Shorty hf bulls

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Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I think I should apologize for my last rant last night. I guess I was really tired of aj's constant attempts to degrade my reputation, which is the most valuable possession I own. He continually had done this for months by accusing me of having some part of a bull I raised selling for $20,000.The only thing I had to do with this happening, was when one breeder commented to me that it was a shame that a bull like this could be in use here in Canada, and would probably sell to the US. I told him if he was serious about this, he should get some partners and try to buy him. It was less than an hour before the sale, when I heard that he had indeed put a group together. I had originally retained a 1/3 semen interest in him, but when I heard that this group was forming, I told them that I was willing to take my 1/3 semen interest off the table, and just take an equal share to the rest of the group, so that all partners would be equal. The rest happened in the auction. I was as surprised as anybody. I am only reciting this once again, for the upteenth time, to try to set the record straight. I really have no idea why a bull that will never affect aj in any way bothers him so much. The only thing I can think of, is that he thinks I did something very dishonest to make this happen. I just don't get why this bothers him so much. $20,000 is not a big deal anymore, and is really a small deal when 8 people( including myself) toss $2500 each into a deal to get to use a bull. Big hairy deal. There are literally hundreds of animals in all breeds that sell for this or more every year. Part of the reason, I mentioned some things from the 1980s last night was to try to point out that this is nothing new.

I don't know why, but aj's crap over the past few months, really got to me last night. The part that bothers me the most is simply that he constantly attempts to degrade my reputation and if this was not a public forum, it would not bother me as much. I keep thinking that there are probably some people who believe what he is saying. Guess what is bothering me the most this morning, is that I allowed aj to pull me down to his level where negativity rules. I guess I was upset because he continually ridicules my herd and myself, yet he really never does anything to show us how what he does is better. My herd is far from perfect, and I have never said it was, but I do try to work with what I have and I am always looking for ways to seek improvement.

When I was young, my parents told me that if I was not completely honest in my dealings in order to compete in the cattle business, they wanted me to chose another career path. This was hammered into me on a regular basis.This is one thing that I have carried with me through my life.  Because of this, I have always tried my best, and went the extra mile to offer customer service and support after a sale. My birth dates and birth weights are accurate, and I think that a part of any of the little successes I have achieved, are due to the fact that people that deal with me, know they can believe me and trust what I tell them is accurate. I think that is why some people have come back over and over. aj mentioned in a previous post that it is about the cattle, not about the personalities involved, and I guess I think he is dead wrong in that regard. Many times people will drive past several breeders to go to another place because of the owners personality. I know this happens as I have done it myself. I think I am like lots of other people in that I like to buy cattle from people I like. Reputation and integrity will trump ( sorry for using a swear word) the animals in most every case. I guess I just value mine too much to have someone question it for months on end.  I am going to pull my last post in this thread, and I truly hope this will stop this insanity. There are so many things in this business that we could ( and should ) be debating and we do not need to agree. Hopefully though, we can agree to disagree and maybe in the process get an little insight into another point of view. Personal attacks should never be a part of this forum.... Mine included, but I will only do this when I see my integrity being questioned by someone who does not know how I operate and what I do.  

I think I have had more than my share of failures in this business, and I have seen some hard times as well. If you think my posts are long now, don't get me going on what I have done wrong. aj says that I think it is all about me. Well, my reputation is all about me, and I am sorry but I will defend it until I draw my last breath.

I guess I just don't understand what enjoyment people like aj get from their constant belittling of others. He does it to many others besides me, but for some reason he really gets his jolly's from personal attacks on me, and I cannot ever remember what I said or did to have this start. I actually went back after his attacks started and read many pages of posts to see if I had said anything to make him start these attacks. I can't seem to find anything but maybe I am reading something differently than he did.  I have never questioned what he does in his operation, as I have said time and time again, what he  does is his right and no one else's business. Like me, he should have the right to live and die by his own decisions.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
trevorgreycattleco said:
Honestly, selling bulls for x amount of dollars during the 80's is as useless as hen poop on a pump handle to me. That was awhile back and times have changed.  Just because you get good money one year does not make you the end all be all like you are tryin to be here. If I sold a bull for 20,000, I would have for sure been selling semen and promoting him as long as I could. Where is that mature pasture pic of Timeline? Is semen for sale on him? Any owners of him got a mature pasture pic?
And why do you need to constantly tell us how good your bulls are and how much you have sold them for? Yet your bull sale didn't move but maybe half the bulls in the sale.
If anybody could turn water into wine by talking, it would be you JIT. JMO.

