Where will you move to if...... (not cattle related)

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Showsteerdlux is right on, i would be fired from my job if i used the n word when they are those of the african-american race that call each other it,  my son plays college basketball, they call each other the n word on the court, how long would he last if it came out of his mouth once.        theres something wrong there, it's gone way too far,    Why haven't we seen much of obama'
s old lady in the news much since the democratic convention, some might say because so much attention is on sarah palin,  truth is they took her off left stage because her racist views were beginning to come out, another point, any opinions on obama's racial background, on his father's side, it isn't all african.

Jive Turkey

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
I'd be a much happier man if my guy Mitt Romney would have gotten the nomination.

Still holding out hope for him in '12.

He'd be the guy for today's economy, that's for sure.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Jive Turkey said:
farwest said:
No, i don't think i'm a bigot and never have been referred to as one, and have never been referred to as the 60's by the people around me,

Maybe you need to re-think about the people you are hanging around if they think those comments and opinions are OK.

for me, racism is usually who smelt it dealt it.

a bunch of white males (along with substantial prodding by white females) ended slavery in America.  it still exists in many parts of the world, including Africa.

The level of intolerance for Whites in Africa is pretty startling.  I'd say there is more racism in Africa than America.

oops i smelt it.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
red said:
the negativity on both sides, especially Mc Cains, is really turning me off.
Was it Adam 12 that they said " Just the facts madam, just the facts"

red - Sgt Friday - Dragnet

Last week McCain (that would be John STANLEY McCain to those hung up on middle names) stated that Obama was NOT an Arab as his followers believed, that Obama was a good decent, honest family man who only wanted what was best for the US - but that he & McCain disagreed on issues

I am not moving - I love my country BUT I am incredibly dismayed that racism, hate mongering, intolerance, Bubbaism, and Bradleyism is rampant esp on SP

farwest said:
How many people on this message board would be nervous with 12 people on a plane with them after 9/11 with the name obama or similar with a darker color of skin,  sorry the name does matter,  i hope the liberals get what they deserve a year or two down the road

I would be very nervous if I were on a plane with 12 people who think like you do


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i ain't moving either.

by birth, Obama is half Arab descent from north africa, 1/2 whatever his mother is.  by birth, i'm 3/8 danish, 1/8 welsh, 1/2 german.

this has nothing to do with racism.  it just is.  obama probably is decent, i just disagree with him on just about every issue which include the following.

redistribution of wealth
obama corp equal in number to the military
war on poverty in the world
inability to determine genocide in iraq talking about interdiction everywhere but iraq
home loans for people who don't save, won't save, won't pay principle
his tax plan.  everyone should be taxed
his endless language of we need to do better because you know, we uh need to do, you know, better, you know because uh, it's the right thing to do because you know, the fact is, that profit should, you know, be, you know, illegal and be substituted with subsidies to you know, industries i think, you know, need it, because you know, the free market, can't you  know, be counted on for, you know, anything.
and more.

i to am dismayed at the continual inferences of racism, hate mongering (particularly of conservatism), intolerance(particularly of conservatism), the opposite of Bubbaism, including girlyism especially as it relates to the disinccentivism of boys now in k-12, and perpetual newfangleism (progressivism, ie eventual namblaism).

this need to always project problems of discrimination on those whose views differ from one's own borders on hypocrisy.  these comments are not directed at anyone.  laws are founded on discrimination and hypocrisy.  I can think of NO law the left has passed protecting the unborn.  1.5 million dead since '73 and counting.  no outrage from the left on that, only iraqi war dead.  selective outrage is wearing thin.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
That's what gets me . You can say that you won't vote for Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry aka Cokehead aka Pothead,  & everybody immediately calls you a racist. Not willing to believe like Knabe says that you don't like his policies or are scared by his lack of experience.
Now , if you want to talk about racist lets look at , oh I don't know maybe NAACP, Miss Black America pagent, BET(Black Entertainment Channel), & the list goes on.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2008
knabe said:
i ain't moving either.

