Shorty hf bulls

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
trevorgreycattleco said:
Still waiting to be enlightened by the rarebirdz................the silence is deafening

If you recall I had the same concerns as rarebirdz regarding the bull.  I took it to someone who had actually had seen the bull which was you in a private post. I am not saying that the bull is not good I am just saying this is a public forum and if you don't like the heat get out of the kitchen. You and aandtcattle had no business to be so rude to another user over an opinion formed from one bad video that should not have been posted and one photo of a mature bull fitted on pasture. 

Why is it okay for you guys to consistently put down other peoples animals yet when you post an animal you don't want to man up to any criticism  or other peoples opinions.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Rarebirdz said the bulls being used were a "JOKE". I can take all the heat you can stand. You can say whatever you want. Thiss isnt a pissing match last time I checked. How would you like it if someone said Prophecy was a joke? Especially when that person has not said one word about the bulls he is using or what he knows that we are all missing????? Anybody that says CO is not sound from a picture and a video  and assumes he must have foundered makes me scratchn my head. Hey I am a nice guy most of the time. Somebody says something I dont agree with, I can say whatever I want. So can ALL of you. I put down TWo bloodlines and I will say it to anybody anywhere.  I used them enough, I should have a right to say what I think about them. Nothing anybody says on here is the gossiple. Its just opinions. If rarebirdz wants to slam our bulls thats fine. He can all he wants. I have a issue with him not sharing with the world his herd bull battery that obviously is head and shoulders above anything my dumbass uses. Put your money where your mouth is. All I ask is you think about what is being said and form your own opinion. Breed what YOU like. Most shorthorn breeders are fairly new to this gig. Heaven forbid I spit the Trump / Rodeo drive kool aid out a LONG time ago. Im the bad guy again I guess. 


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
And for the nice person who gave me a positive karma because I am going to need it.  Take it all away. Who cares. I will keep doing what I am doing. You all should to. After all, look at the huge market share shorthorns enjoy. 


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Oh yeah one more thing..........Do you folks know what genetics are being used on the COVER of the ASA's guide to crossbreeding flier? I dont want to say for now, I may completely upset the apple cart. I will bet ya its not a showstring bloodline. I guess those folks at the ASA are just scared we may pick on them if they dont do what we say. We are the mafia after all. We get things done.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
trevorgreycattleco said:
And for the nice person who gave me a positive karma because I am going to need it.  Take it all away. Who cares. I will keep doing what I am doing. You all should to. After all, look at the huge market share shorthorns enjoy.  
trevorgreycattleco said:
Rarebirdz said the bulls being used were a "JOKE". I can take all the heat you can stand. You can say whatever you want. Thiss isnt a pissing match last time I checked. How would you like it if someone said Prophecy was a joke? Especially when that person has not said one word about the bulls he is using or what he knows that we are all missing????? Anybody that says CO is not sound from a picture and a video  and assumes he must have foundered makes me scratchn my head. Hey I am a nice guy most of the time. Somebody says something I dont agree with, I can say whatever I want. So can ALL of you. I put down TWo bloodlines and I will say it to anybody anywhere.  I used them enough, I should have a right to say what I think about them. Nothing anybody says on here is the gossiple. Its just opinions. If rarebirdz wants to slam our bulls thats fine. He can all he wants. I have a issue with him not sharing with the world his herd bull battery that obviously is head and shoulders above anything my dumbass uses. Put your money where your mouth is. All I ask is you think about what is being said and form your own opinion. Breed what YOU like. Most shorthorn breeders are fairly new to this gig. Heaven forbid I spit the Trump / Rodeo drive kool aid out a LONG time ago. Im the bad guy again I guess. 

I do not expect everyone to like our cattle, they are working for us and our customers but that doesn't mean that they are perfect.  In fact I have never seen a perfect bull or female in any breed.  As breeders that is what we are striving for and for each of us the definition of perfect is different!  When I  joined steer planet I recognized that if I posted our cattle I could get criticism look at my new herd bulls thread for example ;) As a member of the Canadian Shorthorn Mafia (t shirt pending) I can't help but be annoyed that the only breed that consistently bashes each other is Shorthorns. Granted with mafia wars and all I guess that is to be expected ;) ;)


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
This has got to be one of the longest discussions.....There have been so many posts on this topic, many of which have wandered far away from the original question.  I would like to know, from all of the people that have read this thread, is there one person out there who has changed his opinion or been swayed in any way by the arguments presented here?  I was hoping to perhaps gain some knowledge from some of the responses, but, instead I see too many promoting what they have by putting down what somebody else has.  I read Steer Planet occasionally trying to learn something, get information, or perhaps a chuckle.  Too often I get what has appeared in this thread.  I want to know what works for you without the editorials.  Most of the posts have been constructive, people say what they've done and why.  There are just way too many that think they have all the answers, they've tried everything else and since it didn't work for them, it can't work for anybody.  I would suggest watching Kelly's Heroes and taking the advice of Oddball.  Enough of the negative waves.  Lighten up.  Take in some rays and say something righteous for a change.  


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2011
trevorgreycattleco said:
Still waiting to be enlightened by the rarebirdz................the silence is deafening

Well the bulls I got are not relevant to this thread.  I have a black Angus base cow herd and have been using Angus bulls.  I have played in clubbie genetics for my kids show calves. Up until now I had considered using Shorties but if the only viable options according to american breeders is 1900lbs (2 light for me) and have questionable movement then I think I will stick with the black hides.

