I think the discussion has been interesting. there is no "tightness" on the board, just a personality that comments don't get pulled because someone has strong words. i like the comments about functional cattle for their location, which seems to get lost in the show steer world. if we aren't breeding show steers to excel at carcass as well, well, i guess i am confused.
What are some regional difference in show steers other than ear, or does everyone have to sift through all the fuzzy cripples and at the show, watch the butts move like bee bonnets when they walk? Though i have mixed feelings about slick shows, i know i don't like the overemphasis on fuzz.
to me, a show steer should be one that excels at carcass, but has some conformation faults, perhaps fit in the middle sexual phenotype wise, otherwise he would have been a bull. it seems sad we are breeding cows to be more like steers and breeding bulls to look more like females. i wonder what the long term consequences are if we are not checking for long term fertility. what is the age range of a bull going sterile after intense collection.