by birth, Obama is half Arab descent from north africa, 1/2 whatever his mother is.  by birth, i'm 3/8 danish, 1/8 welsh, 1/2 german.

this has nothing to do with racism.  it just is.  obama probably is decent, i just disagree with him on just about every issue which include the following.

redistribution of wealth
obama corp equal in number to the military
war on poverty in the world
inability to determine genocide in iraq talking about interdiction everywhere but iraq
home loans for people who don't save, won't save, won't pay principle
his tax plan.  everyone should be taxed
his endless language of we need to do better because you know, we uh need to do, you know, better, you know because uh, it's the right thing to do because you know, the fact is, that profit should, you know, be, you know, illegal and be substituted with subsidies to you know, industries i think, you know, need it, because you know, the free market, can't you  know, be counted on for, you know, anything.
and more.

i to am dismayed at the continual inferences of racism, hate mongering (particularly of conservatism), intolerance(particularly of conservatism), the opposite of Bubbaism, including girlyism especially as it relates to the disinccentivism of boys now in k-12, and perpetual newfangleism (progressivism, ie eventual namblaism).

this need to always project problems of discrimination on those whose views differ from one's own borders on hypocrisy.  these comments are not directed at anyone.   laws are founded on discrimination and hypocrisy.  I can think of NO law the left has passed protecting the unborn.  1.5 million dead since '73 and counting.  no outrage from the left on that, only iraqi war dead.  selective outrage is wearing thin.

AMEN knabe... AMEN


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
harley said:
knabe said:
i ain't moving either.

by birth, Obama is half Arab descent from north africa, 1/2 whatever his mother is.  by birth, i'm 3/8 danish, 1/8 welsh, 1/2 german.

this has nothing to do with racism.  it just is.  obama probably is decent, i just disagree with him on just about every issue which include the following.

redistribution of wealth
obama corp equal in number to the military
war on poverty in the world
inability to determine genocide in iraq talking about interdiction everywhere but iraq
home loans for people who don't save, won't save, won't pay principle
his tax plan.  everyone should be taxed
his endless language of we need to do better because you know, we uh need to do, you know, better, you know because uh, it's the right thing to do because you know, the fact is, that profit should, you know, be, you know, illegal and be substituted with subsidies to you know, industries i think, you know, need it, because you know, the free market, can't you  know, be counted on for, you know, anything.
and more.

i to am dismayed at the continual inferences of racism, hate mongering (particularly of conservatism), intolerance(particularly of conservatism), the opposite of Bubbaism, including girlyism especially as it relates to the disinccentivism of boys now in k-12, and perpetual newfangleism (progressivism, ie eventual namblaism).

this need to always project problems of discrimination on those whose views differ from one's own borders on hypocrisy.  these comments are not directed at anyone.   laws are founded on discrimination and hypocrisy.  I can think of NO law the left has passed protecting the unborn.  1.5 million dead since '73 and counting.  no outrage from the left on that, only iraqi war dead.  selective outrage is wearing thin.

AMEN knabe... AMEN



Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
DL said:
red said:
the negativity on both sides, especially Mc Cains, is really turning me off.
Was it Adam 12 that they said " Just the facts madam, just the facts"

I am not moving - I love my country BUT I am incredibly dismayed that racism, hate mongering, intolerance, Bubbaism, and Bradleyism is rampant esp on SP

farwest said:
How many people on this message board would be nervous with 12 people on a plane with them after 9/11 with the name obama or similar with a darker color of skin,   sorry the name does matter,  i hope the liberals get what they deserve a year or two down the road

I would be very nervous if I were on a plane with 12 people who think like you do

Did you hear about the t-shirts worn at a Barack Hussein Obama Rally this last weekend.