To answer you question about semen sales on Timeline, the group of owners have debated this issue for the last year. When they purchased him, they decided that they would not sell semen for 1 year and would make a decision regarding semen sales after that time. They have had two meetings in the last year, and there has not been an unanimous decision on whether semen should be sold or not. Some of the owners feel that once the net semen sales are shared by 8 people, it is not worth giving up their exclusive use of the bull. Some others feel that semen should be promoted and sold. Timeline was used hard this year, and he held up very well. He was used in two herds and we think he probably bred over 60 cows. We should have a better idea when these herds are preg tested. He was exposed to over 70 cows during that time period.  He just arrived back here, as I agreed to winter him here. If you want a mature picture of him, I will try to get one in the next few days. The picture on my avator was taken when he was 3 years old after he had been used in one herd. After this picture was taken, he went to another owner to be used. And again, I have to wonder about the obsession with Timeline, when you will never use him and he will never affect you. If it bothers you that he is in my avator, I will gladly change the picture. In regards to a mature picture of him, what about the hundreds of other bulls in all breeds that are promoted from a calf or yearling photo? If a mature picture is what you want, I will try to get one taken.

In regards to our bull sale, like every bull sale in our area, we passed some bulls. All the owners were still very pleased with the sale results as we all received more dollars than we were hoping for, and had bulls left after the sale. I think part of the reason for this, was that our sale is quite late in the spring ( April 18th last year). Many of bull sales in all breeds in this area passed a pile of bulls and a well known Angus breeder sold 9 out of 42 bulls the day before our sale 30 miles down the road.I think part of this was caused by our very dry conditions just prior to the sale, and some cattlemen were not willing to buy bulls until they knew if they were going to have to sell down their cows. As it was, we ended up having a record rainfall year, and most people could have had twice as many cows as they had.  In my own case, I went into this sale knowing it could get tough, but as I told my wife on the way home after the sale, " I guess we can consider it a success as we got $9000 more than we were hoping for, and we still have 8 bulls left". I guess the good news was that every passed bull was sold in the next few weeks, and I could have sold a few more if I had them in the pen. I don't recall ever saying that my bulls are better than anyone else's.The truth is that I don't believe they are, but I I am pleased that we have a better group to offer every year. I like to measure any success by repeat buyers, and I think we have seen more repeat buyers in recent years than ever before. That, to me suggests that we are working in the right direction.  I have mentioned that we have been getting them sold, and I guess I am a bit proud of this, as it has been a lifetime goal to sell our Shorthorn bulls and gain commercial acceptance. Like I said in a previous post, winning a championship is a good feeling, but it does not come even remotely close to the feeling I have when a guy who makes his entire living from his cattle, comes into my yard and buys 5 bulls. Quite frankly, I cannot think of ever feeling better about what I have been doing all my life. I guess when a guy who manages a 20,000 head feedlot comes to our bull sale with his father, and between them buy 9 bulls, and come back and buy 3 more the following year, I start to feel that I maybe what I have been trying to do, has some value. I will also be quick to say, that this is NOT because of what I have been doing, but it is because of the efforts of a bunch of breeders who have made the breed more visible and more documented. When I see people who make blanket statements that you cannot sell Shorthorn bulls to commercial producers, I want to say " Hey, some of us are actually starting to get this done" We are a long ways from getting the marketshare I think we deserve, but it is starting to slowly take place. Change is really slow in this business, and if you are not willing dedicate a bunch of years to making change happen, it just won't take place.
aj tells me that I think" it is all  about me". I guess that is just more proof that he has not understood what I have been trying to say for months on end. Yes, I have used experiences from my own herd, which is where my experiences come from. But it is really all about us, as a collective group. We have to work together and we should all be applauding success when we see it, no matter if it  is a bloodline we don't like or do like. We should be trying to support each other in their efforts, but rather, there are a group who insist that degrading the actions of other breeders is much easier to do. I hear this all the time. It drives me crazy. If a double bred Trump bull were to sell for say, $10,000 I would be congratulating the owner, even if I had no plans to ever use the bull myself or if I disliked the bull myself. Yet every time, I compliment someone for a good sale ( for example I congratulated the 3 sales in Iowa held in recent days) I am held up as having " drank their kool aid". To me it is just proper support and etiquette to do this.......and is the way we should all support each other and promote the breed....  nothing more.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
1st JIT, you don’t have to worry about your reputation, anyone who has dealt with you knows you are honest, hardworking and that you have good cattle and boundless enthusiasm for the breed. If anyone hasn’t noticed the people attacking JIT have not even seen his program and probably have not been anywhere near his place!

