Shorty hf bulls

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Well-known member
May 1, 2007
Yes, Sneeds is a large herd. Most of his commerical shorthorn cow base will be papered very soon too.
His "D1" females are awesome.
034 is used heavily as well as a son and two grand sons of Max 335. Linebred so it's hard to say a whole lot but if you like one you like them all.
I think it's safer to say "the girl family dominates the bull battery"?? Probably not a sale to miss...


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
I would say that if a person is serious about breeding acceptable real world, low input, good mama, good carcass, this guy is a key ingredient. I wish I knew about him 4 years ago when I dropped all that money on RA (argue). It's killin me not having the budget right now to buy some potloads of heifers from places like him and Loving's. Anybody got the money, I got the pastures and the labor. Lets play let's make a deal lol.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
sue said:
Yes, Sneeds is a large herd. Most of his commerical shorthorn cow base will be papered very soon too.
His "D1" females are awesome.
034 is used heavily as well as a son and two grand sons of Max 335. Linebred so it's hard to say a whole lot but if you like one you like them all.
I think it's safer to say "the girl family dominates the bull battery"?? Probably not a sale to miss...
Who is "D1". I have to admit to finding it hard to remember this naming system. I realise it has a pattern but it's like keeping track of a bunch of license plate numbers and I'm usually pretty good at remembering pedigrees. Also I am used to including the year letter in a name which might help those of us with memory loss keep up! :)


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
Okotoks said:
sue said:
Yes, Sneeds is a large herd. Most of his commerical shorthorn cow base will be papered very soon too.
His "D1" females are awesome.
034 is used heavily as well as a son and two grand sons of Max 335. Linebred so it's hard to say a whole lot but if you like one you like them all.
I think it's safer to say "the girl family dominates the bull battery"?? Probably not a sale to miss...
Who is "D1". I have to admit to finding it hard to remember this naming system. I realise it has a pattern but it's like keeping track of a bunch of license plate numbers and I'm usually pretty good at remembering pedigrees. Also I am used to including the year letter in a name which might help those of us with memory loss keep up! :)
I took a minute to look up the current sire group at Sneeds-
" 034 " ( reg # 4078267)-
"804 08" ( RS DV 034 804 08) son of 034 and the 804 cow is at SULLs now. She is old
"804 07" (RS Max 907 804 07) grand son of " max 335" the bull that was at Bertz& then A&Ts and out of the 804 cow now at SULLs, pretty sure Leveldale is using a son out of this cow too.
"209 07" ( RS Max 907 209 07) grandson of max 335 and what Rob will call his new heifer bull.
"319" ( RS Max 907 319 07) this bull was used on mature cows- the calves are stout, Moores purchased him. I love this cow and her daughters.
D1  is a 1B Red Angus bull.
So the Max line is from Ar Su Lu mackenzie, 034 is a Venturex 269 combination. Obviously he is using two half brothers by the 804 cow, but wait looks like 3 of them are paternal brothers too (907).


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
I took a minute to look up the current sire group at Sneeds-
" 034 " ( reg # 4078267)-
"804 08" ( RS DV 034 804 08) son of 034 and the 804 cow is at SULLs now. She is old
"804 07" (RS Max 907 804 07) grand son of " max 335" the bull that was at Bertz& then A&Ts and out of the 804 cow now at SULLs, pretty sure Leveldale is using a son out of this cow too.
"209 07" ( RS Max 907 209 07) grandson of max 335 and what Rob will call his new heifer bull.
"319" ( RS Max 907 319 07) this bull was used on mature cows- the calves are stout, Moores purchased him. I love this cow and her daughters.
D1   is a 1B Red Angus bull.
So the Max line is from Ar Su Lu mackenzie, 034 is a Venturex 269 combination. Obviously he is using two half brothers by the 804 cow, but wait looks like 3 of them are paternal brothers too (907).
Thanks Sue
I get the pattern and the logic but I'm just not good at remembering all those numbers. Good cattle and if I have it in front of me I can follow it but I can't recite you the pedigrees from memory! But then I'm sure I'm forgetting to do something............. :)


