Shorty hf bulls

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
Dan you forgot one important bull from your list... at least in my opinion.. and that is Diamond Captain Mark 27C. IMO, he is one of the best kept secrets in the breed, and maybe one of the best breeding sires of the past few decades.

I am going to try to finish baling my tame hay today, and will try to come up with my list of all time great Canadian sires. 


Well we really like the way his sons and daughters breed on. We have actually line bred to him. The Diamond Regal Legend 4R bull at Kohlstaedts is line bred to him. If you look in the classified section we advertising one last chance for US breeders to buy semen before we move what's left back to Canada to fill orders.
Waiting to see your top ten list. I used only bulls born in Canada. Thought of at least ten I might have included alraedy!


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
jaimiediamond said:
I am the happy thread lurker aj... what does "Bolz" mean? English translation please.

I believe he means Ron Bolze...former exec. secretary at the ASA. BIG mistake for the assn to let him leave.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
So how does the across the board deal work? It always confused me. A shorthorn at 6.1 is equivilent to to a 9.7 Charolais? Or Shorthorns are 3# lighter than Charolais at birth?  Or how exactly is this utilized and what data was used to develop it. Bolz was big in the bif so ok shorthorn ought to be in favor of this deal. ;D


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
aj said:
Atta boy jit. Plant your feet firmly. Work both sides of the fence. Never take a stand. Tell people what they want to hear. Never definitely say anything and no one will be offended. Talk in vague generalizations. Wait till your buyer is in front of you and get his position and then take a stand. ;)

aj... I think the main reason you get upset with me is because I DO take a stand. When I read the ridiculous comments you make about certain lines of cattle ALL being bad, or you can't show an animal and be competitive without being crooked and change BW's and birth date's, or several other accusations you make about the breed in general. To be honest, I have never seen anyone more willing to bad mouth the breed they use themselves to make a living. I guarantee you, that if I was even one tenth as disillusioned about the breed I have decided to raise,as you appear to be,I would call a quick dispersal and I would be in another breed in a heartbeat. I have had purebred herds of 70-100 cows in 6 other breeds but have decided that the Shorthorn breed offers more of the things I want in my cattle. The  other breeds I have had, have given me a true appreciation of how good the Shorthorn cow is. The last breed I dispersed was a herd of 100 Charolais cows. Despite having pretty good sales and always selling all the bulls and even topping a couple of the better Charolais bull sales in the area, I do not miss them.

I agree with you that the Shorthorn breed has some areas that need improvement. Show me a breed that doesn't. I will be honest and say that I would not trade the Shorthorn cattle shown in Denver for the Angus cattle shown in Denver this year. If fat is supposed to make show cattle good, then the Angus have some really good show cattle. And as I have mentioned before, I have lots of friends in the Angus deal, and they are telling me about the large BWs they are starting to get from some well known Angus sires that are supposed to have had 70-75 lb BWs themselves. There are lots of issues in every breed, and the Shorthorn breed is NOT the only one who is dealing with this situation. As I said previously, this BW deal has developed over time, and it will take some time to correct it, and I have every confidence that it is starting to happen. More breeders than I could ever imagine are looking for lower BW bulls to use, but my point is , and has not changed, is that we need to not only reduce BWs but let's design some cattle with calving ease while we are going in this direction. I have seen far too many cattle with low BWs that are either no earthly good, or give up too many economically important traits, that are being selected simply because they have low BWs. That is NOT a good enough reason in my opinion to make a decision like this.

Besides taking a stand, I also do not tell people what they want to hear. I tell them what I think... and I also have tried to tell you what I think, but I think you prefer to translate what I write in some ways it was not intended. Have you ever thought about trying to talk about the good qualities of your breed, or putting forth some reasonable and constructive ideas of how to make corrections to the breed. I think you offend many more people than just me, including many from outside the breed, when you trash the breed like you do. I have had numerous people who have never owned a Shorthorn or never plan to own one, ask me if you actually raise Shothorns or if you are a person who just hides behind a computer screen and likes to bad mouth another breed of cattle. I simply tell them that you are a Shorthorn breeder who doesn't agree with where the breed is going. Correct me if I am wrong in making that statement.

I would also appreciate it if you could tell me how to plant my feet firmly without taking a stand. It is because I am not afraid to take a stand, and because I think this breed has a place in the beef industry ( even if it is very small) that I get myself in some trouble on here. If you are going to accuse me of something, pick something I don't do, rather than not taking a stand. You obviously should go back and read some of my comments on BW issues and genetic defects.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
The Shorthorn breed in general has a bwt problem? Especially in the showring arena. Yes or No. 6 paragraph response. Yes      No  ? (dog)


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
aj said:
The Shorthorn breed in general has a bwt problem? Especially in the showring arena. Yes or No. 6 paragraph response. Yes       No   ? (dog)

No... Shorthorns in general are easy to calve in my experience with the breed since 1967.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
On a side note aj we have had commercial Simmental and Charolais breeders as repeat customers due to our calving ease

Jacob B

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2008
Ithaca, Michigan
good read from all sides.  would like to hear more about "calving ease" heifer bulls more than just birth weights.  There are a few of those smaller framed deals that I wouldn't want to try and get a calf out of a heifer from the looks of them.  The problem with shorthorn in my opinion is marketing, we just didn't and still don't do a good job of marketing what we have.  There are problem free types of cattle in the breed that just aren't well known. 


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
JIT! I thought we had made better progress in our theraphy sessions. Practice in the mirror forming the words. Yes.....and then no......  . If it helps try combining the words.....for instance......yo........then try nes......  then just close your eyes and blurt one of answers out. With force! With confidence. Just blurt it out. Does the Shorthorn breed in general has issues with birth weights? Just BLURT IT OUT.    NO              or          YES.    We all know you can do it. Drinks on me if you can do it.  Just kidding. ;D


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Can you really compare shorthorns (English, maternal breed) to Chars or Simmies (Continental, growth cattle) as to bw?  I think performance coupled with acceptable bw is what we should be shooting for. There has to be a happy medium somewhere. When you compare shorties to angus of either hide, we still are way behind in this categorie. True or not, the fact is the show thing with shorties has gotten a bad rap and  went down hill last few years. False BW, WW, YW and day of age are the dumbest thing you can do to your business long term. I'm sure the Majority of folks are honest but when the big dog on the porch is doing it( at least being accused of it), it hurts us all. Bad news or rumors always rides the fastest horse.

aj. yes

shorthorns IMO should be easy calving on continental cows

JIT research your posts, I have, you do like to tell people what they want to hear. It's not a bad thing, it is a good thing to have when your in sales. Always listen to the customer then tell them what you have that will fix em.  ;)


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
aj said:
Drinks on me if you can do it.   Just kidding. ;D
Oh come on a drink would be great, it's even hot here today(86 F) for a change!(ok I know that doesn't rate as hot for some of you) But it's supposed to only be 50 F on Saturday which is seriously cold for August. Rain as well which by the way is probably why JIT decided to bale that hay.
A yes or no answer from JIT would be seriously boring by the way!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Okotoks.....did you get a freeze up there? I heard some crops might have got frosted up there. Maybe spring wheat?


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
aj said:
Okotoks.....did you get a freeze up there? I heard some crops might have got frosted up there. Maybe spring wheat?
Not in our area but farther north they had frost warnings.I don't if anyone got one. Most crops are 3 to 4 weeks behind so an early frost would be bad news. Some years we get to the end of September but usually by Sept. 10 we get a good one. One year it was August 17 in some areas. We are located close to the foothills so are more likely to get one earlier.