2nd AJ, I never have any respect for anyone that enjoys attacking other people verbally or in this case with written comments. One of the sad things about the internet is that it provides the anonymity to behave in ways one wouldn’t in public.(at least one hopes you wouldn’t) I hope a lot of the people who have seen fit to attack JITs program would show better character at sales, shows or walking a pasture! Here’s a website that might be of use to any bitter negative people living in Kansas.

3rd I have seen several posts about being bitter about losing money over some investments. Well here’s a new flash, if you have been in the livestock industry and have not made an investment that didn’t work out then you are just starting. If not you should make a quick trip to the local lottery sales vendor! As for these high prices, I can’t personally see how the buyers of heifers for thousands of dollars will make money but it’s their money and their plan and if they are interested I have a deal for them!

4th Shady Lane delivered a bull for me last year and Timeline was on his trailer. He was impressive, flat out good and anyone that knows my breeding program knows I have not used the Trump or any other Maine Anjou lines.  Not that they don’t work for others but as with any breeding program we all make choices of what we want to incorporate. Just because I don’t use a bloodline doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a good one when I see it. Anyway in case you missed it HC Timeline is one impressive bull!

5th There was a post about mixed messages and yet that poster sends more than anyone!
You can’t attack someone for using multiple bloodlines (actually why would you attack any program if you have one that works for you) and then post as though you think every bloodline you attacked him for was the best thing going! Ironic!

I just had to vent because this whole thing is getting old. Why any business person would attack their own business on a public forum is a bit absurd. If you don’t like the competition show us what you have got! Now I’ve probably fueled the beast as a friend so wisely stated.
My last post regarding this because as Knabe said YAWN.

Anyone got an interesting heifer bull we should know about?


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2008
Should we as a breed be worried about what bulls to use on heifers or should we be pointed at developing a breed that is easy calving?Do other breeds have this issue as well?