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
sue said:
Okotoks said:
sue said:
Yes, Sneeds is a large herd. Most of his commerical shorthorn cow base will be papered very soon too.
His "D1" females are awesome.
034 is used heavily as well as a son and two grand sons of Max 335. Linebred so it's hard to say a whole lot but if you like one you like them all.
I think it's safer to say "the girl family dominates the bull battery"?? Probably not a sale to miss...
Who is "D1". I have to admit to finding it hard to remember this naming system. I realise it has a pattern but it's like keeping track of a bunch of license plate numbers and I'm usually pretty good at remembering pedigrees. Also I am used to including the year letter in a name which might help those of us with memory loss keep up! :)
I took a minute to look up the current sire group at Sneeds-
" 034 " ( reg # 4078267)-
"804 08" ( RS DV 034 804 08) son of 034 and the 804 cow is at SULLs now. She is old
"804 07" (RS Max 907 804 07) grand son of " max 335" the bull that was at Bertz& then A&Ts and out of the 804 cow now at SULLs, pretty sure Leveldale is using a son out of this cow too.
"209 07" ( RS Max 907 209 07) grandson of max 335 and what Rob will call his new heifer bull.
"319" ( RS Max 907 319 07) this bull was used on mature cows- the calves are stout, Moores purchased him. I love this cow and her daughters.
D1   is a 1B Red Angus bull.
So the Max line is from Ar Su Lu mackenzie, 034 is a Venturex 269 combination. Obviously he is using two half brothers by the 804 cow, but wait looks like 3 of them are paternal brothers too (907).
It's very interesting how 907 and 804 keep showing up. One advantage to a large herd is it allows you to do linebreeding and use several good descendants while doing so.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
Just a reminder that The Hill Country Sale is coming up and they are using 3 bulls that would be considered calving ease, Six S Panther 35P,  Matlock Rebel Rauser a son of Ready Go, and Lakeside Ripper 901. Some interesting genetics for both Canadians and Americans looking for some options.
Six S Panther's Fall 2010 EPD's have his calving ease at +8.0 and BW at a -2.2


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
Waukaru Gold Mine 2109, I was at the olds show today and Crooked Post Shorthorns had a nice red heifer calf by this bull and he has a 73 lb. BW a calving ease of +10.9 and a BW EPD of -1.5. Their other heifer wa sby Crooked Post Grissom 24T a Byland Gold Spear son from the Downsview Rose family and Grissom's BW was 84lb.CE +2.9 and BW +2.3 so still a pretty good option with lots of growth, +28 WW and +47 YW and milk is +8.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
Okotoks said:
Waukaru Gold Mine 2109, I was at the olds show today and Crooked Post Shorthorns had a nice red heifer calf by this bull and he has a 73 lb. BW a calving ease of +10.9 and a BW EPD of -1.5. Their other heifer wa sby Crooked Post Grissom 24T a Byland Gold Spear son from the Downsview Rose family and Grissom's BW was 84lb.CE +2.9 and BW +2.3 so still a pretty good option with lots of growth, +28 WW and +47 YW and milk is +8.

We had a herd bull sired by 2109 and we were silly enough to not collect him. He was great calving ease, the calves grew well, and they were pretty decent for show cattle as well.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Okytokes......those numbers seem awfully high. Do we as a maternal breed need(or can we survive those kinda numbers). With that kinda growth and that kinda milk I would think the females would come up open in alot of range environments. jmo


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
aj said:
Okytokes......those numbers seem awfully high. Do we as a maternal breed need(or can we survive those kinda numbers). With that kinda growth and that kinda milk I would think the females would come up open in alot of range environments. jmo
That is a good point and there is probably a different answer for each environment. I know we can easily run cows with +35 YW EPD's and up to +8 milk but that might not work in some environments. Shorthorn cows with -2 or 0 milk seem to be able to raise a big calf so again enviroment would play a big part. Also there is no EPD for easy fleshing, Some of our cows have higher milk EPD's and wean off big calves and still come in every fall in good body condition. There are so many factors but probably in rough terrain good feet and legs and a good strong jaw and muzzle would enter in as a big factor.I personnaly do not like freaky fronts, extended necks, excessivley clean fronted etc. as those animals rarely have the capacity to go out and perform on grass or roughage. JMO.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
I have come to the conclusion that a fella's easy keeping cow in Canada is not a easy keeping cow in Oklahoma. Nor is a easy keeping cow in Ohio going to be easy keeping in Montana. To each their own I guess. I believe it all boils down to how good of grass you can grow and how cheap you can do it. If you like 2,000 lb cows, you will have them, if you like 1,200 lb cows you will have them. Each persons enviroment sorts what makes a good cow for them. I think one could argue about this till the end of time. I am starting to lean toward cows that you kinda forget they are there. Middle of the road sounds better everyday. I am learning your own bulls may be your best option to make more cows that are useful to you.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2010
Tasmania Australia
You hit that right on the head TGCC no matter what the bred you need to bred to you enviroment. We are seeing a big trend in the blacks here towards our home bred bulls and not the bulls from the good old US of A


