OK Planeteers.....Time 2 USE Your Brain AGAIN.........

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
jbw said:
knabe. I spent alot of time on cattlemans boards, the numbers said that Sam Elliot did work.. Not in CA though..  What work's there is not the same that works everywhere else.. and vise versa.. Matthew McConoghy[sp?] also went well.. then we would get reports that they wanted Sam back.  Can't please 'em all and not just one thing one thing is going to work.

agree.  more and more potential customers are in the cities and it would be nice to have something to offer besides the premium cut steak in restaurants.  orange peel beef in chinese restaurants is awesome.  one can use the round for that, thinly sliced, with no fat or gristle and it will melt in your mouth.

too many things out there to try and we need more demand for the non-premium cuts, but most advertising seems to be in the premium cut area.  our population is growing, so has the amount per person per year gone up, or just more meat sold to more customers and consumption static or gone down.

would be nice to see a little more breakdown of consumption patterns.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
eastern ky
cookcattleco said:
Why not try and get the major shows IE Denver Fort Worth Kansas City Louisvlle all on tv like the dog shows.  I dont know how much it would cost but I think this would make things even more intersted.

i think that would be an awesome idea!!!!!! ive always wondered why rfd didnt jump on that and run....


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
jbh said:
We need to think of SOMETHING, completely OUTSIDE of the BOX, that pertains to EVERYTHING INSIDE the BOX, for the young exhibitors that can't afford the quality of cattle it takes to win, but simply LOVE to SHOW.  I've got SOMETHING in MIND......but I want to hear from you all first.  I can't decide whether mine is WAY OUT THERE TOO FAR.....or a stroke of genius.

This would be a competition for maybe the night before the actual show (like a showmanship or fitting)........Anybody GOT ANY IDEAS ?

more money, emphasis on bred and owned.  how about something more clear that allows people to show without owning instead of fake selling and sellback.

the thing the cattle show has an advantage over the dog shows, is that the judge actually says something.  it would be nice if the reasons were more geared to the layman for televising something.

to televise, you don't need classes with one animal, which happens a lot out here.  also, the dogs are better trained.  i'd like to see the animals trot and see less emphasis for "scoring" them down if they kick up their heels.  i love to see animals on the move.  this walking business is just so boring.  in general, there is a lot more room for training these animals.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
Dusty said:
I really like the claiming idea... 

A steer class with a say $1500 claiming rule.  Have the purse be around $1000.  $50 entry fee.  You have to claim before the class is placed.  Now that would be fun.   
Dusty I have seen this type of system work in IMCA racing. It sure keeps the money being spent on engines in check.

The only downside, who wants to be the one taking the lead from a kid with tear in their eyes? :'(

(It would also end up lowering the money people like Mr. Hook get for the animals, too.)

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
All I can say is peta and hsus has done a fabulous job of divide and conquer. Do I think the entire beef industry can come together for a simple ad campaign. I guess that has yet to be proven. They can't seem to come together for national ID, or COOL, or for any other peta type of function.....

You want a proven example of what IFB has done. Turn on that TV that made you famous. They run ads all during the day highlighting a farm family. They emphasis that they care for the land and animals they own. They show kids and animals (every ad specialist will tell you those are two "must haves"). They then encourage viewers to meet more farm families and to sign up to win free groceries for  year by going online. It has been effective. Their website has received thousands of visits.

So without "beating around the bush" you are looking for a slogan, ad campaign type of information to run on TV or Radio correct?  Not another cattle show class, or another petting zoo idea, but a ad campaign.  Or are you saying this ad campaign is going t happen and you want the show ring people to be a part of it. Just spell it out and enough with the play on words.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
eastern ky
ok...heres my take...declining numbers at shows, lack of interest, whatever you want to call it,  has nothing much to do with peta............it has to do with a whole different kind of competition.....the competition playing for your child's time....it's all the other "activities"....its the gymnastics, dance, cheerleading, basketball, football, softball, baseball, track, piano, the list just goes on and on....that the show industry/4-h/ffa is in competition with...DO NOT GET ME WRONG...those are GREAT activities....but a kid can only do so much...and something has to give...in the county i live in...school extra curricular activities rule...and the 4-h program is pretty much non existant...when my daughter gets old enough to show livestock, she will have to go to another county...because we dont have a strong agriculture program for the youth here, even though the county is about 90% rural....the handful of kids who are in 4-h and take livestock projects (which i could probably count on one hand), are not even given the opportunity to exhibit their animals....so i think brad is onto something here......we need to up the bar...we need to find a way to draw the kids into the program...we have to figure out a way to compete for their attention....