Active member
Oct 12, 2009
I have to reply to this as as much as I have wanted to give up on reading this post many pages ago, I unfortunatley have been following along.  I have always believed that one should ignore the troll and eventually he will become bored and crawl away.  For the most part I have skiimed over a lot of the mindless drivel that has come up in various posts, preferring to spend my time on the more meanigful posts.  I feel that this thread needs to give way to more useful and appropriate posts on the forum. I the last few pages the tone has become very ugly and the attacks are quite clearly personal, hurtful and mean.  I really only have one comment to add and it concerns all the attack on JIT and his program, his honesty and his reason for such 'self promotion'....I do not know JIT well though we have met.  I have had one previous business deal with him on some semen and the transaction was flawless, professional and in my opinion honest.  JIT had something we wanted, we inquired, he offered and offered knowledgable and honest opinions and delivered. No stress, no waiting, no false promises, flawless!  I would not hesitate to reccommend him or to do business with him again.  That is my 1st reason that I am happy he is involved in shorthorns.  Secondly as a Canadian shorthorn breeder, I cannot be happier that his breed of choice is shorthorns because his countless efforts and promotion of the breed is benefitting our operation as well.  I have a lot of respect for his program, and for what he is trying to do for the breed.  Does that mean I love every animal he has produced or promoted?  No, he owns cattle that I would love to have in my own program, and he also owns cattle that for me, not so much.  As I am sure that we do as well.  It is personal preference and what works or is perferrential to one is not to another.  There si nothing wrong with that.  I LOVE the comment "Cattle should all be exactly alike, just like humans!"  So nice to have a snicker over coffee on that one! :)  One only needs to have a look at the Canadian Shorthorn report to see his passion, and appreciate the countless HOURS and no doubt financial $$$s he has committed to the breed.  I appreciate his contributions to the shorthorn report and it is evident he has a lot of experience and knowledge to offer.  His editorials are not 'self promtion', but the definately are breed promotion, and I especially appreciate his encouragement and ideas he outlays for us all to get on the bandwagon and promote!  Finally I am a lurker of this board, one of the many I presume and I must say when I log on each morning (and I do) over the year I will say that SP has help to elevate my opinion of JIT as I have enjoyed his knowledge, his history lessons, and his passion for a breed I myself am very passionate about.  I really hope this goes the way of all threads and falls pages down in the forum and JIT I hope you dont become discouraged and stop what you have been contributing to this board.  I have enjoyed and gained so much from a lot of your posts and it would be a shame and a huge loss to what  SP offers to me personally  if that were to stop.  I believe if someone does not feel the same way it is very easy to ignore or skip over anything that is not of interest to them.


Active member
Oct 12, 2009
oh, and as a sidenote, I should add that we got into the shorthorn breed as a direct result of the impact and results that shorthorn influence was having on our commercial herd!!!
How do you like them apples? ;)

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
GM said:
There were some great pics of Timeline on pasture posted earlier in the year...I remember more than this, but can't find them.  I think he looks great.  This was from another post about 10 months ago where AJ was bashing Timeline but ultimately ended up damaging his own reputation.  I'm sure it will happen again 10 months from now.  They say misery loves company.

Will it stop. You see what I see......


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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
I am seeing things OH breeder's way this topic is truly like beating a dead horse.  If we go back to the original topic it was SHorty heifer bulls, where to find them and if anyone knew of any worth mentioning.  I don't know where all this nasty information came from but honestly I take it as sour grapes.  Sue I thought I would mention that I hope you didn't post your bulls yearling picture earlier as it looks like a heifer... Sometimes I click the wrong photo myself when uploading.

Shorthorn heifer bulls!!! we have all agreed that JPJ is a great one, some of the old bloodlines are a option, and Waukaru Patent is showing calving ease in his EPDs.  On the ASA (Okotoks mentioned this earlier) you can search EPD's and find animals with the traits that work in your area, as well as having the BW epds.  I thought I would mention a point I think is VERY important, no matter what size of calf you need good pelvic structure to get it out.  We had a crossbred cow as a recip and she had trouble delivering a 80 lb calf.  Needless to say she went to the Golden arches.  In evaluating calving ease we should recognize it isn't all the bull.  For a example a light BW bull out of a large BW cow is likely to throw both ends of the spectram.

In conclussion if some members are going to throw insults they should start a new topic like "what wrong with Shorty breeders we know of".  I am just fed up with reading this petty nonsense on a topic I am truly interested in!


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
It has been quite a day!  First of all, I want to thank everyone who PM'd , Text messaged, emailed and phoned me in the past few hours. I am a bit overwhelmed by the people who read this site.I hope this post doesn't get crazy long as I have had a million things going through my head in the past few hours.

After I read the posts on here this morning, I headed out to bale some straw. In the first two hours I got three emails on my blackberry ,from two former SP members and a Shorthorn breeder thanking me for trying to bring the voice of reason to the SP debate( his words not mine). The two former SP members both commented that they could not take the negative attitude that had developed on SP so they decided to leave. I had wondered why they were not posting anymore, as I always found their posts sound and thoughtful.When I think about it, there has been a lot of former SP members drop off the face of the map, and I have often wondered if life just got to busy for them or if there were other reasons they did not post anymore.  

