Well-known member
yawn. you would think that the psi of the pissing match here couldn't get a wall 1 foot away wet.
justintime said:trevorgreycattleco said:JIT, you play the game and you play it well. In order to survive and profit in the purebred biz you HAVE to play the game. In one comment you say you have and I quote" a wide array of bulls to offer some unique qualities to produce sound cattle that will work anywhere." Really?? I think you are tryin to be like Wal Mart and have something for everyone instead of breeding your cows to your bulls and producing cattle that work in ur area and not worry about anyone elses. I'm not telling you what to do just a opinion. One more opinion from me, we like some growth here in the states, but we also like 70 to 90 lb calves not the 120 plus Salute type. How come I have never seen a pasture breeding pic of Timeline? Just the one where he is hog fat is all we ever get. How about some pics of Timeline calves being raised with no creep feed? I have tried these same lines for myself and all I can say about them is stockyard bound for me. No real world doability. For sure not fescue cattle.
You are partly right, in that I need to produce cattle that will work for a wider array of people. Why is this? It is simply because I have to make over 90 % of my living from these cattle. Maybe it is different where you live, but here where I am, I have commercial producers who want a wide array of type. I actually have one commercial man who wants big BW bulls as, in his own mind, he is convinced that he can get more pounds at weaning on their calves and he doesn't mind helping a few cows calve. I do not keep any bulls over 110 lbs ( remember, that our calves here are probably 10 lb heavier at birth than in midwest states). As I have said before, I have not had a single complaint from the buyers of over 200 bulls since I started banding everything over 110 lbs. The guy who likes the bigger BWs has asked me to keep one of the bigger BWs and he will use him, but I have not done this.
I have always been very amazed how different people select their bulls. We usually let the potential buyers walk through the bull pens and let them pick themselves. Usually many come out having picked different bulls. Timeline was possibly the only exception we have had in recent years, as almost everyone picked him as their favorite bull. By the way, the hog fat picture you see on the side of my posts was taken after he had bred all the cows at one of his owners. He was used in two more herds after this picture was taken.
I know there are some 120 lb BWs from Salute, but I have not had any. None. I expect you will not believe this. I have only had a few calves from him though ( 8 in total) and they have been from 88 lbs to 105 lbs. In the year we used Salute I also had two Gizmo bull calves. Both were over 110 lbs at birth and both were banded. I am not bashing Gizmo, so don't go there. I love the bull . It just happened I had two bigger calves from him.
So, when I have to sell cattle to a wide array of people who have a wide array of likes and dislikes, I do use some different bloodlines. When you look at our pen of bulls, you will see some variation, but far less than I have seen at some herds who use one or two bulls of the same bloodlines. If you were to come to my place to look for a bull, you may not want some of them, but I expect you could find something you did. I have not had any problems getting my bulls sold, as we have sold out for the last 6 years now.
I also believe in blending bloodlines. I think it is an important part of breeding cattle. Like you, I have some bloodlines that I am not fond of, but if I were to find an animal that was from that bloodline that I thought would work in my breeding program, I would not be afraid to use it. I would also say that it is your right to disagree with the bloodlines I use, but it is not your right to tell me what to do, in order to make a living. I do not have another job to go too to support my cattle habit. You can sell bulls and females in your area, and I will do the same here. I doubt if we will bother each other. I am hoping to sell 40 bulls in 2011 and my goal is to sell 50 bulls within 3 years. What are your goals. You seen to have a lot of answers but very little performance to back it up. JMO
aj said:The people who need to know know about my cattle know about them.
aj said:That is a great song.George Jones......the king is gone. It just hits a lick. I down loaded it. Its hard to be cool with a flat top. George pulls it off. As far as the cattle deal goes I like to get you going. You are so self absorbed. It is all about you. Its just fun to read your posts. The people who need to know know about my cattle.Keep up the good work JIT. We all love you.![]()
aj said:DR'ds seeing interest. Not show people though.
Here is a link to videos from Browarny on couple of old Maine bulls.From arorund 1969.knabe said:does anyone take animals to shows that aren't in the show?
ie, to make the show a conduit for advertising and bringing the animals to potential customers instead of vice versa.
a guy i worked for did this and it was fun to have someone slap an animal on the rear and get them up.
typically, this was a bull whose heifers were selling in a sale or who was the sire of another breeders calves with the same thing in mind.
would like to see more of this, but it's probably too expensive. sure would like to see some of the old pics of old fullblood maines (high % shorthorns) when they were first around.
aj said:Well said. Artificial enviroments and big birth weights.Trevor....well stated.
This is one of the problems with reading the printed word, as opposed to speaking those same words directly to another person. It is possible that the reader can misinterpret the real idea of what information is being conveyed from one person to another. Although I personally have never found JIT's post to be self absorbed, I can see how a reader may misinterpret them as such. Maybe this is because I know JIT personally and know that he is not like that. Maybe if we don't personally know the person who is posting we need to give them the benefit of the doubt.aj said:It is all about you. Its just fun to read your posts. The people who need to know know about my cattle.Keep up the good work JIT. We all love you.![]()