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
linnettejane said:
cookcattleco said:
Why not try and get the major shows IE Denver Fort Worth Kansas City Louisvlle all on tv like the dog shows.  I dont know how much it would cost but I think this would make things even more intersted.

i think that would be an awesome idea!!!!!! ive always wondered why rfd didnt jump on that and run....
I like this idea as well.  IMO, you can't put a show from start to finish televised on RFD.  This would appeal to us the cattle people but would be to boring for the general public.  If you had a show called the cattle show with Highlites from a major show mixed in with human interest stories of the participants like the one JBH did on Larry,  this would grab interest from the general public and get the Women of the general public to show interest as well.  If they would see real people raise and show beef, they would be more willing to support, IMO.

Good thread Brad.


feeder duck

Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
 When we mention "our industry" we have to look at it two fold. The commercial man has to deal with issues in the public eye. The show industry has to deal with the ethics end of it. To renew interest in the commercial end we have to have a public forum that interest people. To renew interest in the show industry we have to slow down the $$$$. No common family can compete at the million dollar budgets. I have sold kids calves at $400 and the next year the parents say it is to expensive. These are middle class people. Just as kids at the county level that are in it for "the sale" get bored with getting beat, people that compete at a national level get bored with getting beat by $60,000 steers. I have shown my entire life and love cattle, BUT. I can be twice as competitive with my kids for 1/10th the cost showing hogs. Face it it is cheaper. People are on a budget these days. Why do people want to spend $3000 - $4000 dollars for a week at a Jr  National when they can not afford to go. It boils down to money boys. There are ten times more people sellin and ten times fewer showin.  

  To me showin cattle hogs, sheep or goats is the BEST way to be with your kids. YOU are the coach,YOU are the sponsor, YOU are the mentor!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
for FFA and 4H, i would update the uniforms. those uniforms sure turned me off when i was a kid, just like cub scouts.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
knabe said:
for FFA and 4H, i would update the uniforms. those uniforms sure turned me off when i was a kid, just like cub scouts.

Uniforms? I never once even wore my blue jacket for FFA, didn't even know there was a uniform for 4H.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
knabe said:
for FFA and 4H, i would update the uniforms. those uniforms sure turned me off when i was a kid, just like cub scouts.

Uniforms? I never once even wore my blue jacket for FFA, didn't even know there was a uniform for 4H.



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
redwingfarm said:
My second idea dovetails with an earlier idea to separe the calves by price paid, unfortunately i fear that everybody being able to correctly remember what they paid for a calf might end up like some people being able to correctly remember when their calf was born or "found". so here goes:  have "claiming" values on the calves.  If you set up a show to let the people with lower priced calves show in classes separate from the high dollar calves then the exhibitor should be required to put a claiming value on the calf-whereby anyone could claim and buy that calf after the show at the price listed.  Oh I know "this will never work in cattle"  but it does work in horse racing.  Having claiming values would make it unlikely that on of the "bigs" would try to "go down a class" just get a prize when their calf would be on the line.

This is an interesting idea to format cattle shows like horse races.  It would take some thinking to work out the kinks a loopholes, but very intriguing.  Who want's to put their $20K steer in a class that could get claimed for $5K?


Active member
Apr 16, 2008
the idea of splitting calves by cost is not the right way to go and that idea needs to die now


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
A "claims show" would not be based on cost of animal, but on value of animal.  If the show is a $3000 claims show, then you would have to agree that if anyone claims your calf by payment of $3000, you will sell it for that amount to the claimant.  Then if you have a calf you wouldn't take less than $10,000 for, you will not want to be in the $3000 claims show, but maybe the $12,000 claims show.  Sounds like a cool idea.  Need to find a way to get the funds transfers done before the calf leaves the grounds.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
jbh said:
DL says - "There are multiple grass roots efforts emerging from various segments of agriculture - it appears that we ans a group have generically woken up to the threat that is HSUS and PETA

Show Heifer says - "Still not sure what this whole thread is about. Except that someone has finally caught on or accepted the fact that animal rights activist are doing a much better job at "educating the public" than we are about our own industry.