Just before noon, my cell phone rang and when I answered it I was a bit surprised to be talking with a retired cattleman who has had about as much success in this business as anyone I can think of. I have always respected his point of view and considered him to be a true leader in the beef industry. By the way, he has never owned a Shorthorn to my knowledge, but we first met when I was running another breed with my Shorthorns.  I said to him that I was surprised to hear from him and he said that he had received a phone call from another person, suggesting that he should go onto Steerplanet and read some of the posts. He did this and this prompted his call. The part of an hour we spoke gave me a pile of food for thought, and has helped me make some decisions.

As I said this morning, I have been feeling a bit embarrassed ( I guess that is the right word) that I allowed a group of very negative people on this site pull me down to their level. The post I wrote last night was pulled this morning by myself.Up until that post, I have tried to put a positive spin on my comments, but these people always twisted them around and try to make them say things I never said or meant. In any event, the man who phoned me asked me a few questions as to what had created the past events on this site to take place. I told him that I love a good debate as much as anyone, and I also like to relate experiences I have had in this business, but I have little tolerance for people who cannot comment on most anything positively. I said that I also draw a line when I see someone belittling someone for a simple comment that expresses their point of view. I said I guess the negativity is just real draining and I have never been able to stand it. I told him that I heard a report about the Sullivan sale last night and I made a comment congratulating them for a successful sale. I guess I really had to stop and think about just how sad this situation has gotten too, when I am accused of" drinking the Sully Kool aid", simply because I applauded their success. This is a truly sad commentary when we as breeders cannot congratulate success, and the man I spoke with was in full agreement. He then commenced to ask me a bunch of questions about what my goals were in being on this site. I explained some of them to him. As usual he was a real voice of reason and he gave me a pile to think about.

He continued to talk and I listened to every word, and he spoke of the people in his business that constantly tried to bad mouth his breeding program. He said, that very early on, when he was starting to build his herd, he made a pact to himself, that if he took any of the negativity to heart, he would not achieve any success. He said that you have to consider the source, and move on and prove them wrong. ( I can think of few who did this better). He said all breeds have a group of people who do nothing but complain about success, and he said that some breeds seem to have more than their share. I had to agree and I said that the Shorthorn breed must have robbed some other breeds of their negative thinkers. He laughed at this and then said that he had always felt that Republicans and Shorthorn breeders could be included in the list of animals that eat their young. I asked why Democrats weren't included and he said that it was very obvious that Democrats were " washed in the blood " and would follow most anyone.

This phone call may have been a turning point for me. It made me question every goal I have in the few short years I have left to actively be in this business. It made me question why I allow negative people to affect me in the ways I have allowed them to do so. It really made me miss Cathy ( Red) as I always found her to be a wonderful sounding board. I have kept every email she ever sent me after I made some comments on SP. I wish I could have kept all the phone calls she made to me. She always urged me to never quit standing up to the negative people, and quite frankly, she is mostly responsible for my doing so on more than a few occasions. As I said this morning, I have no possession more valuable than my integrity, and when that is questioned I certainly will defend it.

I will admit that I was angry for awhile about some of the comments a few people have regularly made, but that anger has turned into a sadness, when I think how miserable it must be to always be blaming some one else for your problems or lack of success, or their envy of someone's else's success. I spoke with a person a couple days ago, that was whining about the success a particular sale had. I asked him, rather than complain about it, why don't you try to try to benefit from that success? He told me that he had neither the time or the money to have a sale like that. I could not help but think that he had a pretty sorry attitude when just because he couldn't do it himself, then nobody should be able too. Maybe I am just wired differently, but I would rather raise cattle with a bunch of good sales in the breed than none. I don't ever have to use these bloodlines if I chose not too.Success breeds success just like negativity breeds failure.  When I hear that my competition who raises another breed, has a great sale, I make sure I congratulate them. It is just the right thing to do.  I have already heard enough moaning and groaning in the last few days  from people grumbling about the Sullivan  and Cylcone Trace sales to almost make me gag. Truly a sorry state, is all I can say! I won't allow myself to be a part of it.

