Well-known member
I like to think of it as the Democrat and the Republican in debate on the fox news how or whatever. Verbally sparring and within inches of each others bad breath.........then after the show out to Antoines for drinks. ;D
LOL (lol) now thats funnyaj said:"Bud light salutes you aj, over agressive steerplnaet disscussion guy. 27 years ago you were cut from the debate team. Now you attack disscussion boards with the fury of a pit bull. No topic remains undisscussed as you sling salty retoric at the one you dislike the most. The evil jit. For two years you have laid awake at nights thinking of digs and snappy remarks to counterreact jit's 5 paragraph disertations on bwt's and their correlation to performance. Then you jump up and stick the pin the voodo doll hanging from the ceiling. After googling for 7 hours in order to find a weakness in jits latest statement, you fall asleep with a smile and drool coming out of one corner of your mouth. You have won tonights debate on the virtue of pelvic area slopein buffaloes and corresponding calving ease resultation. Heres to you mr. over agressive steerplanet disscusion board guy. Sponsored by the wide mouth mickey brewing company of mount sunflower.
aj the best post you have ever put up (lol) <beer>aj said:"Bud light salutes you aj, over agressive steerplnaet disscussion guy. 27 years ago you were cut from the debate team. Now you attack disscussion boards with the fury of a pit bull. No topic remains undisscussed as you sling salty retoric at the one you dislike the most. The evil jit. For two years you have laid awake at nights thinking of digs and snappy remarks to counterreact jit's 5 paragraph disertations on bwt's and their correlation to performance. Then you jump up and stick the pin the voodo doll hanging from the ceiling. After googling for 7 hours in order to find a weakness in jits latest statement, you fall asleep with a smile and drool coming out of one corner of your mouth. You have won tonights debate on the virtue of pelvic area slopein buffaloes and corresponding calving ease resultation. Heres to you mr. over agressive steerplanet disscusion board guy. Sponsored by the wide mouth mickey brewing company of mount sunflower.
aj said:"Bud light salutes you aj, over agressive steerplnaet disscussion guy. 27 years ago you were cut from the debate team. Now you attack disscussion boards with the fury of a pit bull. No topic remains undisscussed as you sling salty retoric at the one you dislike the most. The evil jit. For two years you have laid awake at nights thinking of digs and snappy remarks to counterreact jit's 5 paragraph disertations on bwt's and their correlation to performance. Then you jump up and stick the pin the voodo doll hanging from the ceiling. After googling for 7 hours in order to find a weakness in jits latest statement, you fall asleep with a smile and drool coming out of one corner of your mouth. You have won tonights debate on the virtue of pelvic area slopein buffaloes and corresponding calving ease resultation. Heres to you mr. over agressive steerplanet disscusion board guy. Sponsored by the wide mouth mickey brewing company of mount sunflower.
aj said:Please hold the applause and fan mail. ;D
aj said:Would a polled longhorn be of value? Maybe East of the Missisippi? Its important.
aj said:I like to discuss breeding philosophies. I think it looks hoakie if I were to try and sale cattle on here a discussion board. Buy an ad instead of coming on here and sell your cattle free of charge. I think its special you have cows and horsies. I do think its weird that that your reply and jit's reply and commercial farmers replies always look and sound exactly alike. I just assummed you were relation or something but I guess all Canadians all write alike. I can't remember bashing your program. I will say that I have lived beside feedlots. I have worked in feedlots. I have clocked in at 5 in the morning to run feed truck. I have read bunks for feedlots. I have worked cattle in feedlots in 10 below zero. I got a little goofy when someone with your massive life experiences explains cattle feeding to me. If you want to know what I have done to mderate my birthweights? I finally had to go out and buy a Red Angus bull. I tried to buy lower bwt bulls for years and no had any. I have lowered my BWt's ave by about 15# on about 90 cows in 6 years. My average bwt used to be 100 and it is now under 90. Seriously I wish the best for horsies and longhorns and whatever.I have tried to get jit to admit that the Shorthorn in general has a calving bwt problem. |He will not admit it. Then comes the speech how hes the greatest shorthorn breeder in the world and he sells 30 bulls ayear and he is as close to jesus in Canada as anyone. He will not admit it. I think it would look better if you guys changed up the format of your responces. I currently have an speech analalysts studying the handwritting and style of the afor mentioned paragraph stlye. Just kidding jit you are god in my book.
aj said:Jamie....when I see Dale tommorro at Century feedlot tommorro I will pass on your advice. I'll tell him that a welsh ponie breeder from Canada recomends not feeding longhorn cattle. And I will remind him to mention in his shareholder meeting in two weeks to remind the shareholders that this deal is about profit and not for the fun of it. And I will tell him that you look down on those 1200# Red Angus cows that have have calves that weigh 85# and are the mothers of the14 pens of grid master winners he has fed in the last 8 years. Those Red Angus cattle gaining 3.7 with 5 % 4's and cost of gaining .69 cents. Running around 95% choice. And featured in this last months Red Angus journal. I think he will be impressed with your cattle feeding knowledge.![]()
So driving that feed truck at 5 in the morning didn't help you figure out how to moderate birth weights in your own herd without going outside the breed? So Jaimiediamond bred a bull at 17 (yep that's 7 years ago) that produces calves under 85lbs. and you have to go outside the breed! Quite the testament to your breeding ability and very original. Next you will be telling us the whole Durham Red deal came from that breeding guru AJ!aj said:I like to discuss breeding philosophies. I think it looks hoakie if I were to try and sale cattle on here a discussion board. Buy an ad instead of coming on here and sell your cattle free of charge. I think its special you have cows and horsies. I do think its weird that that your reply and jit's reply and commercial farmers replies always look and sound exactly alike. I just assummed you were relation or something but I guess all Canadians all write alike. I can't remember bashing your program. I will say that I have lived beside feedlots. I have worked in feedlots. I have clocked in at 5 in the morning to run feed truck. I have read bunks for feedlots. I have worked cattle in feedlots in 10 below zero. I got a little goofy when someone with your massive life experiences explains cattle feeding to me. If you want to know what I have done to mderate my birthweights? I finally had to go out and buy a Red Angus bull. I tried to buy lower bwt bulls for years and no had any. I have lowered my BWt's ave by about 15# on about 90 cows in 6 years. My average bwt used to be 100 and it is now under 90. Seriously I wish the best for horsies and longhorns and whatever.I have tried to get jit to admit that the Shorthorn in general has a calving bwt problem. |He will not admit it. Then comes the speech how hes the greatest shorthorn breeder in the world and he sells 30 bulls ayear and he is as close to jesus in Canada as anyone. He will not admit it. I think it would look better if you guys changed up the format of your responces. I currently have an speech analalysts studying the handwritting and style of the afor mentioned paragraph stlye. Just kidding jit you are god in my book.
Absolutely Right! Someone mentioned JSF Capiche at Select Sires.Cowfarmer65 said:I can see this thread has gone downhill big time.
Now let's get back on track.
Cowfarmer65 said:Saw 3 Capiche calves at a local fair this past weekend...........very clubby and sweet fronted.