One said


The other:


What should we call the condition that black people are for Obama, remember 98% are for Obama. How  about Whityism(Bubbaism). Or maybe you have some other ones that you can come up with.
As far as  12 Arabs on an airplane, I would keep a close eye on them. Not that it is right, but a few bad apples can ruin the cart.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
you know, the fact is, uh, you know, that, uh, if obama was white (looking), the republicans would uh, you know, hit him harder, you know, but because if you know, disagree with the messiah (ask farrakan about that), you know, that it's uh, you know, racist.

in obama's latest infomercial, there are whites everywhere, talk of military service etc.  there is scant mention of his muslim father, his muslim step father (both lifelong communists), his mother, a lifelong communist.  i for one don't believe these are just "folks".  three of the most influential people in his life are communists, he associated with communists and black liberationists all his life.  i for one haven't seen ANYTHING capitalist about mr. obama.  he hasn't even tried to portray himself as remotely capitalist.  he rarely had a good word for whites if ever and only identified himself as a black person.  in my view, he's the racist as he tried to find his identity as a black person, rather than an american.  he uses race and economics to divide people but calls himself the unifier.  this is the most divisive person in america as far as i'm concerned.  HIS level of hatred and contempt for anyone who is successful is stunning.  his soft tyranny seems to sell well though.  it did as well for most of those in the past as well. 

great video of a plumber asking the messiah a question


personallly, the way hate and racism is used and defined by the left, THIS is hatred and racism.

    Plumber to Obama: “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more. Isn’t it?”

    Obama: “It’s not that I want to punish your success (even though he WILL), I just want to make surethat everybody that is behind you, that they have a chance(guarantee)  for success too. I think that when you spread the wealth around (because I know how to do it and you don't), it’s good for everybody(my voting constituency).”

obama essentially wants to guarantee success by subsidizing failure and penalizing success. 


obama will increase that percentage with his tax plan by a couple of percentage points.  then, he will give amnesty to illegal aliens, chain migration amenesty, and pretty soon, there will be more voters who pay NO FEDERAL income tax, virtually eliminating one of the founding principles of this country, that one has a right to property.  essentially what will happen is that those who PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX will vote themselves property.  this is one reason the whigs/federalists were called an oligarchy, as you needed property to vote.  meanwhile, jefferson played it both ways as usual, just like democrats today, ie the candidate who replaced foley saying he was going to lead a moral life.  foley caused the downfall of hastert, yet will foley's replacement's folley's cause the downfall of ANY democrat leader?  no, because they are the most ethically and morally devoid group of progressives (which is founded on absoultely no morals, look it up with george lakoff's books, yes, he's from berkeley) in existence.  i consider congress the mafia and they use the same tactics like intimidation, you can't disagree with them because you are racist, bigot etc.

obama and his brother.  what is the reason he hasn't helped him?  because he wants to use your money to do it, because you can't be trusted with your own money, religion or guns.

david axlerod has got to be the most hateful person i've ever seen.  he's also rude, a constant interrupter.  the more he's exposed, the better.  personally, i would not interrupt him, and just simply state "David, is rudeness a central theme of the democrat party?,  do you ""have to get in my face and argue like obama told you?""


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
Well, I started this discussion so after reading all of the replies this is what I have to say.  I AM NOT A RACIST, but I do not like Obama and everything that he stands for.  I am scared, yes I did say scared, for our great country if he does get elected to office.  To me, this man has a "HITLER" like appeal to some people, it's like he has them all in a weird kind of a trance and they can't seem to snap out of it.  WAKE UP PEOPLE!!  If you want to think that I am a racist because I don't like him because he is Muslim, then go right ahead, again I say I am not a racist.  I personally do not think that a Muslim should be running our country and that is my honest opinion. What would all of our great leaders of the past that are now deceased think about the fact that a Muslim is running our country??  Someone made the comment that if Obama was a Republican we all would not be feeling the way that we do.  That is the one of the dumbest things I have ever heard!!  I would feel the same way if he was a R, I would not like him and the beliefs that he stands for.