So after much soul searching and inner debate, I have made a decision that I think it is best that I take a leave of absence from this board.It may be a week, a month or forever, I am leaving this decision open. I will check out this site occasionally and if I continue to see the negative attitude raising it's ugly head, I will probably continue to stay away from commenting. That is my decision for now anyways. I do not take this decision lightly as I feel this discussion board is one of the best I have ever seen,.... at least it used to be, and still could be.  I could not help but think today, that if I spent one tenth as  much time dealing with the positive thinking people I know,how ,much more fulfilling it would be. If the current negative attitudes continue to be portrayed like they have been lately, I can see more members leaving, and it is safe to say that it be renamed  CAVE  which stands for Cattlemen Against Virtually Everything.

I hope my decision does not affect the many wonderful positive people who are on here. This is a personal decision only, and I urge you to keep using this site to learn and debate. I am really torn when I think of the young members who are coming here to learn. I hope this will continue, and I think there is a great chance this will. If it does, I may be  back and it may be sooner rather than later, but if it doesn't I will still be as close as your email and I will be more than happy to assist anyone I can. I am only leaving because my negativity meter is clogged and it is very close to blowing a breaker.


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
Southeast Ohio
honestly you guys need to get more cows or get a job in town cause you clearly don't have enough to do!!!!!  who has time to type all that crap unless you are getting paid for it!!!  if you can't say it in 50 words or less it's not worth saying!!!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Sometimes the bulls dont make a breed its the people and I am sure glad I am not breeding shorthorns anymore. What a bunch of asses.
Sorry you feel the way you do JIT but I understand why you are doing what you think you need to do. But remember you let the biggest ass win.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Relax folks it a freakin internet chat forum. I would be more than happy to sit with anyone, have some drinks and talk shorthorns. I have done this many times already. JIT I guess I am hard on you because of Timeline. I have such a hard time believeing he can work with out a high input deal. I looked at the old post about Timeline and I will admit, he looked very good. To say I am suprised would be accurate. Will I ever use him? Who knows. Folks, always believe in yourself and what you can accomplish. I have a strong beliefs with what will work for shorthorns to gain commercial favor and I stick to them. Does this makes me right? For me it does but for you is your decision. Most people on here are smart enough to know whats going on. I have talked to lots of people about this site as well and IMO JIT has as many lovers as haters. WHO CARES. This is not a homecoming queen election. IT'S A BUSINESS. Breed the best cows you can and hope they work. If not try again. I would enjoy visiting with JIT. He may not think this but I would enjoy seeing his operation. You can learn something from everyone. JIT I appologize if I have offended you in any way. I'm not on a witch hunt and frankly don't care if i ever sell a registered animal again. My most enjoyment in this deal by a mile is when my neighbors or family tell me how much they are enjoying the beef they got from me. After all, isn't what this is all about? Lets move on. Sorry to offend anyone. JIT stick around, I for one hope you do. I may debate you but I do respect you.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
IMHO we have now become exactly what the other sites were before SP---mostly a bunch of anonymous bitchers and whiners.    For those of you who know me, you know I used to be a lot more involved in posting on SP.  I don't, probably  won't, do it much anymore because of the lack of respect many of the "newer" SP members brought with them from one of the other failed sites.  Don't you guys understand that your loose tongues and disrespect of others opinions is what caused those sites to fail??