As I said in an EARLIER POST.....I have been asked to help with an ad campaign and I'm simply trying to get a feel on these issues......I can't say anymore than that right now.   BUT, could either of you give me an example of ANYTHING being done in this arena, right now, by OUR PEOPLE ( INCLUDE the WHOLE AG COMMUNITIY) that would be RECOGNIZED by the general masses of people across the nation who aren't familiar with us, (an example similar to what the PETA and HSUS campaigns are doing now???)  

I think maybe you need to get out more or expand your search to get a feel for these issues - these are not new issues - in fact the medical research groups were involved in the same fight in the 80s - to get a flavor of the issues and put them in historical context you need to do a little more in depth research - to create an effective strategy you need to understand the origins, goals and tactics of the groups whose stated goal is to eliminate domestic animals

perhaps you need to read Animal Machines by Ruth Harrison - a 1964 book that "exposed factory farming and it's dangers to the public". Also Farm Animals - Husbandry, Behavior, and Veterinary Practice by Michael W Fox....Animal Scam by Kathleen Marquardt - become familiar with the welfare movement in Australia and NZ and Europe

right now there are many organizations trying to create an effective strategy to counteract the bad PR that a few bad apples caused US animal agriculture - these groups are working together to develop the right messages to the right people - perhaps one of them is the organization you are dangling in front of us

there are 2 major issues - one is telling the animal agriculture story accurately and the 2nd is educating the general public about the real motives of HSUS and PETA - did you know that 7 of 10 people believe that HSUS is an umbrella program for animal shelters?

two grassroots programs addressing those 2 issues are

if you really want to get a feel on these issues you need to aggressively educate yourself


Active member
Apr 16, 2008
the claim idea is absolutely ridiculous people cmon brad u no that is the worst thing to do so kill the idea for these people not gonna happen u will kill showin all together


Well-known member
Apr 2, 2008
corydon iowa
DL said:
jbh said:
DL says - "There are multiple grass roots efforts emerging from various segments of agriculture - it appears that we ans a group have generically woken up to the threat that is HSUS and PETA

Show Heifer says - "Still not sure what this whole thread is about. Except that someone has finally caught on or accepted the fact that animal rights activist are doing a much better job at "educating the public" than we are about our own industry.

As I said in an EARLIER POST.....I have been asked to help with an ad campaign and I'm simply trying to get a feel on these issues......I can't say anymore than that right now.   BUT, could either of you give me an example of ANYTHING being done in this arena, right now, by OUR PEOPLE ( INCLUDE the WHOLE AG COMMUNITIY) that would be RECOGNIZED by the general masses of people across the nation who aren't familiar with us, (an example similar to what the PETA and HSUS campaigns are doing now???)  

I think maybe you need to get out more or expand your search to get a feel for these issues - these are not new issues - in fact the medical research groups were involved in the same fight in the 80s - to get a flavor of the issues and put them in historical context you need to do a little more in depth research - to create an effective strategy you need to understand the origins, goals and tactics of the groups whose stated goal is to eliminate domestic animals

perhaps you need to read Animal Machines by Ruth Harrison - a 1964 book that "exposed factory farming and it's dangers to the public". Also Farm Animals - Husbandry, Behavior, and Veterinary Practice by Michael W Fox....Animal Scam by Kathleen Marquardt - become familiar with the welfare movement in Australia and NZ and Europe

right now there are many organizations trying to create an effective strategy to counteract the bad PR that a few bad apples caused US animal agriculture - these groups are working together to develop the right messages to the right people - perhaps one of them is the organization you are dangling in front of us

there are 2 major issues - one is telling the animal agriculture story accurately and the 2nd is educating the general public about the real motives of HSUS and PETA - did you know that 7 of 10 people believe that HSUS is an umbrella program for animal shelters?

two grassroots programs addressing those 2 issues are

if you really want to get a feel on these issues you need to aggressively educate yourself

Good Idea......THANKS.