Measuring gestation lengths is a big selling point of the gelbvieh breed. If someone is serious about making productive/efficient cattle- it sure makes sense to have the most information as possible- whole reason I'm here. There are plenty of horror stories floating around about every breed. Since short horns are most popular in the show ring (at least my perception), and a lot of show ring animals have been bred to be brick houses- almost makes sense why there may be concern about calving ease

Matter of fact, I was almost disowned by my dad for mentioning my plan to bring shorthorn influence in to our herd. This was kind of a one chance type event, so I looked through a lot of information searching for as sure of a bet of a decent looking calving ease bull as I could find, then hoped the calves would grow and add some thickness. I used Ar Su Lu Massive- I was interested in something out of Byland Goldspear with solid coloring.
My experience (Please keep in mind this is a very small population):
These calves were smaller than any of the low birth wt angus bulls we have used. And the couple I saw born, if you blinked you would have almost missed it. They looked like jack rabbits. Matter of fact, with a concerned look all Dad could say was "we'll, have to just see how they grow". Whew, glad they grew!
This is definately not every bull, but seems to me that some usefull genetics are out there. While I'm at it... Why is it always Durham reds? What about some Durham Blacks?
I wish that carcass data was more available to the original producer- without having to retain ownership. Then this would not be a concern. In the mean time... I am likely just not informed, but to me the quickest way for some breeders to get a bigger share of the market is to get some good black hided high percentage bulls out there. Seems like the red angus and the red simmentals get noticed because of the black counterparts.
Actually, the market is demanding an english based, easy fleshing, black cow. And after breeding EXT to Traveler and Traveler to EXT and Traveler to Traveler- a few new options would be good.
OK, Sorry for getting off topic, disregard everything after.... they looked like jack rabbits.