I'll give you an example of what SP used to be like:  I had never heard of a guy who went by the handle JIT until I read some of his posts on SP.  It didn't take me long to realize that his depth of knowledge of the Shorthorn breed was absolutely amazing and that his passion for promoting the breed was second to none.  I also like the Shorthorn breed and although I'm a newcomer and not a "big money" guy, I really enjoy seeing the amazing animals produced by the elite breeders--both those who are well known and those who aren't--and I absolutley love to pick their brains about their mating selections.  I don't have the money to buy the top end animals in any of the sales mentioned on here but I have found John Sullivan, John Hagie, Dale Studer, John Elder, Bob Duis, the Bollum Family, the Schrag family, and many, many others to be extremely helpful to me even if I don't buy the high dollar animals.  In fact, I consider many of them to be my friends and I hope they feel the same about me.  I attended two of the three Shorthorn sales in Iowa this weekend and bid on embryos in the other.  When I had questions about animals or bloodlines I found John Hagie, John Sullivan, and Dale Studer to be very gracious and helpful as they always have been to me.  I also found Peter Hunter, Jess Recknor, and John Elder very hlepful and very willing to take the time to answer my questions even when they were extremely busy.  I didn't get a darn thing bought because I set my budget and when something went beyond that I stopped bidding.  I'm very happy that these sales went as well as they did--it will help the entire breed.    Having said that, if someone doesn't think the animals in these sales will help their program they shouldn't be bidding---I certainly wouldn't have bid on every animal in each of these sales.  It was hard---but I found some animals that I didn't particularly like or that didn't have the genetics I wanted.

I don't always agree with the people I've mentioned(Salute progeny, for the most part, are larger framed than what I want to use in my operation) but I understand how they make their decisions for their operations.  Sorry, JIT, but Timeline is even a little big for me--although he is a tremendous bull.

What is really sad is that the young people who are SP members will never have the opportunity to learn from most of these people as I have because someone will have to take an unfair shot at them if they actually post anything.  I know that many of these  people  are lurkers on SP but will not post because of this.  What an unfortunate situation caused by a few who are too arrogant and self centered to understand what they are costing the rest of us!!

Just the humble opinion of a fed-up Iowegian.  I'll be quiet again now that I've said more than the alotted 50 words!!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
All I wanted to know is why there were only 7 registered calves out of the 20,000 $ bull. That was all. Seems like out of 7 or 10 or how many owners there were there should be more calves registered by him.Yowie.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
so far, i have not talked to one breeder in canada that does not like their cows and steers about 100 lbs heavier than the US.  that includes angus, shorthorn, maine's.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
knabe said:
so far, i have not talked to one breeder in canada that does not like their cows and steers about 100 lbs heavier than the US.  that includes angus, shorthorn, maine's.

so why is this? cheaper feed resources? just preferred type? just curious.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
trevorgreycattleco said:
knabe said:
so far, i have not talked to one breeder in canada that does not like their cows and steers about 100 lbs heavier than the US.  that includes angus, shorthorn, maine's.

so why is this? cheaper feed resources? just preferred type? just curious.

don't know other than the locker market requires it?  maybe they don't focus on marbling so much as yield/carcass, at least that's what i've been told.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
Aussie said:
Our specs here in Australia are much the same by the sounds of it as Canada. Weight pays more that anything else.
After BSE we were left with two major packers, Cargill and now XL(was Lakeside tyson). I believe they are still paying the most for 850 lb. carcasses and marbling brings a premium. The Sterling Silver and Angus brands pay more for marbling. So basicly yield with marbling pays. That's why if Shorthorns got their marketing down we could capture a larger market share.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2010
Tasmania Australia
Okotoks said:
After BSE we were left with two major packers, Cargill and now XL(was Lakeside tyson). I believe they are still paying the most for 850 lb. carcasses and marbling brings a premium. The Sterling Silver and Angus brands pay more for marbling. So basicly yield with marbling pays. That's why if Shorthorns got their marketing down we could capture a larger market share.
Here also two packers one that is going all domestic and JBS Swift domestic and export. Specs have changed alot in the last 3 years for a carcass. Now the best price is for 220 to 340 kg dressed with less than 2 teeth marble score 2 up(that is not alot of marbling). I sent some last week price is at its peak got $3.50 a kg. All grass fed no grain. Our dollar is about the same as the US dollar at the moment. One of our packers I have put the site up before but it still may be of interest.