Shorty hf bulls

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
trevorgreycattleco said:
Okotoks said:
trevorgreycattleco said:
Sure is. Linebred Girl family. 69 lb BW ratioed 111.5 , 520 WW ratioed 107.3, 953 YW
Reg. # 4142538
I know you are crossing him with Red Angus for Durham Reds but do you also breed him for pure shorthorns. Do you have calves on the ground yet?

I have not had a purebred calf out of 329 yet. sue on here has, so she could talk better about that. My only shorthorn cow is bred to a son of hers this year but she will be bred to him next year. My hope is he will be one of the last bulls I bring in from outside sources. His calves here have met my hopes so far and grow good. I plan on building my herd around this bull. His mama is a preety sweet cow from all I can gather. She has a full sib to 329 on her right now.
Any idea what he weighs as a two year old? (like his looks better than 034


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
trevorgreycattleco said:
I have not weighed him since he got here. Just a guess on my part but I put him around the 1,800 2,000 range.
red 211 mov is a video of 329 about a month or so ago. Not the best video.
I like the fact he carries a couple of crosses of Sutherland Titleist 269. David Ragsdale brought 269 to Calgary for the Canadain National Show in 1994 where he was Grand Champion. A lot of people outside the breed thought he should have won the interbreed supreme. He was fine looking bull. He also has Deer Trail Sagebrush and we had good sucees with a half brother to him. Have you collected 329?


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Okotoks, he has not been collected yet, but I think he will be soon. Next month or so. I had a good talk awihle back about 269 with David Ragsdale. Have always liked that bull since. If he was black, he would have been a house hold name. Have not heard much on the Sagebrush bull tho.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
The old '97 Nonpareil that was behind that good cow family in our herd was by 269, one of the great ones.  269 was massive and thick and left behind functional females--that bull had hardly any negatives.  We also used Sagebrush a little-- calving ease. 

Wish we'd used both those bulls more than we did.  When the 50" show steer craze blows over, 269 would be a good one to "breed them back out of the mud" again, as the Graham family said when they were promoting their large-framed cattle.  Some of us can remember the cattle that were belt buckle high and lacked growth--they were thick & not always born easily.  It used to be that a bull's brisket was supposed to touch a Stetson hat or an 8" brick.  The good old days were not always good. 

If you have 269 or Sagebrush semen in the jug, they are better than some sires you have been using.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
If you have 269 or Sagebrush semen in the tank, they are better bulls than ANYONE is using, unless you are using only one and he is a proven great one and you are totally ignoring the fads (bull of the month or latest ribbon winner)--that is what I meant to say.

Neither bull is small-framed, compared to some of today's show steers.  I"m not against winning a purple--269 is one of the few bulls we used in the last 30 years that was a show bull.  Sagebrush and 269 have  high enough accuracies that the guesswork is eliminated. 


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
Dale said:
If you have 269 or Sagebrush semen in the tank, they are better bulls than ANYONE is using, unless you are using only one and he is a proven great one and you are totally ignoring the fads (bull of the month or latest ribbon winner)--that is what I meant to say.

Neither bull is small-framed, compared to some of today's show steers.  I"m not against winning a purple--269 is one of the few bulls we used in the last 30 years that was a show bull.  Sagebrush and 269 have  high enough accuracies that the guesswork is eliminated. 
I actually have a couple of 269 straws I was thinking of using in a flush on a Diamond Captain Mark 27C daughter.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
justintime said:
Thanks aj... I appreciate the offer. Seriously. I am trying to finish our sale catalog tonite so if you can spare a few moments, I would appreciate you proofing it. That is if it doesn't interfere with what may be on Oprah!  BTW, what is with the corn harvest being so early this year? When I delivered bulls in mid May to SW Iowa, we were told that corn planting was way behind. One of the guys I dropped a bull off at, said he was going to plant corn for 3 more days then quit. I talked with him last night and he said his corn was almost a month early this year, and that they had already harvested quite a pile of acres. Last year in mid October, I travelled through this same country and I did not see an acre cut on the entire trip. Can Obama claim some of this ?

Hope your corn harvest goes great...and I mean that!

JIT, you cant compare this year and last year for Iowa growing seasons.  Last year rain rain rain, and cold cold cold.  This year rain rain and hot days, so our corn got the moisture and the heat units to mature.  Last year was the first june on record I believe that we didn't get above 85 or 90 and there were few above 80.  We just had an even better growing year this year.  Also many people planted slightly earlier numbers of corn after last years wet corn disaster.  Everything is looking great down here, I am really thinking about what is going on with the prices and starting to worry.  So I hope that clears it up for you somewhat. 