Jive Turkey

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
Simmymom1 said:
Well, I started this discussion so after reading all of the replies this is what I have to say.  I AM NOT A RACIST, but I do not like Obama and everything that he stands for.  I am scared, yes I did say scared, for our great country if he does get elected to office.  To me, this man has a "HITLER" like appeal to some people, it's like he has them all in a weird kind of a trance and they can't seem to snap out of it.  WAKE UP PEOPLE!!  If you want to think that I am a racist because I don't like him because he is Muslim, then go right ahead, again I say I am not a racist.  I personally do not think that a Muslim should be running our country and that is my honest opinion. What would all of our great leaders of the past that are now deceased think about the fact that a Muslim is running our country??  Someone made the comment that if Obama was a Republican we all would not be feeling the way that we do.  That is the one of the dumbest things I have ever heard!!  I would feel the same way if he was a R, I would not like him and the beliefs that he stands for.

I didn't realize that Obama went to Muslim worships and bowed to Mecca 4 times a day.

If he doesn't, then he's not a Muslim.

Also, please cite where you found out that Obama's parents were communists.  First I've heard of it.

The bigotry and religious intolerance on this board is shockingly rampant and disappointing.

And again, I'm a guy that will be voting for McCain.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
I'm not a racist guy either, but I just flat don't like Obama.  I wouldn't care if his name was Bob Johnson, and he was as white as paper, his policies are really socialist.  I just really don't like the way he sugar-coats his borderline communism. If he gets elected, in a couple years everyone is going to stop for a minute and scratch their heads and ask..."When did this become the USSR?...oh well, I'll just go to my government job on the government mass transit, do my higher-ranking job BETTER than my inferiors, and get paid the same.  Then we'll all go home to our government housing while our kids get home from learning about how great Mao and Stalin and Mussolini are....OK, that was a bit far, but it's frustrating.  Return to your seats and buckle your seatbelts ladies and gentlemen, we're about to encounter turbulence.  Fall asleep at O'Hare, wake up at Dulles..go to sleep in one world, wake up in another.  It's coming, and maybe only the crazy will survive.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Jive Turkey said:
Simmymom1 said:
Well, I started this discussion so after reading all of the replies this is what I have to say.  I AM NOT A RACIST, but I do not like Obama and everything that he stands for.  I am scared, yes I did say scared, for our great country if he does get elected to office.  To me, this man has a "HITLER" like appeal to some people, it's like he has them all in a weird kind of a trance and they can't seem to snap out of it.  WAKE UP PEOPLE!!  If you want to think that I am a racist because I don't like him because he is Muslim, then go right ahead, again I say I am not a racist.  I personally do not think that a Muslim should be running our country and that is my honest opinion. What would all of our great leaders of the past that are now deceased think about the fact that a Muslim is running our country??  Someone made the comment that if Obama was a Republican we all would not be feeling the way that we do.  That is the one of the dumbest things I have ever heard!!  I would feel the same way if he was a R, I would not like him and the beliefs that he stands for.

I didn't realize that Obama went to Muslim worships and bowed to Mecca 4 times a day.

If he doesn't, then he's not a Muslim.

Also, please cite where you found out that Obama's parents were communists.  First I've heard of it.

The bigotry and religious intolerance on this board is shockingly rampant and disappointing.

And again, I'm a guy that will be voting for McCain.

OMG - rational though! It appears that some on this board live in a parallel universe where lies repeated often enough become "truth" and then life revolves around these lies. I gather people don't think on their own but rather accept anything that is spewed their way that fits their predesigned paradigm. People spew garbage as if it were fact - and others just suck it up like sponges - Obama is a Muslim an Arab a terrorist his wife hates whites - it is never referenced - just rumors and innuendos and the claim "that I am not a racist"

Obama is not a Muslim. Obama is not an Arab. Do any of you know any Muslims? Talked to them about their religion? Discussed their culture? Do you know any Arabs - ever gone out to dinner with an Arab? Understand the differences between different Arab cultures? Have a Black friend? Invited him or her to yur wedding? By and large this is the most narrow minded, provincial, bigoted, intolerant bunch I have had the displeasure to interact with in a very long time.

