Votes for sale in Congress/Senate N/C (Way to go Nebraska!!)

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010

I have no idea what you want.  But, it sounds to me you support the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies over families in America getting affordable access to health care. 

The money that goes overseas to countries out of aid is only done so due to the fact we have a fiat currency.  Without it, we could not do that. 

You can support the scare tactics of big insurance companies if you like.  I know better. 

What Obama has done is not going to help anything I am sure for the average citizen.  I have not read what has been put forth and I will not listen to some tv mouthpiece telling me what it says.  They only lie for their personal agendas. 

You never disputed the fact we are ranked 37th by WHO.  Why are we ranked there I wonder and why is France, who has a universal health system, ranked number 1?  Have you been to France and seen how people live there.  Not too shabby of a lifestyle if you ask me. 

How do you feel about the aid we have given to Iraq?  1.3 million men, women, and children dead now since we invaded them.  Something for all of us to be proud of.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cotullaguy said:

I have no idea what you want. choice and competition to keep prices down.  pretty simple, pretty consistent. But, it sounds to me you support the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies over families in America getting affordable access to health care.  i support everyone and no one at the expense of someone else.  people deserve a profit if they can pool resources, take a risk, generate revenue to shareholders and tiny profit.  you are looking in the wrong spot for a demon.  you might include tort reform and who sits on juries, ie john edwards wins a case on bogus data, but because it was the evil industry, the jury bought it hook line and sinker and the bottom line was, costs go up.

The money that goes overseas to countries out of aid is only done so due to the fact we have a fiat currency.  Without it, we could not do that.  i prefer an audit of the gold supply.  no dispute here other than we are the military for europe and they don't have to pay for that, otherwise their taxes would be higher.  an interesting read is what happened to england and gold right after WWII and how we won that war too, then gave it up to finance benefits for people who didn't work for it, which nixon did.

You can support the scare tactics of big insurance companies if you like.  I know better.  i don't support scare tactics which is what your response here is.  you haven't looked at a balance sheet or told me what % of revenue is spent on various departments.  used to have a budget of 5mil two companies ago, and budgets on a much smaller scale before and after as well as a few grants, and you are way out of line.

What Obama has done is not going to help anything I am sure for the average citizen.  I have not read what has been put forth and I will not listen to some tv mouthpiece telling me what it says.  They only lie for their personal agendas so, you get to call people liars and you get upset when i stated what you said was a lie but didn't call you a liar?  i think you are being selective in what you get outraged over!!!!!!!!!!!!!.  so,..... have you read the bill?  i have.  i don't have cable, so i don't get foxnews, and i only get NBC, which i don't watch the news, so i really don't have any access to "mouthpieces" which i would include both myself and you in that group.

You never disputed the fact we are ranked 37th by WHO.  Why are we ranked quite a few reasons actually there I wonder and why is France, who has a universal health system, ranked number 1?  Have you been to France and seen how people live there.  Not too shabby of a lifestyle if you ask me. they don't pay for their freedom, we did and do, but somehow you keep ignoring that.

How do you feel about the aid we have given to Iraq?  1.3 million men, women, and children dead overstated since it fits your agenda, hussein must have killed none? now since we invaded them.  Something for all of us to be proud of.

personally, what i would have done, is kept the no-fly zones, kept the UN sanctions in place, and everytime he shot at one of our planes, destroyed a saddam icon or palace to show his weakness.  the other thing i would have done is done what biden and pre iraq preferred is divide the country into 3 places, the north with oil for the kurds, the south with oil and the shia, and the middle with nothing for the suni which are the minority and like a typical minority, the used force to take the natural resources after england and the UN were too stupid to unify the country even though all three groups self segregated themselves.

for some reason, lefties hate self segregation and will always impose misery.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
colltualla guy. I'll buy you a ticket to Spain if you stay there the rest of your life. Its not hard to set up a straw man and knock it down. Please....just leave our country.jmo


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
aj said:
colltualla guy. I'll buy you a ticket to Spain if you stay there the rest of your life. Its not hard to set up a straw man and knock it down. Please....just leave our country.jmo

he can stay,  he keeps me on my toes.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
aj said:
If he is bad mouthing our military people he or she or whatever can kiss my a$$.