PS.  I hate writing towards someone on a forum, I always feel like i come off as a smart@#$, I am not in this case, so don't be offended.  Glad to answer anymore questions.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Sounds like I should try and find some 269 semen and plug it in here at somepoint. Any Sagebrush semen still around? Pics of him?
Rob Sneed sure has it going on out there. He was country, when country wasn't cool.

hamburg man, I don't think ur a smart a**.
I am on the other hand, but you are good here.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
David Ragsdale said the 269's were so docile that they did not pull back on the halter the first time they were tied up--excellent dispositions.  Our KD Double Duty cattle are like that, also.  I like a "Shorthorn classic" disposition, especially as the years go by. 

Sagebrush calves were a little more spirited, but not a problem.



Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I saw the first 4 Waukaru Patent calves at Waukaru on the weekend. I really liked them. BWs of 72-84 lbs out of cows. One bull calf had tremendous muscle expression and he came to Canada with his mom. Monty Thomson and Greg Tough partnered on this pair.  Barry Jordan said he has never seen calves that change as quickly after birth as the Patent calves did. Looks like he may turn into an outstanding sire.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
justintime said:
I saw the first 4 Waukaru Patent calves at Waukaru on the weekend. I really liked them. BWs of 72-84 lbs out of cows. One bull calf had tremendous muscle expression and he came to Canada with his mom. Monty Thomson and Greg Tough partnered on this pair.  Barry Jordan said he has never seen calves that change as quickly after birth as the Patent calves did. Looks like he may turn into an outstanding sire.
What lot did Monty and Greg get? Do you have any other sale results?


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Monty and Greg got lot 19.. cow calf pair. Lot 1 flush( Patent's mother) sold for $11,000 to Australian buyer on the phone. I did not recognize the name. I will get more details a bit later when I have more time.


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
Dale said:
If you have 269 or Sagebrush semen in the tank, they are better bulls than ANYONE is using, unless you are using only one and he is a proven great one and you are totally ignoring the fads (bull of the month or latest ribbon winner)--that is what I meant to say.

Neither bull is small-framed, compared to some of today's show steers.  I"m not against winning a purple--269 is one of the few bulls we used in the last 30 years that was a show bull.  Sagebrush and 269 have  high enough accuracies that the guesswork is eliminated. 

269-  13 yrs of breeding naturally. I agree Dale.  Not too many posters can say that about a pedigree or a bull they are using naturally today.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
sue said:
Dale said:
If you have 269 or Sagebrush semen in the tank, they are better bulls than ANYONE is using, unless you are using only one and he is a proven great one and you are totally ignoring the fads (bull of the month or latest ribbon winner)--that is what I meant to say.

Neither bull is small-framed, compared to some of today's show steers.  I"m not against winning a purple--269 is one of the few bulls we used in the last 30 years that was a show bull.  Sagebrush and 269 have  high enough accuracies that the guesswork is eliminated. 

269-   13 yrs of breeding naturally. I agree Dale.  Not too many posters can say that about a pedigree or a bull they are using naturally today.
Sue did you find the pic of 329. I agree using 269 is a good option but sometimes a linebred descendant can put give you the best of both worlds.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Not sure if this is the one she wanted to show you but here is a better pic of him. I thought I had already put it up.


  • 567380476_2012401094_548086535_1284685970275[1].jpg
    35.3 KB · Views: 279


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
The photo of 329 - I was referring to is after he bred a large group at Trevor Grey and then took a midnight ride to lakeside. He looked like a million bucks. I have a pic of his dam and that yrling on my camera that I left in the UP of Michigan in late August

We should have a "official" pic of 329 very soon.

Rob Sneed Shorthorns will offering his entire 2010 calf crop and a whole more in the spring of 2011- Very large Shorthorn and Angus/Shorthorn offering. Pretty sure 329's full sister is in this offering.

I just returned from more herd visits and I might add that the uniformity in Captain and 034 is remarkable. We already know this combination works but I did notice too-
Captain on Waukauru genetics is awesome.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
sue said:
The photo of 329 - I was referring to is after he bred a large group at Trevor Grey and then took a midnight ride to lakeside. He looked like a million bucks. I have a pic of his dam and that yrling on my camera that I left in the UP of Michigan in late August

We should have a "official" pic of 329 very soon.

Rob Sneed Shorthorns will offering his entire 2010 calf crop and a whole more in the spring of 2011- Very large Shorthorn and Angus/Shorthorn offering. Pretty sure 329's full sister is in this offering.

I just returned from more herd visits and I might add that the uniformity in Captain and 034 is remarkable. We already know this combination works but I did notice too-
Captain on Waukauru genetics is awesome.
Is the Sneed herd quite a large one? Are they using all 034 genetics?