Jive Turkey

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
DL said:
OMG - rational though! It appears that some on this board live in a parallel universe where lies repeated often enough become "truth" and then life revolves around these lies. I gather people don't think on their own but rather accept anything that is spewed their way that fits their predesigned paradigm. People spew garbage as if it were fact - and others just suck it up like sponges - Obama is a Muslim an Arab a terrorist his wife hates whites - it is never referenced - just rumors and innuendos and the claim "that I am not a racist"

Obama is not a Muslim. Obama is not an Arab. Do any of you know any Muslims? Talked to them about their religion? Discussed their culture? Do you know any Arabs - ever gone out to dinner with an Arab? Understand the differences between different Arab cultures? Have a Black friend? Invited him or her to yur wedding? By and large this is the most narrow minded, provincial, bigoted, intolerant bunch I have had the displeasure to interact with in a very long time.

Couldn't agree more. 

I took some religious studies courses in college and have to say of all the major religions I studied, Islam seemed to be the most peaceful.

I have no problem with people that dislike Obama b/c of his policies, that's where I disagree strongly with him as a candidate as well but I still respect him as a person and public servant even though he may lean towards a side of the aisle that I do not.

People on here claim they're not racists but then talk about being afraid of people in turbans, disliking a guy b/c his name is different, and claim he hates white people.

That's the definition of a racist and if you don't like it, tough, your words speak for you no matter how you try to spin it.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
DL said:
Obama is not a Muslim. Obama is not an Arab. Do any of you know any Muslims? Talked to them about their religion? Discussed their culture? Do you know any Arabs - ever gone out to dinner with an Arab? Understand the differences between different Arab cultures? Have a Black friend? Invited him or her to yur wedding? By and large this is the most narrow minded, provincial, bigoted, intolerant bunch I have had the displeasure to interact with in a very long time.

sorry, but he was a muslim by some people's standards, mostly muslims.  he is considered an apostate by those same muslims.

north africans are considered arab in some circles, and france is even considered african in some circles as the mountain pass to the north essentially blocked off france from europe.

even kenyan's have a variety of arab blood as the were frequently invaded by or traded with arab countries.

there is nothing wrong with being arab.

yes, i have talked with muslims.  i had an indonesian office mate in grad school who is muslim who prayed 5 times a day and i read about 2/3's of the koran and discussed it many times, focusing particularly on it's circular logic, tax system, existence of non-muslims under muslim rule from a non-muslim perspective, the list is endless.  many rituals within the muslim religion can be traced to "pagan" societies which mohammed incorporated into islam to roll societies into islam while "respecting" their traditions including the haj.  this rock had it's circlular ritual around it many centuries before islam.  there is NOTHING sacred about islam that a non-muslim can not come to their own conclusions, similar to what liberals do regarding the movement to atheism from the many forms of chrisitianity.

most people are afraid of people who are different from them including liberals being afraid of conservatives.  on a rating scale, i dare say liberals in general rate right up there in their fear of conservatives and vice versa, and throw in the mix of any other culture.

there may be one or two posts that obama hates white people, but in general, when one has a belief system that promotes a race, which La Raza, MECHA, LULAC, NAACP, black liberation theology, etc, these are the organizations which are racist, no matter how you spin it.

once again, here's the definition from the anti-defamation league.

Racism has existed throughout human history. It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another -- or the belief that another person is less than human -- because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person.

expressing apprehension of those who are different than one is is NOT racism.  one must have a track record.  obama's track record to me, is one of division and border on racism, no matter how you spin it.

all the claims and counterclaims of racism i've seen so far have nothing to do with the ADL's definition of racism.

i have an aquaintance who is unabashedly, a black liberationist.  we talk all the time about this.

disliking is not the same as hate, which is a requirement for racism.

jive turkey, being afraid of someone has nothing to do with racism, no matter how you spin it.  racism is about hatred.

again, accusations of racism without proof or rebuttal IS essentially an infringement on the first amendment.  it sounds something like stalin, lenin, mao, etc would do.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2007
gallup New Mexico
There is no way i would ever vote for him. Trust me I'm not racist at all, I live where being white is different. But I can honestly say I am afraid of him and what he will do. I don't think he is ready to be president.