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
trevorgreycattleco said:
I have come to the conclusion that a fella's easy keeping cow in Canada is not a easy keeping cow in Oklahoma. Nor is a easy keeping cow in Ohio going to be easy keeping in Montana. To each their own I guess. I believe it all boils down to how good of grass you can grow and how cheap you can do it. If you like 2,000 lb cows, you will have them, if you like 1,200 lb cows you will have them. Each persons enviroment sorts what makes a good cow for them. I think one could argue about this till the end of time. I am starting to lean toward cows that you kinda forget they are there. Middle of the road sounds better everyday. I am learning your own bulls may be your best option to make more cows that are useful to you.

Bingo!  And I will add that there is as much variation in environmental conditions in Canada as there is between Canada and Oklahoma. You have to raise whatever works on your farm or ranch. Anyone who can say that they are making money from their cows these days is definitely doing something ( or maybe everything!) right


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2007
3060 South McNaughton Rd. Douglas, ON. Can.
Okotoks said:
Just a reminder that The Hill Country Sale is coming up and they are using 3 bulls that would be considered calving ease, Six S Panther 35P,  Matlock Rebel Rauser a son of Ready Go, and Lakeside Ripper 901. Some interesting genetics for both Canadians and Americans looking for some options.
Six S Panther's Fall 2010 EPD's have his calving ease at +8.0 and BW at a -2.2
Okotoks said:
Just a reminder that The Hill Country Sale is coming up and they are using 3 bulls that would be considered calving ease, Six S Panther 35P,  Matlock Rebel Rauser a son of Ready Go, and Lakeside Ripper 901. Some interesting genetics for both Canadians and Americans looking for some options.
Six S Panther's Fall 2010 EPD's have his calving ease at +8.0 and BW at a -2.2

The Panther daughters are very easy keeping animals. I purchased Matlocks heifer calf in the Agribition Sale last fall. Very easy keeping and will make a female that will make show heifers or extremely efficient brood cows.....what more can you ask for.
The most important and pleasant part of dealing the folks at Matlock is that they are breeders who stand behind everything that they sell, 100%


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Trev in general I think you are right. However I think in the Shorthorn breed show ring deal you have to have tonner cows to compete. I think the the establishment is scared to death that if the breed decides to downsize they will be on the wrong end of the deal. I think this is why say jpj is badmouthed on here so bad cause he is such a down sizer. I do think a tonner cow can survive anywhere! All it takes is 30#'s of grain aday and 10 ton of alfalfa a year plus all the guru products.


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
Hands down the most popular Shorthorn bull in the breed is JPJ. His total registration is close to passing even Trump. I wouldnt mind a piece of the royalties each qu


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2008
So I have to ask the question based on this widespread use of Jazz,Are Shorthorn breeders in general changing the direction of their breeding programs or are they hoping to solve the calving ease problem and keep the current popular phenotype with one magic bullet.


Well-known member
May 7, 2007
Jay Ok
I believe everybody is looking for that so called silver bullet.  Everyone I talk to mentions calving ease and finding the bull to provide it.  I also think everyone is looking for the bull who is easier calving yet provides enough performance and look to make those cattle marketable. It will be interesting what bulls will be popular 5 years from now.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
There are obviously people out there looking for the quick fix, then there are breeders who have been working on the BW problem and have lines of proven sires. With the quick fix like Proud Jazz a light birth weight JPJ son out of a high birth weight cow is likely to throw both ends of the spectrum, its the wonderful world of genetics.  Another factor for BW is environment... 