Husbandry, Behavior, and Veterinary Practice by Michael W Fox....Animal Scam by Kathleen Marquardt - become familiar with the welfare movement in Australia and NZ and Europe
right now there are many organizations trying to create an effective strategy to counteract the bad PR that a few bad apples caused US animal agriculture - these groups are working together to develop the right messages to the right people - perhaps one of them is the organization you are dangling in front of us
there are 2 major issues - one is telling the animal agriculture story accurately and the 2nd is educating the general public about the real motives of HSUS and PETA - did you know that 7 of 10 people believe that HSUS is an umbrella program for animal shelters?
two grassroots programs addressing those 2 issues are
if you really want to get a feel on these issues you need to aggressively educate yourself