Well-known member
that top 40 song Afro needs to be replaced with a cold front :-*
that top 40 song Afro needs to be replaced with a cold front :-*
sjcattleco said:Whoa!! here now!!
is the cattle business a business or are you guys complaining that your hobby costs too much!!!
SHOOT in the Herf association Certs are $100 plus!
Man the cert thing cuts your breeding costs in half!!!
garybob said:No, the customer is NOT always right!!!
Red, my dear, many people in this Biz and its many segments, would agree with you. My Daddy, for instance, is the worst about simply raising what is curently popular. I think, what you are saying, is that we should just raise what sells in our local area, get our twice-a-year check at the sale barn, and go to the coffe shop and brag to the neighbors. Is this what you're saying?
We are being stagnant if we are all simply "followers". Right here,in the Southern MO/Northern AR/Northeast OK region, the focus is currently on Black-hided calves. Solid-red Shorthorns, or Red Angus, or good,slick-haired, heavy-boned Herefords that'll feed and grade right up there with the Black Angus calves, won't bring the same price per pound as a Black-Exotic with no Angus in it at all. I will have to disagree with you on this one. In fact, the Black Continental calves without ANY LITTLE DROP of Angus bring more per pound than sure-enough good Angus calves.
Does this make sense to any of you?
Jill said:I have the answer to that one (clapping)NONE!
OH Breeder said:garybob said:No, the customer is NOT always right!!!
Red, my dear, many people in this Biz and its many segments, would agree with you. My Daddy, for instance, is the worst about simply raising what is curently popular. I think, what you are saying, is that we should just raise what sells in our local area, get our twice-a-year check at the sale barn, and go to the coffe shop and brag to the neighbors. Is this what you're saying?
We are being stagnant if we are all simply "followers". Right here,in the Southern MO/Northern AR/Northeast OK region, the focus is currently on Black-hided calves. Solid-red Shorthorns, or Red Angus, or good,slick-haired, heavy-boned Herefords that'll feed and grade right up there with the Black Angus calves, won't bring the same price per pound as a Black-Exotic with no Angus in it at all. I will have to disagree with you on this one. In fact, the Black Continental calves without ANY LITTLE DROP of Angus bring more per pound than sure-enough good Angus calves.
Does this make sense to any of you?
I am not agreeing or disagreeing on this one, BUT, you have to give credit to the folks that have marketed for the black hided calf. Most city folks think "angus beef" is the best. They have no idea the black hided animal may be brown swiss, chianina and less than 5% angus. So, for the folks who marketed the black hides good for you. I am not sure what black hides have to do with the certificates and the post above? Help me on that one.
DL and Red- Agree with the points. The little guy ( i have 18 head total) makes up a large part of the market share. We account for a larger part of the revenue generated in some semen sales. THis may be wrong, but how many commercial producers are buying 500 units of Heat Wave?
I guess I have been guilty of arguing with sale barn owners and buyers, and ill-informed friends and family, about the price/value relationship of Shorthorn cattle, compared to the other, more popular breeds. Same principle here. If you always take what people are willing to give you, then, that is what they will always offer you, price-per-pound wise. same principle here. Scott and I agree that the entire gene profile of "purebred" Shorthorn Cattle is so jacked up, and people NEED to be made aware of the long-term damage to a breed's reputation all this show-cattle breeding has done! Otherwise, they are gonna keep doing "what sells", and no progress will be made, and this backward slide will said:When I said the customer is always right, I'm meaning that you don't hit him over the head because he's not agreeing w/ you.
If that's the trend in your area, remember trends always change. Not sure how your trend is the same as critizing the people who you are trying to gain as customers.
Raised in Carroll County, Arkansas, born in Harrison, in 1970. Graduated in 1996 from UA with degree in Ag-Ed. Raised around the commercial cattle industry. Like many, my love of Shorthorns started in the show ring, but I have a different sense of direction for the Shorthorn breed.shorthorns r us said:garybob - where in the ozarks do you call home?
sjcattleco said:man we need to step back and take a breath!!!!!
First of all I thought i was doing a good thing by taking and using 99% of the advice I was getting from you guys... I appreciate it very much..... then the uproar hit about the cert deal..... I have never questioned cert prices but I do look at the calf wiht a very critical eye!!! I just looked at certs as a BUSINESS cost! I was surpriesed to hear people scream about the price of a cert when IMO your calf is worth double than market price and you were not nailed for the original cost in the begining I think we are trying to pick Knat poop out of a pile of pepper.... Hey if the cert bothers you call me we can work it out.....This is my show I can do what ever I want.... Kinda a plus rather than dealing with SEK or Semex.... Shoot who knows I might even include some extra FREE!!! or send a hat... I am a pretty good guy!!!
... I did not belittle anyone about the size of their operation... go back and check.... I made a comment about whether we are talking about a hobby or a business....Can noone see that a $25/ unit cost plus cert is a better deal than $30 with certs free... If you guys think that is the way to do it i will go for it.... just call and I will keep a record of it!!!!and I will send the ASA a check for the certs myself!!! But do you know of any business that sells a product then takes a gamble of having to give back 20 % of their income for someone elses benefit??