he isn't, he's just commenting on how they are deployed and since they follow orders, they really can't self deploy though some would question if that's true or not depending upon who benefits which doesn't make that true or false either.

when the default position is conspiracy, it's pretty difficult to absorb dispelling iinformation.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
aj said:
colltualla guy. I'll buy you a ticket to Spain if you stay there the rest of your life. Its not hard to set up a straw man and knock it down. Please....just leave our country.jmo

Listen, I love our country.  Being critical is the only way to improve it.  My family has fought in most of our wars and we have now owned land here in texas for over 120 years.  I like Knabe and just debate ideas here.  I feel for our men and women in conflict.  I just think we need to always look at both sides of each coin.

As far as other countries go, each has it good and bad.  I love Europe but it has its problems too.  Just sit down with one of them and they will tell you all about it.  No country is perfect.  None.  But we must understand that the USA has a lot of corruption in our government and many agendas.  Most are money motivated.  Including wars and insurance agendas. 

I encourage anyone to watch the video I have below.  It shows a lot of things that are going on in Washington.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
first the capitalists came for the janitors and service jobs...then they came for the maintance peoples jobs,they they cut everones benifits and increased the costs,and removed the coverage, then they came for the admistrative poeples jobs and for the outside contractors the politicans are comming for the hospitsls/pharmicutical, and insurance by the sword....die by the sword..jbarl

you really hate competition, don't you.  back to the old union protectionism and mandated pay increases for static skills.  live by the sword, die by the sword.

why don't unions start companies if they are so great and provide jobs?
competition is healthy
...and unions are companies......that do supply jobs, you fool......what do you thhnk they do?........let me guess.... they sit on there duffs all day wasting the air a minimum wage worker could breathe, and read all the communist publications and listen to left wing radio?...jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
competition is healthy  then why do unions detest it with buggy whip mentality?

...and unions are companies..sure they are, and so many of them are incorporated....that do supply jobs, you fool.testy testy, hitting a little close to home eh, what happened to the smile?.....what do you thhnk they do?........let me guess.... they sit on there duffs all day wasting the air a minimum wage worker could breathe, and read all the communist publications and listen to left wing radio?...jbarl i've seen plenty of union workers do this, especially if they work for the government.  if the list wasn't endless, you can't be serious.  unions are scared of lower wage workers, why do you think they negotiate contracts for the government that only union people can get, talk about being a fool.  unions are the most inflexible union of people on the earth and the almost rival the government with regulations to protect their interests at the expense of everyone else.  talk about a pool of money to pay for health care for the people you claim to care so much about.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
competition is healthy  then why do unions detest it with buggy whip mentality?

...and unions are companies..sure they are, and so many of them are incorporated....that do supply jobs, you fool.testy testy, hitting a little close to home eh, what happened to the smile?.....what do you thhnk they do?........let me guess.... they sit on there duffs all day wasting the air a minimum wage worker could breathe, and read all the communist publications and listen to left wing radio?...jbarl i've seen plenty of union workers do this, especially if they work for the government.  if the list wasn't endless, you can't be serious.  unions are scared of lower wage workers, why do you think they negotiate contracts for the government that only union people can get, talk about being a fool.  unions are the most inflexible union of people on the earth and the almost rival the government with regulations to protect their interests at the expense of everyone else.  talk about a pool of money to pay for health care for the people you claim to care so much about.
thats what i thought....just like us commies...jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
thats what i thought....just like us commies...jbarl

you can't really expect me to accept the yoke of communism as easily as you?

hitler and stalin and mussolini (especially him) smiled too when they won.  so did FDR.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
FDR??....hit a nerve...or caps for respect...?...jbarl

well, capitalizing is out of character for me.  for clarity that no nerve was struck, here you go.   fdr.

definitely not out of respect for one of, if not the worst president of all time, though obama might overtake him.

fdr was the worst because he ruined almost every market at once and made it impossible to hire anyone.

it's really too bad that it takes death to get rid of these fools.  roosevelt should have followed washington's lead, but he thought he was god.  he was probably worse than clinton and edwards combined.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
defining what is is always harder than what isn't.

in fact, one french philosopher once said it's impossible.

can't remember his name.