When I have time I will get photos & video (if I can figure out how to use that camera of some of my bulls) then I will be able to show you how a bull should travel. As a commercial breeder I can promise ur bulls arent the comercial answer.  Angus r maternal with growth want to compete with them u have to be a complete package.  Getting a live calf is only ½ the battle.

So CO has excellent movement?  Perhaps that video should not have been posted as he was stiff through the front stepped like a foundered animal and lacked the over all elasticity that is needed to work in my area.  That bull would break down if he had to really work. If the video doesnt show his movement accurately why bother posting it? (CO )


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Thanks for the reply. CO weighs more than 1900. When 329 was collected he was 1900. He has to be over a ton right now with all the grass he is eating. I look forward to seeing how a REAL bull should travel. I have to say tho, if you saw where CO was born and bred you would understand soundness is not a issue. Those cows have to travel in northwest Nebraska. Im not saying he is perfect, no bull is. He IS a valuable breeding tool IMO. Bad video? Sure. Good bull, YES. CO will be running some pastures out west this fall, I bet he holds up just fine. I am very familar with angus. Could you tell me what genetics you prefer? Are you a Schaff fan? Gardiner? Connealy? Sinclair? Shoshone? Kenney?

Your entitled to your own opinion for sure. I happen to disagree with you on this one. I find it frustrating you want to eliminate shorthorns because 2 bulls being talked about dont do it for you. Try it out for yourself and form your own opinion.  I think there is about 60 some pages to browse right here. If I had just said to hell with it after my first go round with shorthorns I would have missed the boat. I also run angus cows. Used to have alot of em. there are just as many problems in that breed as any. To many folks selling something for everyone. Most angus theses days resemble continental cattle more than the original English ones that made them the undisputed heavyweight of the industry.  My best calves EVER have been angus (red or black) on a shorthorn. I find that cross tough to beat for overall eating quality while finishing on a very reasonable cost........NO CORN! 


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
I just tried to find one. No luck. I have seen the bull over a 2 year period. I know he did not have any issues when I saw him. Very long strided. The video does not do him justice. Sues place has some hills to walk and he has held up fine IMO.  How many folks on here have CO calves or Nitro calves? What do you folks think? Are they sound? I wish folks would speak their minds instead of staying in the shadows. After all, I speak up all the time and Im a nobody. Im still swinging for the fences.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I would think that the Dover side of co's pedigree would demand stuctural correctness and common sense. I doubt there is any surprises in say co's grandaddy or whatever(birth weights over a 100#'s). There aren't alot of popular Shorthorn sires where you can't go back a couple generations and find the proverbial 120# bwt kinda deal. That junk will show up over time over enough head. It will be a throwback cow killer kinda deal. Once you have a big bwt deal in your pedigree it is by god there. It will take a couple generations you breed it away. Even if you breed a 80# bwt cow to a 80# bwt bull(and there is crap in the pedigree) you can get big calves once in a while. And once in a while is to much for some low input operations. In a very limited sample of my ai calves I would say that co calves were sounder then jpj calves. Since co has little if any maine in him I would think he would be sound. crazy people get hung up on videos and pretty photo shop pictures and judge cattle from 800 miles away. YOU CANNOT DO THIS. Throw the videos and pictures out. I do my best to avoid looking at pictures and videos cause 80% of the time they are useless. It is fun but it is useless.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
I have seen CO and unsound is NOT how I would describe him.  I bought a bull from Sue and he is working here in the flint hills.  I am going to be taking him to a new pasture in the next couple days that you cant drive a 4x4 on and we will see how he does then.  The calves on the ground out of him are some of the best that I have ever had.  Oh and he is definatly not any 1900 lb mature weight bull.  But then again I might be wrong. 


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
Manitoba, Canada
jaimiediamond said:
I think that there must have been a typo on this thread then as it was clearly stated that he was 1910lbs in September.  Which would mean he was a 1900lb mature bull.  If this information is wrong someone needs to correct it :)
Maybe they meant 1 leg weighs 1900 lbs (lol) You can see from the video he is more than 1900 lbs. I am very excited to read about angus shorthorn cross. We are moving our herd in that direction. I don't know about the US but I have met some very friendly and helpful Canadian shorthorn breeders in the last year.  <beer>
Always ready with advice and an opinion, and honestly none have sad a bad word about the other! They all showed  respect for the next guy.


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
Manitoba, Canada
:eek: Ae YOU <cowboy> mocking ME? (angel) (lol) I  didn't say we were special I said we were friendly ;D And I have a lot of respect for any person that has been in the business and is willing to share useful information without knocking his neighbour eh <beer> 3 cheers for Canada <party> <party> <party>

If only the world was canadian... <beer> (lol)


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
vanridge said:
:eek: Ae YOU <cowboy> mocking ME? (angel) (lol) I  didn't say we were special I said we were friendly ;D And I have a lot of respect for any person that has been in the business and is willing to share useful information without knocking his neighbour eh <beer> 3 cheers for Canada <party> <party> <party>

If only the world was canadian... <beer> (lol)

As I have said before, -40 F does help keep the riff raff out! 


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Hummmmmn.....I\d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmonieee.......and words of love echo through the canyons eternally.(or something like that)    Hummmmmmmmmmmmn If I were a carpenter.......I'd hammer and I would hammmmeeerrrr. I'd hammer in the morningggg and hammer in the eveniniiiinnnnng.  C'mmmmon lonely brotheeeerrrrr.......lets all drink together and lovvveeone another right nowwwwww!